A Non-Substantive Program Modification Form, an Academic Credit Analysis for Non-Substantive Modifications form,the $150 fee per form, and any supporting documentation must be submitted for any of the following changes to a currently approved program.

(1)a change of less than 25% in existing contact hours, credit hours awarded, curriculum content (courses offered) or program length.

(2)a change in the name of an existing program; or

(3)a change in the mode of educational delivery, if already approved to offer program through distance education.

Cumulative changes to a program equal to or exceeding 25% of the currently approved contact hours, credit hours, curriculum content (e.g., courses offered), or program length within any consecutive 12-month period following the date of initial approval require thesubmission of a New Program Application.

The following do not count in calculating percentage changes to programs:

  1. Changes in program name, provided the objective remains the same.
  2. Additions/deletions to elective course pools.
  3. Non-credit coursework.
  4. Adding/Deleting prerequisites.

Example 1:

Criminal Justice academic associate’s degree program that is 90 quarter credits in length. Initial approval is received on September 1, 2006. The consecutive 12-month period begins on that date.

  • December 15, 2006--Non-substantive program modification form submitted. Two four- credit courses deleted and two four-credit courses added to program. Change to the program is 8 credits for a 8% change.
  • February 1, 2007—Threefour- credit courses added to general education elective pool. Does not count towards a program change.
  • April 20, 2007—Non-substantive program modification form submitted. Five four-credit courses deleted. Change to the program is 20 credits for a 22% change. The cumulative change within the first consecutive year is 28 credits for a 31% change. A new program application is required.

Example 2:

ComputerNetworking diploma program that is 54 quarter credits in length. Initial approval was received on November 15, 2005. The consecutive calendar year begins on that date.

  • January 20, 2006—Non-substantive program modification form submitted. Two four credit courses deleted and two four credit courses added. Change to the program is 8 credits for a 14.8% change.
  • March 5, 2007—Non-substantive program modification form submitted. Two four credit courses added. Change to the program is 8 credits for a 14.8% change. The first consecutive year ended November 14, 2006. No other changes made in that period of time; therefore, a new program application is not necessary. The program is now 62 quarter credits in length.
  • August 15, 2007—Non-substantive program modification form submitted. Three four-credit courses deleted. Change to the program is 12 credits for a 19% change. The secondconsecutive year includes the changes made on March 5, 2007. The cumulative change is 20 credits for a 32% change. A new program application is required.

GUIDELINES FOR CHANGE IN MODE OF PROGRAM DELIVERY (see Appendix H of the Accreditation Criteria)

For approval of changes in mode of delivery (e.g., residential to nontraditional), provided the institution is already approved to offer courses or programs of study through distance education, the following additional information must be submitted:

  • A narrative statement with supporting materials that responds fully to each area identified in Appendix H of the Accreditation Criteria.

For a complete description of the Council’s expectations with regard to new programs ornon-substantive program modifications, please see Sections 2-2-501, 2-2-502 and 2-2-503 of the Accreditation Criteria. Please note that there is a fee of $150 per form required for submission of program revisions. A separate form must be completed for each additional location, and all parts of the form and supporting materials must be submitted in English. All forms must be typed and must include all required elements and supporting documentation before they will be reviewed. All submissions for revisions/changes to currently approved programs must be accompanied by a brief narrative detailing these changes and an Academic Credit Analysis for Non-Substantive Modifications form.