2106-17 Parent Quick Start Guide

Willow Oaks Elementary

Willow Oaks Elementary Phone: 901-416-2196
Principal: Dr. Angela Nichols Fax: 901-416-2148
4417 Willow Road
Memphis, TN 38117
Drop off:
Enter using the front entrance on Willow Road. Do not park in the drop off area. NO STUDENTS SHOULD BE ON CAMPUS BEFORE 7:45am! No students should be dropped off in the back parking lot.
Breakfast is served from 7:45am until 8:05am.
Kindergarten students are dismissed at 3:10pm. All other students are dismissed at 3:15pm. The sidewalk closest to the school is for immediate pick up only; please remain in your vehicle. ALL STUDENTS MUST BE PICKED UP BY 3:30pm!
Students are tardy after 8:15am. Students arriving after 8:30am must be signed in by a parent.
If your child becomes ill at school, we will contact the parent first, then the emergency contact. Please make sure these are working phone numbers. Students that become ill must be picked up within an hour.
Your doctor must complete a Medicine Administration Form in order for your child to use their inhaler at school. Parents must complete a signed statement form before the school can administer any medication. Forms are available in the office.
Changes to dismissal plans CANNOT be made over the phone. Make sure your child knows who will pick them up BEFORE they leave home in the morning. Students are not allowed to use cell phones on campus.
Birthday parties/celebrations are not permitted during the school day. Do not send cupcakes, balloons, flowers, etc to school.
Wednesday folders:
Every Wednesday teachers will send home a weekly folder with graded papers, newsletters, and other important information.
Student Discipline:
Students who violate the SCS Code of Conduct will receive progressive discipline as outlined in the discipline plan. The details of the discipline plan are outlined in the Student and Parent Handbook.
School Uniforms:
Tops must be white or navy with collars and sleeves. All shirts must be tucked in. Sweaters and lightweight jackets must be white, tan, navy, or black.
Bottoms must be black, tan, or navy blue and include pants, walking shorts, skirts, and jumpers.
Shoes should not have high heels and have a heel strap. Tennis shoes and boots are acceptable.
Willow Oaks t-shirts may be worn on Fridays. Denim and jogging pants are not acceptable.
Contact Information:
The school office and your child’s teacher must have your working phone numbers and the correct address on file. Please notify the office and the teacher of any changes.
Visiting Campus:
Everyone visiting campus must sign in at the office. Parents are not allowed to visit their child’s classroom during the school day.
Lost items:
Please write your child’s name on coats, hats, sweaters, etc. The school is not responsible for lost items. A lost and found closet is located in the kindergarten hall next to the guidance office.
Students are not allowed to bring cell phones, Gameboys, MP3 players, or any other electronic devices to school.