March 4, 2016
1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
PRESENT: Gale Bigbee, Candy Mortenson-Klimpel, Shawn Schroeder, Pam Schweim, Tracy Murphy, Jay Winters, Dr. Susan Tarnowski, Lisa Melchior, Stacy Tomhave, Lisa Lamor
ABSENT: Michele Brielmaier, Laurie Oelslager, Jim Zwaschka
GUESTs: Katylyn Spooner, MSU graduate student, Deann Schloesser, Judy Shultz
1. Call to Order: Gale called the meeting to order at 1:04 p.m. and roll call was taken.
2. Additions to Agenda:
Ø Remove 4.A.
Motion to Endorse (as amended): Pam Schweim; Motion Seconded: Lisa Melchior; Motion Passed Unanimously
3. Approval of Minutes From Previous Meeting
A. (December 4, 2015)
Motion to Endorse: Candy Mortenson-Klimpel; Motion Seconded: Pam Schweim; Motion Passed Unanimously
B. February 5, 2016 / e-votes) FYI – See E-Vote / Pages 2, 3
Ø Agribusiness – Don Hermanson (MODIFY)
1. PLSC 1300 Agronomy I
2. PLSC 2000 Commercial Pesticide License Training
3. PLSC 2700 Advanced Agronomy
Ø Office Administration and Technology – Becky Miller (MODIFY)
1. OTEC 2800 Office Keyboarding
2. Administrative Office Specialist – Business Software Certificate
3. Administrative Office Specialist – Client Relations Certificate
4. Administrative Office Specialist – Legal AAS
5. Administrative Office Specialist – Medical AAS
Motion to Endorse: Candy Mortenson-Klimpel; Motion Seconded: Stacy Tomhave; Motion Passed Unanimously (remove Rebecca Barnack from voting table)
A. Assessment Sub-Committee Update – Laurie Oelslager
B. Allied Health / Intensive Care Paramedic – Laurie Oelslager (MODIFY)
1. ICP 2030 Critical Care I
2. ICP 2040 Critical Care II
3. ICP 2050 Field Internship I
4. ICP 2060 Field Internship II
Ø Change to objectives to reflect new accreditation requirements (4)
Motion to Endorse: Candy Mortenson-Klimpel; Motion Seconded: Pam Schweim; Motion Passed Unanimously
Curriculum Committee MINUTES
Friday, March 4, 2016
Page 2
A. Nursing – Candence Mortenson-Klimpel (MODIFY)
1. Nursing Diploma
Ø Changes made to assist students to accomplish the program
Ø No credit change
Ø Separate Anatomy and Physiology courses rather than Anatomy & Physiology I and II (BIOL 220 and BIOL 230)
Ø Transition Spring to summer to fall
Motion to Endorse: Pam Schweim; Motion Seconded: Shawn Schroeder; Motion Passed Unanimously
2. Nursing ASN
Ø No credit change
Ø Recommendation to use the terms ‘drop’ or ‘add’ rather than ‘changes’ on cross-walk form
Ø Changes made and endorsed previously will be finalized spring 2017
Ø Will use current guide starting fall 2016
Ø Changes will be needed in pre-requisites
Motion to Endorse: Shawn Schroeder; Motion Seconded: Pam Schweim; Motion Passed Unanimously
§ Gale & Lisa used this development project as an overview of reviewing program changes on WIDS; important to review cross-walk form; important to verify number of credits (changes to program credits must be processed through MnSCU Program Navigator); review scope and sequence information for possible effects on other programs; need to review areas of change, noted on cross-walk, only
B. LAS / Critical Thinking – Kurt Dershem (NEW)
1. CRTK 100 Critical Thinking
Ø Course was Elevated and Approved at AASC, February 12, 2016
Ø Course will replace HUM 100 while retaining its inter-disciplinary nature
Ø Critical Thinking is not a humanities class
Ø Current CCO is not aligned with other colleges
Ø FYI only to Curriculum Committee
C. Allied Health / Jenny Dumdei (MODIFY)
1. DA 1811 Dental Science 1
2. DA 1812 Oral Anatomy
Ø Adding college readiness scores to requirements and updating content
Motion to Endorse: Candy Mortenson-Klimpel; Motion Seconded: Pam Schweim; Motion Passed Unanimously
D. LAS / English – Amy Magnus (MODIFY)
1. ENGL 111 (HUM 111) Introduction to Film
Ø Change prefix from HUM / Humanities to ENGL / English
Ø Course was previously an English course
Ø Course is an elective course for AA degrees
Motion to Endorse: Pam Schweim; Motion Seconded: Shawn Schroeder; Motion Passed Unanimously
Curriculum Committee MINUTES
Friday, March 4, 2016
Page 3
E. LAS / American Sign Language – Kurt Dershem (MODIFY)
1. ASL 101 American Sign Language 1
Ø Move from Goal Area 8 to Goal Area 7
Ø Previously placed in Goal Area 8 due to now-rescinded MnSCU policy
Motion to Endorse: Shawn Schroeder; Motion Seconded: Pam Schweim; Motion Passed Unanimously
F. WET / Business – Shayne Narjes (MODIFY)
1. Business Management AAS
Ø Changes made per program review
Ø No credit change
Ø Need to check and correct all accuplacer scores in pre-requisites
Motion to Endorse: Candy Mortenson-Klimpel; Motion Seconded: Shawn Schroeder; Motion Passed Unanimously
G. WET / Marketing – Roberta Moorhouse / Shayne Narjes (MODIFY)
1. Marketing Management AAS
Ø Changes per program review
Ø No credit change
Ø Need to check and correct all accuplacer scores in pre-requisites
Motion to Endorse: Shawn Schroeder; Motion Seconded: Pam Schweim; Motion Passed Unanimously
§ Request was made to clarify the “C or higher” / “C-” language; recommendation to have further discussion; potential for taking request to AASC level
H. Announcements
Ø Reminder that Friday before spring break, 1 year ago, our meeting was still going at 5:00 p.m.
Ø Will need a new Curriculum Committee Chair for next year; Gale will mentor that position
Ø Discussed program suspensions/closures to be presented to AASC
Ø Is there official paperwork to fill out?
Ø After CC meetings with these notices, ask Gale report to AASC
Ø Program and course changes are driven by faculty; suspensions may not be driven by faculty
o Have deans be engaged in CC process for this paperwork
o Looking for suggestions for this process
6. Adjournment at 2:07 p.m.