Application Form for hosting a
Congress of the Asian Pacific Society of Atherosclerosis and Vascular Diseases
(APSAVD Congress)
Financial members of the Asian Pacific Society of Atherosclerosis and Vascular Diseases (APSAVD) are invited to apply for their country to host a future APSAVD Congress.
1. The bid must be formally supported by a local Atherosclerosis or Vascular Diseases Society and a local tourism government agency
2. It is expected that airfare, registration and accommodation for the President, Secretary and Treasurer are covered by the Congress budget
3. It is expected that registration and accommodation for all other members of the APSAVD Executive and the APSAVD Secretariat Manager are covered by the Congress budget
4. The following sessions must be included:
1. APSAVD Executive Meeting (day before the Congress)
2. APSAVD Annual General Meeting
3. APSAVD Young Investigators Session
4. Awards Ceremony (may be at the dinner or near conclusion of Congress)
5. A loan from APSAVD is available to assist with setting up the meeting but it is expected that this is repaid
6. Once these funds have been returned and the net profit calculated, a 15% share of the net profit will be returned to APSAVD
7. A final detailed report of the Congress is required within 4 months of the Congress
Application Deadline
The APSAVD Secretariat should be notified of an intention to bid to host a future APSAVD Congress at least 8 weeks prior to the Congress 4 years in advance of the proposed congress (eg, 2012 for the 2016 Congress).
The completed Application Form and associated documentation must be received by the ASPAVD Secretariat at least 2 weeks prior to the Congress which is held 4 years before the proposed congress. All applicants will be required to make a 10 minute presentation to the Executive and then to the members at the Annual General Meeting which is held during the Congress 4 years in advance of the proposed congress.
Announcement of Successful Application
Announcement for the successful application is expected to be made within 3 months of the Annual General Meeting at which formal bid presentations were made. At the discretion of the APSAVD Executive committee, APSAVD has the right to not award the right to host a Congress to any bidding country but to invite a member and associated organization to host an APSAVD Congress.
The formal bid should include, but not be limited to, the following information. Please collate all information into one PDF document.
A. Organization
APSAVD Member responsible for the bid and the CongressLocal Host Organization: include a summary of the history of the organization, a list of meetings organized by the society, a list of office-bearers, and the number of current registered members
Members of the organizing committee
Information about the previous experience in organizing large international meetings by yourself or the local organizing committee
Information about the experience and expertise of the local organizing committee in developing and implementing a high-quality scientific program
Proposed key dates:
· Abstract submission open
· Registration open
· Abstract submission close
· Author notification of abstract acceptance
· Early bird and author registration deadline
· Congress dates
Proposed Conference Organization Company: Provide details of experience handling meetings of this size
Concurrent/conjoint meetings: Indicate whether there are any meetings, workshops, courses or fund-raising events to be held in conjunction with or conjointly with the proposed APSAVD Congress, specifying the nature of the co-organization and how it would impact upon your arrangements, including profit-sharing arrangements with APSAVD, eg your cardiology, atherosclerosis or diabetes Scientific Meeting
B. Location
City, CountryProposed Congress venue
Capacity of venue: approximately 1000-1500 people capacity, capacities of individual meeting rooms including the main Auditorium, dimensions of exhibition rooms for posters/sponsors
Transport: Indicate nearest International airport and what local transport is required to get from the airport to the congress venue
Accommodation: List range of accommodations available, estimated cost, including affordable accommodations for students
Visa requirements: Indicate what, if any, restrictions would apply to international participants
Health issues: Indicate whether any vaccinations, etc., are necessary for participants
Social and local activities: Indicate activities available to participants/accompanying people
C. Financial Aspects
Please outline a simplified budget showing planned income and expenditure.
No. invited speakersNo. delegates
Total attendees
Local currency / Equivalent USD
Social function tickets
Total income
Venue hire
Daytime refreshments (incl lunch) - 3 days
Opening Ceremony/Welcome Reception
Congress dinner
VIP dinner
PCO management
Insurance (public liability, event)
Invitation brochure/ announcements
Program/Abstract book
On-site internet access
Exhibition: Posters
Exhibition: Sponsors
Bank charges and fees
Speaker costs: honoraria, airfares, accommodation
Total expenditure
Seed funding: Indicate whether you have seeding monies in place to cover up-front costs such as venue hire or if you are seeking a loan from APSAVD
APSAVD Secretariat – Meetings First
P +61 3 5967 4479
F +61 3 9015 6409
A PO Box 448, Yarra Junction, Victoria, 3797