NAME:Kelly J. Hunt, Ph.D.
RESIDENCE: 598 Island Walk East
Mount Pleasant, SC 29464
OFFICE:Department of Public Health Sciences
135 Cannon Street Suite 303
Charleston, SC 29425
Telephone: 843-876-1589
Fax: 843-876-1126
BIRTHPLACE: Pittsburgh, PA
1987-1991University of Wisconsin at Madison
Madison, Wisconsin
B.S. (Math, Biochemistry, and Molecular Biology)
1994-1997University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
School of Public Health
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
M.S.P.H. (Epidemiology)
Thesis: Familial history of metabolic disorders and the
multiple metabolic syndrome: the NHLBI family heart study.
Advisor: Dr. Gerardo Heiss
1997-1999University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
School of Public Health
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
P.H.D. (Epidemiology)
Dissertation: An Investigation of arterial mineralization and
cardiovascular disease
Advisor: Dr. Gerardo Heiss
1999-2001International Agency for Research on Cancer
Cardiovascular Epidemiology
2001-2002University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Cardiovascular and Diabetes Epidemiology
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Clinical Epidemiology/Medicine
2004-2006Research Assistant Professor
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Clinical Epidemiology/Medicine
2006-2009Assistant Professor
Medical University of South Carolina
Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Epidemiology
2009-2011Assistant Professor
Medical University of South Carolina
Biostatistics and Epidemiology/Medicine
2011-2013Associate Professor
Medical University of South Carolina
Biostatistics and Epidemiology/Medicine
2013-2016Associate Professor
Medical University of South Carolina
Public Health Sciences
Ralph H Johnson VAMC
Medical University of South Carolina
Public Health Sciences
2002-2006Full Member
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Center for Epidemiology and Biostatistics
2005-2006Associate Faculty
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Center of Excellence in Women’s Health
2006- Full Member
Medical University of South Carolina
Graduate Faculty
2011- Full Member
Medical University of South Carolina
Center for Health Disparities Research
2015-Lead, Division of Epidemiology
Medical University of South Carolina
Public Health Sciences
2016-Graduate Training Director – MPH Epidemiology
Medical University of South Carolina
Public Health Sciences
Teaching Experience:
Courses Taught
Design and Conduct of Epidemiologic Studies (BMTRY 738) Course Director 2007-20083 credit hours
Nursing Epidemiology (NRPHD 715) Section Instructor 20103 credit hours
Fundamentals of Epidemiology(BMTRY736)Course Director 2012-20173 credit hours
Clinical Epidemiology (UTHSCSA, Medical Students)Guest Lecturer 2001-2006
Fundamental of Epidemiology (UNC, Graduate Students)Teaching Assistant 1995-1996
Membership in professional/scientific societies (include offices held):
American Diabetes Association
American Heart Association
American College of Epidemiology (Fellow)
International Genetic Epidemiology Society (Intermittent Member)
American Society of Human Genetics (Intermittent Member)
Society for Epidemiologic Research (Intermittent Member)
Grant Review:
Served on NIH Special Emphasis Panel ZDK1-GRB-S (M05), January, 2012
Served as an add hock reviewer for the NIH Genetics of Health and Disease Study Section June, 2012
Served on NIH Special Emphasis Panel “Member Conflict: Cardiovascular and Sleep Epidemiology” [ZRG1 PSE-P (02) M] November, 2013
Served on VA HSR&D career development awards (CDA) study section March, 2014, Washington DC
Served on VA HSR&D career development awards (CDA) study section Aug, 2014, Washington DC
Served as a reviewer for the NIH Teleconference Review of Ancillary Clinical Studies in Diabetes Complications ZDK1 GRB-J J3, 2014
Served on VA HSR&D career development awards (CDA) study section March, 2015, Washington DC
Served as a reviewer for the NIH Teleconference Maternal Health Ancillary Studies 2015/05 ZDK1 GRB-3M2 1, March, 2015
Served on VA HSR&D career development awards (CDA) study section August, 2015, Washington DC
Served as a reviewer for the NIH/NIDDK Teleconference ZDK1 GRB-9J4, October, 2015
Served on NIH/NIMHD ZMD1 MLS (11) Precision Medicine, December, 2015
Served on VA HSR&D career development awards (CDA) study section March, 2016, Washington DC
Served as a reviewer for the NIH/NIDDK Teleconference ZDK1 GRB-9031, June, 2016
Served on VA HSR&D career development awards (CDA) study section August, 2016, Washington DC
Served on NIH/NIDDK DDK-B as an Ad Hoc Reviewer, October, 2016, Washington DC
Served as a call in reviewer for VA HSR&D career development awards (CDA) study section March, 2017
Served on NIH/NIDDK DDK-B as an Ad Hoc Reviewer, October, 2017, Washington DC
Will serve as a reviewer for the NIH/NIDDK Teleconference ZDK1 GRB-9 (M3), Feb, 2018
Internal Grant Review:
SCOR Pilot Project Review, 2014
Editorial Positions:
Ad Hoc Reviewer:American Journal of Epidemiology
Annals of Epidemiology
New England Journal of Medicine
Archives of Internal Medicine
American Journal of Medical Sciences
Social Science in Medicine
Diabetes Care
Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews
Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental
Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications
Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases (NMCD)
Atherosclerosis Thrombosis Vascular Biology
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Extramural Grants/award amount (current and past):
1UG3OD023316-02 (Vena; Wapner(MPI))09/21/2016-08/31/2018
NIH Office of the Director$7,007,649 (ADC)
Environmental Contributors to Child Health Originating from National Fetal Growth Study (ECCHO-NFGS)
The proposed study provides an unprecedented opportunity to understand mechanisms of in utero exposures on risk of childhood outcomes of public health significance.
Role: Co-Investigator, 3.15 CM
R01 GM122078 (Chung)07/01/2016-06/30/2021
NIH/NIGMS $281,556 (ADC)
Statistical Methods for Genetic Studies, Using Network and Integrative Analysis
The proposed research will advance genetic data analysis and ultimately expand our understanding of multiple complex diseases, by providing novel insights about the genetic basis and relationship among these diseases.
Role: Co-Investigator, 0.60 CM
5R01DK099177-02 (Klein/Lopes-Virella)03/15/2014-01/31/2019
NIH/NIDDK $319,616 (ADC)
Role of Sphingolipids in the Development of Diabetic Nephropathy (TDC)
The goal of this project is to examine the association and predictive ability of sphingolipids in relationship to diabetic nephropathy in individuals with type 1 diabetes using the DCCT/EDIC study population.
Role: Co-Investigator, 1.44 CM
5R01HL077192-07 (Jaffa)08/01/2014-06/30/2018
Mechanisms of Vascular Disease in Diabetes
The goal of this project is to examine the association between biomarkers and vascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes in the Veterans Affairs Diabetes Trial (VADT) study population.
Role: Co-Investigator, 0.90 CM MUSC
1K01AR067280-01 (Ramos)03/12/2015 – 02/28/2019
NIAMS $119,525 (ADC)
The role of natural selection in SLE risk among African-Americans
The goal of this project is to discover functional SLE risk variants in AAs while improving our understanding of the genetic basis of SLE that is due to natural selection.
Role: Part of the Mentoring Team, no effort
2T35DK007431-31 (Egede) 05/01/1981–04/30/2020
NIH/NIDDK $162,720(ADC)
Short Term Reserach Training for Health Professional Students
The goal of this program is to attract medical students into careers in the biomedical sciences, in fields relevant to the NIDDK. This is expected to increase the supply of qualified investigators who are studying diabetes, metabolic diseases, endocrine disorders, as well as the basic biology and pathophysiology of kidney, digestive, urologic and hematologic diseases, thereby addressing major US health problems.
Role: Part of the Mentoring Team, no effort
ABA (Marriott)01/01/2016 – 12/31/2018
American Beverage Association $181,818 (TDC)
Patterns and Trends of Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption in the U.S. in the Context of the
Complete Diet
Role: Co-Investigator, 1.24 CM MUSC
VA HSR&D HX001229 (Axon) 10/01/2013-09/30/2021
Charleston Health Equity and Rural Outreach Innovation Center (HEROIC)
The goal of the Center is to promote innovative research, facilitate partnerships and collaboration across disciplines, and increase the impact of health services research on the health and health care of Veterans.
Role: Co-Investigator, Epidemiologist 0.25 FTE VAMC Effort
VA ORH N07-FY15Q1-S2-P01337 (Maa) 06/01/2013-09/30/2017
VA Office of Rural Health (ORH)$166,000 (TDC)
Improving Ocular Disease Detection and Access to Eye Care Services at the Primary Medical Care Home for Rural Veterans.Our subcontract with this ongoing ORH project is to provide program evaluation information for this ongoing implementation project focused on improving access to eye care services through use of technology.
Role: Site PI, Epidemiologist 0.375 FTE VAMC Effort
HX002299-01A2 (MPI: Neelon (contact)/Hunt)04/01/2018-03/31/2021
VA HSR&D Merit $278,047 (ADC)
Impact of neighborhood and workforce deprivation on diabetes outcomes in Veterans: a spatio-temporal analysis
This project will use advanced GIS and spatial statistical methods to examine spatiotemporal patterns and identify persistent hotspots of poor outcomes, increased utilization and cost, and increased mortality in patients with diabetes across the VA healthcare system.
Role: MPI, Epidemiologist 0.25 FTE VAMC Effort
R01DK101034 (Arthur)04/01/2014-01/31/2018
NIH/NIDDK$1,300,652 (TDC)
Biomarkers of Early Renal Functional Decline in Type 2 Diabetes
The goal of this project is to examine the association between biomarkers and early renal functional decline in type 2 diabetes in the Veteran Affairs Diabetes Trial (VADT) study.
Role: Co-Investigator, 2.40 CM
IIR 12-331 (Axon) 12/01/2013-12/01/2017VA HSR&D
Understanding Dual Use and Other Potential Determinants of Heart Failure Outcomes
This four year mixed methods project will focus on novel health systems and utilization factors associated with higher healthcare utilization and poorer outcomes among Veterans with congestive heart failure.
Role: Co-Investigator, Epidemiologist 0.25 FTE VAMC Effort
ADA Research Award (Lyons)07/01/2012-06/30/2017
American Diabetes Association$32,470 (ADC sub-contract)
Lipoproteins and PEDF and the Vascular Complications of Diabetes
The goal of this project is to examine the association between lipoproteins and PDEF and vascular complications of diabetes in individuals with type 1 diabetes in the DCCT/EDIC cohort.
Role: Co-Investigator, 1.26 CM
15101673 (Lackey)05/08/2015 - 05/07/2018
Bristol-Meyers Squibb Company
MUSC-BMS Fibrosis Collaboration
The major goals of this collaborative project between MUSC and BMS was to validate novel therapeutic targets and biomarkers for the treatment of fibrotic disease in patients with chronic or diabetic kidney disease, systemic sclerosis and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis using in vivo animal models, primary human explant cultures, and patient tissue and biofluids.
Role: Co-Investigator, 3.2 CM
PepsiCo (Marriott, contact PI)01/10/2013-12/31/2015
Patterning of Dietary Intake in the United States
The goal of this project is to examine the association between low calorie sweetener use and dietary patterns using NHANES data.
Role: Co-Principal Investigator, 1.8 CM MUSC
N07-FY14Q3-S1-P01272 (Hunt)06/01/2013-09/30/2015
VA ORH$290,000 (TDC)
Identifying Rural-Urban Disparities in Chronic Disease Burden and Care
This quantitative project will inform the Office of Rural Health (ORH) about rural-urban disparities in chronic disease burden and care. The project will create a 10 year cohort to provide information at the national level on chronic disease burden and care in relationship to rural, highly rural and urban residence.
Role: Project Leader, 0.375 FTE VAMC Effort
K01 NR013195 (Magwood) 07/01/2012-06/30/2015
Personalizaed Bio-Behavioural Weight Loss Intervention for African American Women
The goal of this project is to train Dr. Magwood so she has the skills to develop genteically targeted interventions for obesity in minority populations.
Role: Part of the Mentoring Team, no effort
R01 CA176135 (Turner)04/01/2013-06/30/2015
Glycation as a Mechanism Promoting Cancer Disparity
The goal of this project is to examine biomarkers for disparities in cancer development in the Project Sugar population.
Role: Co-Investigator, 0.48 CM MUSC
VA247-P-1257 (Egede)03/18/2010-03/17/2014
RHJ VAMC (subcontract), VA
Services for REAP Center for Disease Prevention and Health Interventions for Diverse Populations
The goal of this subcontract is to provide epidemiologic and biostatistical support to the VA REAP Center for Disease Prevention and Health Interventions for Diverse Populations.
Role: Principal Investigator of the MUSC subcontract to RHJ VAMC, 6.0 CM
R01 DK088778 (Hunt)07/01/2010-06/30/2013
NIDDK/NIH$250,000 (TDC)
Longitudinal Assessment of LDL Immune Complexes and Type 1 Diabetes Complications
The goal of this project is to complete secondary data analysis to study the epidemiology of LDL immune complex (IC) measurements in relation to micro- and macro-vascular complications in 520 DCCT/EDIC participants with these biomarkers measured at four time points spanning 22 years.
Role: Principal Investigator, 2.4 CM
R01 MD004251 (Mayorga/Hunt)09/25/2009-10/30/2013
NCMHD/NIH$310,000 (TDC sub-contract)
Trans-generational Impact of Maternal Obesity and Diabetes on Health Disparities
The goal of this project is to determine the impact of maternal obesity and diabetes during pregnancy on maternal and offspring health.
Role: Multiple Principal Investigator; Principal Investigator of the MUSC subcontract to Clemson, 1.8 CM
R01 DK081352 (Lopes-Virella)09/01/2008 – 07/31/2013
NIDDK/NIH$309,199 (ADC)
Biomarkers of Vascular Disease Progression in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
The goal of this project is to identify biomarkers of disease progression in individuals with type 1 diabetes in the DCCT/EDIC cohort.
Role: Co-Investigator, 1.2 CM
0865181E (Hunt)07/01/2008-06/30/2011
Mid-Atlantic Affiliate of the AHA $120,000 (TDC)
Familial Aggregation of Longevity and Cardiovascular Disease in the Evans County Heart Study
The goal of this project is to determine the feasibility of adding a genetic component to the Evans County Heart Study and do complete some of the required groundwork to achieve this aim.
Role: Principal Investigator, 2.4 CM
R01 DK070746 (Lehman)07/01/2009-06/30/2011
UTHSCSA (subcontract), NIDDK/NIH$25,671 (TDC sub-contract)
Type 2 Diabetes Gene Discovery Linked to 3p in Hispanics
The goal of this project is to identify the genetic determinants of diabetes in the 3p region using the San Antonio Family Diabetes Study. The goal of the sub-contract is to assist with data analysis and interpretation for the project.
Role: Principal Investigator of the MUSC subcontract to UTHSCSA, 1.2 CM
Subcontract on OUHSC ARRA (Klein)07/01/2009 – 06/30/2011
OUHSC (subcontract), NIDDK/NIH$16,426 (ADC sub-contract)
Lipoproteins and Pigment Epithelial Derived Factor (PEDF) in the Vascular Complications of Diabetes
The goal of this subcontract is to supply OUHSC with the data required to address the specific aims of their project.
Role: Co-investigator on the MUSC subcontract to OUHSC, 0.48 CM
R01 HD049051 (Duggirala)03/01/2005 – 02/28/2010
The Metabolic Syndrome in Mexican American Children
The goal of this project is to study the metabolic syndrome in children of participants in the San Antonio Family Heart Study, the San Antonio Family Diabetes Study, the San Antonio Family Gallbladder Study and the VEGAS study.
Role: Co-investigator, 0.42 CM
NIH NIDDK K01 DK064867 Career Development Award (Hunt) 07/01/2003 – 06/30/2008
Early life and genetic effects on obesity and diabetes
The goal of this project is to collect and analyses information on early life and genetic effects on adult obesity and diabetes in the San Antonio Family Heart Study, the San Antonio Family Diabetes Study and the San Antonio Family Gallbladder Study.
Role: Principal Investigator, 9.0 CM with 5th year being a no cost extension
7-03-RA-118 (Hunt) 07/01/2003 – 06/30/2006
ADA Research Award
Gestational, early life and genetic effects on obesity and diabetes
The goal of this project is to determine risk factors as well as a risk model for the development of type 2
diabetes following gestational diabetes mellitus.
Role: Principal Investigator, no effort due to K01 award
NIH NIDDK R01DK042273 (Stern) 7/01/2003 – 12/31/2005
NIDDM Susceptibility Genes in Mexican Americans
The goal of this project was to identify genes associated with type 2 diabetes in Mexican American families using extended pedigrees with the probands being identified through the San Antonio Heart Study.
Role: Co-Investigator, no effort due to K01 award
American Heart Association Texas Affiliate Postdoctoral Fellowship (Hunt) 07/01/2002 – 06/30/2003
The genetic and environmental determinants of B-mode ultrasound detected carotid artery atherosclerosis
The goal of this project was to identify genetic loci associated with carotid artery atherosclerosis in the San Antonio Family Heart Study – A population based family study of Mexican Americans.
Role: Principal Investigator, 12 CM
Intramural Grants/award amount (current and past):
MUSC Center for Health Disparities Research/ pilot funding (Principal Investigator)
Impact of maternal obesity and diabetes on racial disparities in infant health
12/01/2007 to 11/01/2008
Awards, Honors, Membership in Honorary Societies:
Participant, AAMC Mid-Career Women Faculty Professional Development Seminar, Austin, TX, December, 2014
Arthur Guyton Young Investigator Award, Consortium for Southeastern Hypertension Control (2006)
American Diabetes Association Mentor-Based Postdoctoral Fellowship, Clinical Epidemiology/ Department of Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (2001-2002)
National Research Service Award in Pathology, United States Public Health Service Traineeship, Department of Pathology, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (2001-2002)
Delta Omega Honorary Society in Public Health Inductee (2000)
Special Training Award, postdoctoral fellowship in the Unit of Nutrition and Cancer, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France (1999-2001)
National Research Service Award in Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Biostatistics, United States Public Health Service Traineeship, Department of Epidemiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1996-1999)
Academic Committee Activities
DCCT/EDIC Novel Biomarkers Writing Group (2015-Present)
REGARDS Diabetes Working Group (2015-Present)
ECHO Obesity Working Group (2016-Present)
VA Office of Rural Health Strategic Planning Advisory Group (2014)
Diabetes Initiative of South Carolina, Vice Chair of Surveillance Council (2015 – Present)
Diabetes Initiative of South Carolina, Surveillance Council Member (2006 – Present)
Sea Islands Families Project Citizen Advisory Committee (2009 – Present)
Graduate Faculty
Genetics Committee, 2012
Chair of Basic Exam Committee (2015), Public Health Sciences
Chair of Epidemiology Curriculum Committee (2014-2017), Public Health Sciences
Public Health SciencesAdmissions Committee (2008-2012), Public Health Sciences
Hospital Diabetes Task Force, Division of Endocrinology, Medicine (2008-present)
Student Committees
Danielle Stevens, Chair of PhD Committee (ongoing)
Elizabeth Hinson, Capstone Advisor (ongoing)
Jennifer Baldovin, MPH Program of Studies Advisor (ongoing)
Melanie Davis, PhD Committee (2018)
Adrienne Lorek, MPH Program of Studies and Capstone Advisor (2016)
Dave Taber, Chair of Masters Committee (2016)
Mukoso Ozieh, Masters Committee (2014)
Sarah Logan, Dissertation Committee (2013)
Li Ping, Masters Committee (2013)
Hussein Abdullah Rajab, Masters Committee (2013)
SuchitKumbhare, Masters Committee (2013)