The monthly Parish Council meeting took place on Wednesday 18th April 2012 followed by the Annual Parish Meeting. Five Parish Councillors were in attendance, District and County Councillor Sue Rawlins and 19 members of the public.
The Chairman and Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer both gave their reports at the Annual Parish Meeting.
The income for the Parish Council this year is in the region £64,000. The precept (the money allocated by WLDC) was £29,000 and when setting the precept for 2012/13 the Council has been very mindful of the current economic climate and have actually decreased the amount requested by £500 to £28500.
DDIBC generated income of £28,200. In previous years we have relied on interest earned on bank accounts and this has been reduced considerably this year to an amount of £13.
The LCC contribution received towards the cost of grass cutting in the village was £1900 and £651 for football pitch, sports unit and bowling green hire fees.
Monies in the bank total £140,000 this includes an investment of £50,000 into a high interest bond over 12 months.
Annual expenditure has been in the region of £141,000 and includes monies used to purchase new play equipment and a lot of village improvement assets such as the new village sign (£1829) and the Pinfold sign (£335), as well as new planters (£1493) which are covered by funding.
Playpark equipment has been purchased and existing item repainted at a cost of £3250.
The Council has again this year provided green waste skips at a cost of £1600, which is lower than previous years as all households are provided with a free Green bin.
Grants awarded to local groups/organisations have included £600 to the Dunholme News, £500 to the Parochial Parish Council towards their grass cutting costs for the churchyard and graveyard, £100 to Lincoln DialaRide and £50 to Lincoln and West Lindsey Blind Society. A contribution of £305 (Christmas tree and refreshments) was also given to St Chad's Primary School PTA for the annual Christmas event.
Village Maintenance of hedges, trees, the playing fields and woodland areas has been carried out totalling £4525. Grass cutting costs were £5818.
The sports units has total costs for the year of £1119, However this does include business rates which will not be paid this year as the Council are eligible to a full years small business relief.
The second Dunholme Community Awards were presented at the Annual Parish meeting. The winner, Mrs Jean Dimbleby was presented with her certificate and a prize of a glass vase and flowers by District and County Councillor Sue Rawlins. Mrs Dimbleby was nominated for her many years of contribution to the Luncheon Club. Thanks must also go to the volunteers that also help her to run this event.
The next Parish Council meeting is on Wednesday 16th May 2012 at 7.30pm. If you have any issues you wish to bring to Councillors attention or any ideas you would like to put forward, why not come along and join in. The agenda is posted on the Notice Board at least three days prior to each meeting and the first 15 minutes of the meeting is an open public forum.
If you wish to contact the Parish Council please write to The Clerk at 30 Wentworth Drive, Dunholme, LN2 3UH, e-mail on or telephone 01673 862738.