This list is by no means exhaustive since it contains only a few of the more comprehensive and approachable volumes. Readers who wish to explore a wider range of the many books and articles devoted to Bach and his music should google Yo Tomita, Web sites with Bach Bibliography. Professor Tomita has amassed a comprehensive body of relevant material.
Readers are asked to note that references in these essays have been kept to a minimum in order not to be off-putting to the general reader i.e. they are not the comprehensive and detailed list normally associated with academic publications. They do, however, acknowledge opinion, creative thinking and factual information which may not be commonly available in the public domain.
Unless otherwise stated, it can be assumed in these essays that:
1. all references to Dürr refer to the first book below
2. all references to Wolff refer to the second book below
3. all references to Boyd refer to the third book below
4. all references to Schweitzer refer to the fourth book below.
Dürr, A., The Cantatas of J. S. Bach, Oxford UP 2005 (English version with translation by Richard D. P. Jones).
Wolff, C., Johann Sebastian Bach the Learned Musician, Oxford UP 2001.
Boyd, M., (ed.) Oxford Composer Companions, Bach, Oxford UP, 1999.
Schweitzer, A., JS Bach , Adam and Charles Black 1923 (from the German edition, 1908).
Boyd, M., Bach, Oxford UP 2000.
Butt, J., (ed) The Cambridge Companion to Bach, Cambridge UP, 1997.
Chafe, E., Analyzing Bach Cantatas, Oxford UP, 2000.
Geck, M., Johann Sebastian Bach Life and Work, Harcourt, inc 2000.
Jones, G., Bach’s Choral Music, a Listener’s Guide, Amadeus Press 2009.
Leaver, A. and Zimmermann, J. A., (eds) Liturgy and Music, Liturgical Press 1998.
Little, M. and Jenne, N., Dance and the Music of J.S. Bach, Indiana UP 2001.
Riemenschneider, A., (ed and annotated) Bach, 371 Harmonised Chorales, Schirmer 1941.
Robertson, A., The Church Cantatas of J. S. Bach, Praeger, 1972.
Shuckburgh, J., Harmony and Discord: The real Life of Johann Sebastian Bach, Old Street Publishing Ltd 2009.
Stokes, R., J.S. Bach (complete English translations, Scarecrow Press, 1999.
Whittaker, W. G.: The Cantatas of J. S. Bach, Oxford UP, 1959.
Williams, P., J.S. Bach a Life in Music, Cambridge UP 2007.
Wolff, C., J. S. Bach: Essays On His Life and Music, Harvard UP, 1991.
Wolff, C., (ed) The World of the Bach Cantata, Norton, 1995.
This list is a mere snapshot of what is available about Bach and his music as searches of the internet will readily demonstrate. However, it comprises a balanced mixture of some of the most informative and readily accessible books ranging from recent publications to established historical texts.