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Parent Education Training – Feedback form
- Which categories best describe you?(Please check all that apply)
Parent/caregiver of child(ren) aged 0-5 years
Parent/caregiver of child(ren)aged 6-9 years
Parent/ caregiver of child(ren)aged 10-14 years
Parent/caregiver of child(ren)aged 10-14 years
Parent/caregiver of child(ren)aged 19 years older
Other, please describe: ______
- How many children age 18 years old or younger live in your household?
- Are you female or male?
- How did you learn about the training?(Please check all that apply)
NewspaperWord of mouth
Child’s schoolParent group
Community Education Brochure
Other, please describe: ______
Not at all / A little / Somewhat / Very- Prior to this training, how confident were you in your ability to raise sexually healthy children?
- After this training, how confident were you in your ability to raise sexually healthy children?
- The training was useful for me as a parent
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
As a result of this training… / Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Agree / Strongly Agree- I have a better understanding of the importance of not only discussing, but modeling my values, morals and beliefs about sex, sexuality andrelationships with the children in my care
- I am more confident in my ability to identify the important values and messages I would like to pass on to the children I care for about sex, sexuality and relationships
- Would you recommend this training to another parent/caregiver?
11.What was the most useful part(s) of the training?*______
12. What additional information or training would be helpful to you related to raising sexually healthy children?*______
Messages and Modeling: Sharing values and beliefs about sexuality
As a result of this training… / Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Agree / Strongly Agree8. I have a better understanding of the importance of not only discussing, but modeling my values, morals and beliefs about sex, sexuality and relationships with the children in my care / / / /
9. I am more confident in my ability to identify the important values and messages I would like to pass on to the children I care for about sex, sexuality and relationships / / / /
Cuddled and Connected: The parent-child relationship: A foundation for raising sexually healthy children
As a result of this training… / Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Agree / Strongly Agree8. I have a better understanding of the importance of attachment and connectedness related to the well-being of young people / / / /
9. I am more confident in my ability to be deliberate in creating opportunities for connection with the children in my care / / / /
Ages and Stages: Sexual growth and development
As a result of this training,
As a result of this training… / Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Agree / Strongly Agree8. I have a better understanding of human growth and development / / / /
9. I am more confident in my ability to answer the questions and ease the concerns of the children I care for related to growth and development / / / /
TV and Texting: The influence of media, technology and popular culture
As a result of this training… / Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Agree / Strongly Agree8. I have a better understanding of how parents/
caregivers can help children learn skills to safely navigate through media and popular culture / / / /
9. I am more confident in my ability to use media and technology as an opportunity to share my values and beliefs with the children in my care / / / /
*if you run out of space, please continue writing on the back of the page