Ms. Brown’s Support for Interventions Syllabus (CA)
Spring 2015
Course Objectives:
This course is designed to improve each student’s success in their general education classes and teach them skills to be successful, productive adults. Students are scheduled into the support subjects based on the goals that are in their IEP. We will preview and review material that the students are studying in their regular education classes. This will include reading material in class, completing class assignments and work sheets, assisting students with homework assignments, test preparations and test taking strategies. Individual Educational Plan (IEP) goals and objectives will also be targeted on a regular basis. The goal of this class is to facilitate student’s growth as an independent learner so that they can successfully complete the Future Ready Core Course of Study and achieve post-secondary goals.
I will work closely with your regular education classroomteachers to ensure class assignments such as projects and homework are completed and turned in on time.High structure, organization, and time on task will help students gain responsibility while holding them accountable. I willprovide each student with the time and atmosphere to work productively, while assisting them in achieving their goals of academic success in their core subjects.
Student Requirements:
- Bring all required textbooks, pens, pencils, class assignments, daily planner and notebooks to class every day. No passes will be given to get material left in lockers. THIS IS VITAL FOR INSTRUCTION.
- Be on time and prepared to work. SLEEPING IN CLASS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED.
- Maintain a written record of all homework and class assignments in your daily planner per class. This will be checked regularly as part of your grade.
Bathroom Policy:
- Students will be allowed to use the rest rooms any time during the period that direct instruction is not occurring.
ClassroomRules and Procedures:
- Listen to Instructions
- Always try Your Best
- Respect Yourself and Others
- No Excuses
- Students will only use computers during class for academic purposes such as USA Test Prep, Plato, doing research, Edmodo, or writing papers.
- The use of cell phones for phone calls and texting during class is strictly prohibited. In case of emergency please contact your student via the schools front office @ 455-1541.
- Students may be allowed to listen to music or use phones for educational purposes with permission from the teacher.
- All Onslow County and White Oak High School rules will be enforced.
Attendance and Tardy Policy
- A student must be in class for 60minutes of the 90 minutes class period to be counted present in class.
- Attendance policy is governed by Onslow County Board policy 4400 which is located in the student/parent hand book.
- You must be in the room, in your seat before the tardy bell rings. If not, you must report to tardy class
Grading Policy:
Grades in Curriculum Assistance will be averaged by: Using a daily point sheet that charts what the student is doing every 15 minutes. If he/she is on task then they will receive a check mark if not on task they will receive an x. Grade will be averaged at the end of each week and entered as a weekly classwork grade (25%).
Discipline Policy:
In addition to classroom rules, all school and county rules will be strictly enforced. Any conduct on the part of the student which interferes with teaching and/or learning will be addressed and dealt with in the following manner:
- Behavior issues will be addressed as much as possible in the classroom. Detention may be assigned for multiple infractions of the same rule. Parents will be notified if this occurs.
- If a student is keeping others from learning, he/she will be sent to chill out.
- If further action is required, parents will be called and/or students will be referred to the office.
- Any behavior that is severely disruptive, such as but not limited to, offensive language/ behavior, fighting, cheating or refusal to obey reasonable directions by teacher will result in the student being removed from the classroom and dealt with by administration.
Communications: Parent/ Teacher
Myemail address . I check my email regularly and will respond promptly to your messages. I highly recommend you come to the school and obtain a password for the Parent Portal which will allow you to access your student’s grades and attendance at all times.
In the fall of 2015, all students in high school will transition to a 10-point grading scale at the same time. This should address concerns expressed by educators and parents regarding equity within classrooms and athletic eligibility. This will start the beginning of the 2015-16 school year. We will not alter grades earned prior to this time.
Over 10 absences will result in no credit for the class in which the absences have accumulated.
Please take a few minutes and review the attached document with your son / daughter and then please fill out and sign below. Please do not cut…I will make a copy and you can Keep the original abovefor your reference:
Parent (Printed name) ______Date ______
Parent (Signature) ______
Parent (Cell Phone #) or (Best Contact #) ______
Parent (Email) ______
Student (Printed Name) ______Date ______
Student (Signature) ______
Please consider being a proctor for the exams which are scheduled for June 9-12. Thank you!
Paula Brown