ASB Pre-Program Participant Survey
Thank you for participating in an Alternative Spring Break program hosted by the Office of Community Engagement and Service and for taking the time to complete this survey. The purpose of this survey is to gather information from our participants to evaluate and improve our programs for future ASB participants. Please return this to the Office of Community Engagement and Service in Riley Hall 216.
ASB Program: Affordable Housing: Tacoma Youth Empowerment: Seattle Wildlife Conservation: CO
Gender: Male Female Do Not Wish to Disclose
Ethnic background (response to be used for statistical reporting purposes only):
Year in School: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
1. Did you participate as part of a group/organization?
No Yes, I am a member of ______
2. How did you hear about this event? (please mark all that apply)
o Poster on campus
o Friend
o Faculty/staff
o Stopping into Community Engagement and Service in Riley 216
o Social media (FaceBook, Twitter)
o Change Corps member
3. To what extent do you agree with the following statements about your volunteer experience:
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly DisagreeIt provided a meaningful service opportunity. / [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
I understand more about the need for volunteers in our community. / [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
I understand more about area organizations and/or a social or environmental issue in our community. / [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
I feel more connected to the greater McMinnville community. / [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
I feel more connected to the Linfield community. / [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
4. What did you like most about this volunteer experience? What would you improve or change?
5. Would you recommend this organization as a community partner for future projects?
Yes No Maybe
6. Would you be willing to participate as a leader in other community service volunteer projects in the future?
Yes No Maybe
*If yes, please provide your e-mail address here: ______
7. How did this event inspire you to get involved on campus or in the community?
8. How likely are you to participate in another community service or service learning project with Linfield in the future?
Very Likely Likely Somewhat Likely Not Likely
Community Engagement and Service | 900 SE Baker St. A536 | McMinnville, OR 97128
Monique Ellefson | | t (503) 883-2326
Participant Survey 1