Statewide Portable Equipment Registration Program
Form 39 - Rental Engine orEquipment Unit - District Notification Form
(Auto-fill format. Use “Tab” or up/down arrows to enter information. Additional form information is provided on the reverse side.)
PERP Registration forms are available at
1. Rental Company Name:2. PERP RegistrationNumber:
3. Date Rental Period Started:
4. Air District (See Instructions):
5. Rental Customer Mailing Address:
City: / State: / Zip:
6. Rental Customer Phone Number:
7. Estimated Location:
8.Name of Responsible Official (Printed): / 9. Phone Number: / 10. Date:
Please send thisform to the air district listed in Item 4. Mailing addresses and contact information for the air districts can be found on this website:
Form 39Instructions
General: Submit a separate form for each PERP Registration number. This form shall be submitted by the rental business for transactions that exceed 9 months in duration.
- RentalCompany Name– Legal name of business that owns the registered portable engine or equipment unit.
- PERP Registration Number– Enter the registration number from the registrationcertificate or sticker. Use only one PERP registration number per form.
- Date Rental Period Started – Enter the exact date (month, day, year) that the renter took possession of the rental equipment.
- Air District – Enter the local air district (APCD or AQMD) where the rental business is located. Even if the rental equipment is operating in a different air district, enter the district where the equipment was rented out from.
Here is a list of air districts:
Amador County APCD / Lake CountyAQMD / San Diego CountyAPCDAntelope Valley AQMD / Lassen CountyAPCD / San Joaquin Valley APCD
Bay Area AQMD / Mariposa CountyAPCD / San Luis Obispo CountyAPCD
Butte CountyAQMD / Mendocino CountyAQMD / Santa Barbara CountyAPCD
Calaveras CountyAPCD / Modoc CountyAPCD / Shasta CountyAQMD
Colusa CountyAPCD / Mojave Desert AQMD / Siskiyou CountyAPCD
El Dorado CountyAQMD / Monterey Bay Unified APCD / South Coast AQMD
Feather River AQMD / North Coast Unified AQMD / Tehama CountyAPCD
Glenn CountyAPCD / Northern Sierra AQMD / Tuolumne CountyAPCD
Great Basin Unified APCD / Northern Sonoma CountyAPCD / Ventura CountyAPCD
Imperial CountyAPCD / Placer CountyAPCD / Yolo-Solano AQMD
Kern County APCD / Sacramento Metro AQMD
- Rental Customer Mailing Address– Enter the mailing address provided by the rental customer.
- Rental Customer Phone Number – Enter thephone numberprovided by the rental customer.
- Estimated Location – Enter the location (street address, city, or county) where the rental equipment is expected to be operated.
8-9.Enter the name and phone number of the Responsible Official from the rental business.
- Date – Enter the date this form was filled out.
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