Pupil Premium 2017-2018
Pupil Premium is additional funding given to publicly-funded schools in England to:
- raising the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and closing the gap with their peers
- supporting children and young people with parents in the regular armed forces
Pupil Premium funding is available for children eligible for free school meals at any point in the past 6 years. Schools receive:
- £1,320 per pupil of primary-school age
- £1,900 per pupil who:
- has been looked after for 1 day or more
- has been adopted from care
- has left care under a special guardianship order, a residence order or a child arrangements order
Pupil Premium Allocation 2017-2018
Pupil premium allocation for this academic year is £48,840
Review of 2016-2017
Pupil Premium (19) and Non-Pupil Premium (57) Outcomes ComparisonBelow National Expectations / In line with National Expectations / Above National Expectations / > 75% Target
Non-PP / PP / Non-PP / PP / Non-PP / PP / Non-PP / PP
Reading / 14% / 26% / 35% / 53% / 51% / 21% / 11
(86%) / -1
Writing / 5% / 16% / 37% / 42% / 58% / 42% / 20
(95%) / 9
Speaking / 32% / 32% / 32% / 42% / 36% / 26% / -7
(68%) / -7
Listening / 28% / 21% / 26% / 47% / 46% / 32% / -3
(72%) / 4
English Overall / 20% / 24% / 32% / 46% / 48% / 30% / 5
(80%) / 2
Number / 18% / 16% / 56% / 53% / 26% / 31% / 7
(82%) / 9
Measurement / 14% / 5% / 28% / 32% / 58% / 63% / 11
(86%) / 20
Geometry / 10% / 5% / 37% / 42% / 53% / 53% / 15
(90%) / 20
Maths Overall / 14% / 9% / 40% / 42% / 46% / 49% / 11
(86%) / 16
PSHE / 19% / 16% / 44% / 53% / 37% / 31% / 6
(81%) / 9
Overall / 18% / 16% / 39% / 47% / 44% / 37% / 7
(82%) / 9
Pupil Premium Headlines
- At least 82% of pupils made expected progress or above expected progress across both cohorts
- 82% of pupils without pupil premium made expected or above expected progress across all strands
- 84% of pupils receiving pupil premium made expected or above progress across all strands which is 2% improvement from last year.
- Measurement and Geometry are both outstanding strands for both cohorts with Maths overall as outstanding for pupils receiving pupil premium
Review of 2016-2017 Targets
- Improve performance in Number and ensure that, on average, performance in Maths is secure at 85%.
Comment: This was achieved. - Improve performance in Reading, Speaking and Listening and ensure that, on average, pupils with Pupil Premium attain an average of 80% across all English subjects (in line with the school target for target achievement).
Comment: This was not achieved and is an area for improvement, with particular attention to speaking and listening. - Continue programme of culture and curriculum enrichment programmes to ensure that pupils from more deprived backgrounds have the opportunity to benefit from rich and varied experiences, with a particular focus on the expressive arts.
Comment: pupils participated in theatre performances, weekly dance and movement sessions. Pupils also participated in Artsmark Award Scheme working with an artist. - Improve the school’s capacity to support pupils with difficulties in speech and language including direct PECS tuition.
Comment: 6 pupils received targeted tuition in PECS. - Continue to use Pupil Premium to ensure that pupils benefit from specialised tuition to keep and stay safe.
Comment: Headteacher visited Loudmouth session at another school but it was decided that this particular programme was unsuitable for pupils with Special Educational Needs. - Targeted interventions to support children including OT input.
Comment: each class met with OT to problem-solve sensory support issues impacting on the class and progress.
Targets for 2017-2017
- Improve the performance in English to 80% achieving or exceeding expectations in pupil progress with targeted interventions in reading.
- Improve speaking and listening through targeted communication intervention approaches including PECS, Communication Groups and Fun with Food.
- Maintain Music Therapy for referred and qualifying pupils to support positive behaviours for learning, communication and interaction.
- Movement and Dance to promote positive behaviours, positive interaction and foundations for communication for some.
- Improved intensive interaction support for targeted pupils.
- Introduce at least 2 new culture programmes or experiences to the school.
- To provide enrichment through horse-riding opportunities.
- Theatrical experience.
- Support for residential experiences.
Intervention 1: Reading Interventions
Intervention Aims / Action Planned / Cost/Number of Pupils / How Impact of Intervention will be measured.To ensure 80% of pupils with PPA achieve expected or better progress. / Targeted 1:1 reading sessions for all pupils entitled to PPA who have been highlighted at risk of not achieving their expected or target in reading.
This will be in the form of a TA delivering targeted reading to pupils 1 day per week. / 1 day TA reading support. for 37 weeks for
X Pupils
£4,800 / B Squared assessment of progress in English reading submitted on termly basis.
Impact Statement
Intervention 2: PECS
Intervention Aims / Action Planned / Cost/Number of Pupils / How Impact of Intervention will be measured.PECS / To provided dedicated PECS support for up to 10 pupils with a member of staff working FT on PECS support, preparation of materials and training of parents. / £24,000
10 Pupils / Monitoring statements for PECS trained staff member.
Impact Statement
Intervention 3: Music Therapy
Intervention Aims / Action Planned / Cost/Number of Pupils / How Impact of Intervention will be measured.Music therapy / Five pupils to receive 45 minutes of music therapy who have been referred and accepted by music therapist to support the development of communication and interaction
/ £10,000
£44 p.h. for 37 weeks
5 Pupils / Monitoring statements from music therapist on interventions made. Pupil progress reviewed through B Squared. Referrals made to music therapist.
Impact Statement
Intervention 4: Movement and Dance Therapy
Intervention Aims / Action Planned / Cost/Number of Pupils / How Impact of Intervention will be measured.Movement and Dance Therapy / All pupils to receive on block of movement and dance (7 weeks) either on a group or individual basis to promote interaction, social skills and experience benefits of dance / £4,000 for all pupils / Observation of sessions. Update reports from dance therapist.
Impact Statement
Intervention 5: Intensive Interaction
Intervention Aims / Action Planned / Cost/Number of Pupils / How Impact of Intervention will be measured.Intensive Interaction Training / Five members of staff to be trained intensive interaction in order to support development of communication skills for pupils with severe LD and ASD / £1,000 for 16 pupils / B Squared assessment of pupil outcomes.
Impact Statement
Intervention 6: Cultural Experiences
Intervention Aims / Action Planned / Cost/Number of Pupils / How Impact of Intervention will be measured.To provide opportunities for enriched culture experiences for pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds / Identify a minimum of 2 visits to school to provide diversity and enrichment for pupils.
Rock Band / £1,000
All pupils
£500 / Monitoring statements from teachers, evidenced through SMSC half-termly overviews.
Impact Statement
Intervention 7: Horse Riding
Intervention Aims / Action Planned / Cost/Number of Pupils / How Impact of Intervention will be measured.To provide opportunities for pupils from deprived backgrounds to access horse riding which is also beneficial for pupils send. / Six pupils to undertake a programme of at least one half term horse riding at a specialised stable.
/ £1,000 / Monitoring statements through half-termly SMSC statements.
Impact Statement
Intervention 8: Whole School Theatre
Intervention Aims / Action Planned / Cost/Number of Pupils / How Impact of Intervention will be measured.Theatre Visits / All PPA pupils along with the school cohort to have a culture enrichment experience through the visit of a children’s theatre.
/ £1,000 / Monitoring statements through half-termly SMSC statements. Feedback from pupils in their creative writing.
Impact Statement
Intervention 10: Residential Experience
Intervention Aims / Action Planned / Cost/Number of Pupils / How Impact of Intervention will be measured.Two night residential experience / To support the cost of a pupil whose family is on v. low income to attend a residential experience including the purchase of suitable clothing.
/ £250 / Feedback from teacher leading residential experience.
Impact Statement