Days 1 & 2: Exodus 15:22-27 and Exodus 16
1.15:22-25. Have you ever gone 3 days without water (or watched your child)? Try to imagine the contrast this would be to what has just happened in the lives of these Israelite people. Read through these verses and share your thoughts on their experience.
2.15:22-27. This experience at the springs of Marah begins the training (proving, testing, etc.) of the Israelite people in the desert. Read through this experience and notice the pattern: their test, their reaction, God’s response to them, His correction or lesson and His provision. Please remember that this experience isn’t regarded as rebellion. As you read, note what you find.
3.16:1 with 12:6. How long has Israel been marching away from Egypt and camping in the wilderness?
4.16:2-12. This is training exercise #2. a) What is their trouble and how do they react?
b) What does this teach you about the true nature of complaining about your circumstances?
c) How does God respond to Israel’s complaints and what lesson(s) are they to learn? See also Deuteronomy 8:2-3.
Note on 16:13 – This is a gift of quail, but a different experience than the one recorded in Numbers 11:4-34. Scripture does not refer to the Israelites’ initial experience receiving manna as a rebellion, nobody is slain and God doesn’t punish Israel for this episode of complaining.
5.16:13-18,31 with Numbers 11:7-9 and Psalm 105:40. What is God’s provision?
6.16:19-30. What lesson does God give with the manna? Describe their experience and note what you find to be most remarkable in this experience. Note: An omer is approximately 2 quarts.
Day 3: Exodus 17:1-7 with additional references
7.17:1-7. This experience is also not referred to as a rebellion, but is described as tempting God (or provoking Him or testing Him). See Deuteronomy 6:16. a) As you read through this event, keeping in mind the previous two, share why this is so.
b) What is the Lord’s provision?
c) What lesson(s) can we learn in this experience?
8.John 6:35, 48-51 with John 7:37-39. Bread from heaven and water from a rock are pretty impressive miracles! Yet what is greater, and what does that mean to you today?
Day 4: Exodus 17:8 – 18:27
9.17:8-16. The Amalekites are first mentioned in Genesis 14, in the account of Abraham rescuing Lot from the kings of the North. From this record, we know that the Amalekites lived in Canaan as far back as Abraham’s time. Look at a Bible atlas of the region and note how far they have come to attack Israel. Put that together with what they surely must have heard about Israel (Egypt’s plagues, Red Sea…) what does that tell you about the Amalekites?
b) Moses has gained some confidence by now; he comes up with the plan of action on his own this time. Summarize this experience, highlighting anything you find of particular interest.
Note: This is our first encounter with Joshua. Notice how the Lord includes him in His statement about Amalek. He has plans for Joshua.
10.Is/are there any lesson(s) for us in the face of attack and opposition found in this story?
11.18:1-12. Remember how far away Midian is from Egypt? What does Jethro hear?
b) What characterized this reunion?
12.18:13-17. How does Jethro help Moses?
13.God uses an experience, the Amalek battle, and a father-in-law to teach Moses a lesson (or two) in leadership. What have you learned from these two experiences?
Days 5 & 6: Patriarchs and Prophets, chapter 26 “From the Red Sea to Sinai”
14.As we study the Israelites’ difficulties in the desert, their thirst and hunger, and how God uses these experiences, even bringing them into the experience, what did you learn that was meaningful to you in your life’s experience right now?
15.It is easy to look back on Israel and marvel at their unbelief and murmuring. What does Mrs. White have to say about this?
16.As we read about the miraculous provision of food and water for Israel in the wilderness, what was most interesting to you:
a) as a revelation of God’s goodness?
b) in the lessons on the Sabbath day?
17.In the attack upon Israel by the Amalekites, what did you learn that was new or interesting?
18.The reunion of Moses with his family and with Jethro is reviewed. Again note how his help benefits Moses and share what you find.
19.The chapter ends with a description of Israel at Mt. Sinai and a hint of what God has is store for them. What did you find that was especially meaningful?
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