Council Minutes 17 December 2012
22.2 Australia Day Awards - Notice to Rescind Motion (Confidential)
Moved Cr Oliver, seconded Cr Walker that pursuant to Sections 90 (2) and (3) (a) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Council orders that the public be excluded from the meeting with the exception of the Chief Executive, Governance Officer, General Managers, Minute Taker and the officer responsible for the report, on the basis that the Council considers it necessary and appropriate to act in a manner closed to the public in order to receive, discuss and consider information by way of a report and associated documents in relation to agenda item 22.2 “Australia Day Awards 2013 – Notice To Rescind Motion” and the Council is satisfied that the meeting should be conducted in a place open to the public is outweighed in relation to the matter because receiving, considering and discussing the report and associated documentation contains/involves:
(a) information the disclosure of which would involve the unreasonable disclosure of information concerning the personal affairs of any person (living or dead);
ACS12250 Moved Cr Mayor Kym McHugh seconded Cr Stanley-Murray:
That Council rescinds the following motions:-
ACF12337 Moved Cr Featherston seconded Cr Stanley-Murray:
That Council nominate Amy Chandler as the Strathalbyn Young Citizen of the Year.
ACF12339 Moved Cr Oliver seconded Cr Walker:
That Council nominate the Port Elliot Show as the Goolwa Community Event of the Year.
ACS12251 Moved Cr Parkes seconded Cr Oliver:
That Council recommends the following Award recipients for the Australia Day Awards 2013 in the categories of 'Goolwa Community Event of the Year' and 'Strathalbyn Young Citizen of the Year'.
1. That Council award the Goolwa Community Event of the Year to 'Watersong'.
ACS12252 Moved Cr Rusby seconded Cr Woolford:
2. That Council award the Strathalbyn Young Citizen of the Year to Shaun Stitt pending further clarification from his parents.
That pursuant to Sections 91 (7) and (9) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Council orders that the minutes of the Council meeting held on 17 December 2012 in relation to confidential item number 22.2 and titled Australia Day Awards 2013 - Notice to Rescind Motion and the information by way of a report and any associated attachments thereto remain confidential and not available for public inspection (except for the purposes of advising the Executive Assistant) from the date of this meeting or a lesser period as determined by the Chief Executive.