April 22, 2007

To: LVISSAA Senior Boys Rugby Coaches

From: Ian Hyde-Lay (Commissioner)

Re: League playoffs AND Berthing to BC AA and AAA Tournaments

To all,

Recently, LVISSAA received confirmation from the BCSSRU about berthing to the upcoming BC AA and AAA Tournaments (to be held May 26, May 29, 30 and June 2).

The fact that the Island zone has received only 3.5 AA berths (as opposed to the usual 4), and 4 AAA berths (as opposed to the usual 5) has created the need for some alterations to the playoff system.


At AA level, The Vancouver Island zone has been allocated 3.5 berths to the BC Tournament, based on 11 teams in the zone (5 from LVISAA and 6 from the North Island). The “half berth” will therefore require a challenge match on May 22 against a Lower Mainland opponent.

Given that the LVISSAA AA league this year is playing only a single round robin (4 games in total), I have made the decision that the league winner will NOT automatically advance to the BC AA Tournament (regardless of playoff performance). Instead, representation will be based on playoff results.

Therefore, LVISSAA AA teams will qualify for the BC Tournament in the following manner.

a) LVISSAA semifinals to be played on Thursday, May 10 at SMUS

League #1 vs League #4330pm KO

League #2 vs League #3445pm KO

Winners advance to the AA playoff final; Losers are eliminated

b) LVISSAA final (Colonel Hodgkins Cup) to be played on Monday, May 14 at Oak Bay

Semifinal winners215pm KO

Winner is South 1, and (along with with North 1) qualifies direct to the BC AA Tournament as

Loser is South 2 and will play vs North 2 on Thursday, May 17 at a neutral site

c) Cross zone game on Thursday, May 17 at a neutral site tba

South 2 vs North 2 KO tba

Winner is Island 3 and qualifies direct to the BC AA Tournament

Loser is Island 4 will play against Lower Mainland 4 on Tuesday, May 22

d) Cross zone game on Tuesday, May 22 at a neutral site on the Mainland

Island 4 vs Lower Mainland 4KO tba

Winner qualifies for the BC AA Tournament; Loser is eliminated

Please contact me if you have any questions.



At AAA level, The Vancouver Island zone has been allocated 4 berths to the BC Tournament, based on 12 teams in the zone (4 from LVISAA and 8 from the North Island).

Given that the LVISSAA AAA league this year is playing only a single round robin (3 games in total), I have made the decision that the league winner will NOT automatically advance to the BC AA Tournament (regardless of playoff performance). Instead, representation will be based on playoff results.

Therefore, LVISSAA AAA teams will qualify for the BC Tournament in the following manner.

a) LVISSAA semifinals to be played on Monday, May 14 at Oak Bay

League #1 vs League #4330pm KO

League #2 vs League #3445pm KO

Winners advance to the AAA playoff final; Losers are eliminated

b) LVISSAA Final (Howard Russell Cup) to be played on Thursday, May 17 at Oak Bay

Semifinal winners400pm KO

Winner is South 1 and advances direct to the BC AAA Tournament

Loser is South 2 and will play a cross zone game against North 3 on Tuesday, May 22 at a neutral site

c) South 2 vs North 3 to be played on Tuesday, May 22 at a neutral site

Winner claims the fourth Island berth to the BC AAA Tournament; Loser is eliminated

Please contact me if you have any questions.
