John F. Kennedy High School - Fall 2017
AP English Literature – Mrs. Koskela
Class Policies and Course Syllabus
Welcome to my class! My expectations for all students are as follows:
1. You will be in class punctually every day and ready to work with all necessary and appropriate materials.
2. You will complete all assignments (including those given both during class and for homework) on time and to the best of your ability.
3. You will not have electronics, food, drinks, or personal care items out during class time when you have work.
4. You will be respectful of all other people in the class at all times.
If you do all of the things listed above, you will be successful in this class.
What you should bring to class every day: Bring a binder with dividers and paper, pens, pencils, and a highlighter. If you need to bring your hardcover Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense textbook, I will let you know in advance. Any plays or novels that we are reading should be brought to class every day.
What to do if you are absent: Clear your absence by bringing a note to the Attendance Office immediately! Students with uncleared absences may not make up work, and all uncleared absences are considered truancies.
Homework: Homework is given Monday through Friday and is due the next class day unless otherwise stated. All assignments are posted daily on the school website at You may join the class at if you wish to get daily e-mails with the day’s assignments. If you have difficulty accessing the assignments, please let me know. If you are absent, you are expected to access the assignment online and turn it in when you return.
Warmups: Most classes begin with a warmup that may include instruction, review, or assessment. All warmups will be collected when we have a review quiz and given a grade.
Hall Pass Policy: The hall pass is for emergencies only. If a student needs to use the hall pass, he or she must do so after the first 10 minutes of class and before the last 10 minutes of class. Students must fill out the pass completely before leaving. Every time a student uses the hall pass, his or her participation grade is negatively affected. If a student has extenuating circumstances that require him or her to leave class frequently, he or she should discuss it with me privately.
Extra credit policy: Extra credit is additional work above and beyond what is assigned in class; it is not a replacement for the regular work. A few small extra credit assignments will be made available over the course of the semester. Extra credit will never impact the grade more than 2%.
How are grades determined? All assignments count toward the final semester grade, with some categories receiving a greater emphasis. The following is the tentative grading policy for the four marking periods of the fall semester. I reserve the right to make changes in the grading breakdown for any marking period, including the final one.
5 week 10 week 15 week 20 week
Journals and Writing 30% 40% 40% 40%
Homework 20% 10% 10% 10%
Warmups 10% 10% 10% 10%
Classwork/Projects 10% 10% 10% 10%
Quizzes/Tests/Final 20% 20% 20% 20%
Participation 10% 10% 10% 10%
The participation grade will include points for attending daily, being punctual, making good use of class time, and actively participating in all class activities. Inappropriate use of electronic devices during class will result in a loss of points and, consequently, a lowering of the participation grade.
Late Work will be marked down (except in case of absence) and will not be accepted after a marking period has closed. Absences must be cleared by the Attendance Office in order to turn in late work without incurring a penalty.
Google Classroom will be used throughout the year for online journals and writing assignments. A weekly assignment will be given each Monday that will be due the following Sunday night; there will be additional assignments as well.
Remind will also be used to send student reminders and to allow students to text or email questions directly to me. Students who are under 18 must have parental permission to join. To join Remind, enter this number – 81010 and text the message @d79h8. If you are using email and not texting, email to .
How do you know your grade? Grades are posted at If a student needs to get or reset a code, see me during class. If a parent needs to get or reset a code, please e-mail me at , and I will send you your code. You can set up your account to receive an update every time a grade is updated, or you can choose to login at your convenience. Please e-mail me at the e-mail below with questions or concerns. The grading scale for all assignments and for the class is as follows:
A = 90 – 100% B = 80 – 89% C = 65 – 79% D = 50 – 64% Fail = under 50%
If you need help: If you have questions or need help, please ask! You can always talk to me during class, before or after class, before or after school, or at lunch. If you need more intensive assistance, we can schedule more time. My goal is to have every student complete this course successfully.
Course Objective and Syllabus Overview for AP English Literature
Course Objective: The primary objective for this course is to provide college level instruction for students in literature. As the AP test is designed to give either English or elective credit for college, it is expected that students taking the course will also take the test. The test provides an excellent opportunity for students to experience a college level test that cannot be replicated by high school final exams. At least two full test sessions will be offered in the spring for students to practice before the actual exam date.The syllabus overview below contains only the main works; poetry and short stories will be included throughout, along with the study of allusions and literary devices. In addition, there will be regular practice for the exam using materials from previous exams (both multiple choice questions and essays). The syllabus dates are tentative and subject to change.
Fall 2017 Syllabus Overview
Weeks 1 – 4: Introduction; How to Read Literature Like a Professor review and practice; short stories
Weeks 5 - 8: Our Eyes Were Watching God
Weeks 9 - 11: Oedipus the King
Weeks 12 – 14: Othello or Hamlet; multiple choice practice
Week 15: Thanksgiving Break
Week 16: Finish Othello or Hamlet; multiple choice practice
Week 17: Begin Pride and Prejudice; prepare for finals
Week 18: Final Exams
· In addition to the material above, we will be working on certain elements of the senior portfolio during the semester including the personal statement (which will also help students to prepare their college applications) and the cover letter.
· Parents and students can find information about the senior portfolio at the school website,, under “students” and then “senior forms.”If that does not work, students may ask questions in class or e-mail me and parents may e-mail me with questions. My contact information is posted below.
Contact Mrs. Koskela any time! E-mail at , message through Jupiter Ed., or send a text message or e-mail through the Remind app.