Help and Care Job Description
Job Title: POPP Champion
Reports to: Co-ordinator: Champions & Wayfinders
Salary Scale: £2,730 pa for 7 hours per week
Location:Home basedwith travel across Dorset ‘clusters’ as required.
Purpose:The vision of Dorset POPP is to build supportive communities enabling people to remain living in their own homes for as long as they wish by developing responsive, appropriate, services and activities at a local level.
Champions work across Dorset in 1 or more of the 7 Dorset Health Integrated Health Locality Areas clusters. Champions work to ensure that local people are empowered to implement change initiatives to improve their own and their communities’ circumstances.
To work with service providers, local people and stakeholders to identify gaps in service delivery and create opportunities to develop the way services are provided - which may include enabling local people to come together and actively promote innovative sustainable solutions.
To have due regard for the need to address current gaps and shortfalls within the overall market for care and support and to be able to demonstrate progress and improvements.
To establish strong and positive links with the Care Navigators within DCC Locality areas to maximise opportunities to develop community based resources according to identified needs.
To proactively support POPP and other initiatives being promoted by Commissioners.
To help to deliver community cohesion/development work, including:
- developing the concepts of neighbourliness and kindliness
- developing befriending and reducing social isolation
- developing social capital
- developing peer support
Attend meetings where service delivery and development decisions are being taken (these may include local parish and town council meetings, local area partnership meetings, safer neighbourhood meetings, ambassador forums and any other stakeholder meetings as appropriate) inorderto influence decision making processes.
Assist local people to develop and independently manage and run sustainable projects that will assist health and wellbeing and work to resolve gaps in services where these otherwise lead to barriers/inequitable access.
Assist in developing community based resources in liaison with POPP, local people, Wayfinders, Care Navigators, Community Development Workers, Integrated Locality Teams and other relevant stakeholders including Commissioners
Attend and participate in local area team meetings for Wayfinders and Champions to encourage joint working, mutual support, sharing information, good practice, development and problem solving.
Work as part of a group of POPP Champions both within a CCG Locality and across Dorset where required.
Fully participate in a POPP Champion induction, training and development programme.
Keep up to date with existing services and support available through both Help and Care and other agencies and networks.
Support the efficiency and accountability of the programme by ensuring that reports, diaries and project accounts are completed in a timely manner and to the agreed format.
Weekly reports inform some of the Champion activity for contractual reporting and keep the Co-ordinator appraised of overall resources and support needed – it is essential that these are updated weekly.
Diaries are online and should be shared as directed and completed to support personal safety, communication and efficiency across the locality
Project accounts are completed online and provide appropriate information, statistics, outcomes and case studies and accounts for Champion involvement. The information provided informs reporting to POPP Commissioners. It is important that these are completed and updated at inception, when Champions do any project related work and when a Champion’s involvement comes to an end.
Support the POPP Champions programme in demonstrating the benefits of the programme through measuring outcomes – these are part of contractual reporting and form part of the Project Account detailed above.
Carry out other such duties as may be required by the Director and Trustee Management Board which are consistent with the duties and responsibilities
of the post.
The nature of the job will require travel in own car for which expenses will be paid as set by the Trustee Management Board.
The nature of the work may also necessitate occasional travel and evening/weekend work to attend meetings etc. for which time off in lieu will be granted.
The other conditions of service and other current procedural agreements will be enclosed with the post-holders Contract of Employment