(619) 956-4500

“Where Learning Is Celebrated”

Dear Parents,

Welcome to another exciting year at Carlton Oaks School. We are so pleased to have the opportunity to work with the Carlton Oaks staff, students and parents. Throughout the year, we will have the opportunity to meet many of our families.

Carlton Oaks School offers parents many opportunities to be involved in their child’s school experience by visiting and volunteering. We believe the partnership between parent/guardian and the teacher is crucial to the success of the student.

At Carlton Oaks School, we believe that all children can learn and we strive to provide a quality educational experience in a secure, positive and respectful learning environment. We all take pride in student achievement and accomplishments.

Carlton Oaks School provides wonderful learning experiences and opportunities every day. We have a truly dedicated staff of professionals, as well as an increasing number of volunteers who help make a difference for our students. Stop in and visit soon...we welcome the opportunity to share and celebrate the learning and teaching that occurs at Carlton Oaks School.

Have a wonderful school year and we look forward to celebrating the successes and achievements of our students.


Ann Bray Leighangela Brady

Principal Vice Principal

Carlton Oaks School Calendar

Check Monthly Newsletter Calendars for additional events/date changes

Modified Day Every Friday beginning August 31st

12:45 Dismissal K-8th grades

August 27 First day of school
September 3 No School – Labor Day

September 13 Jr.High (7th & 8th) Back-to-School Night (6:30-8:00 P.M)

September 10-21 Gold C Books go on sale

September 27 K-6 Back-to-School Night (6:00-7:00 P.M.)

6th Grade Camp Meeting Rm. 13 (5:30-6:00 P.M.)

October 17 K-4 Picture Day
October 18 5th -8th Picture Day

November 12 Veteran’s Day – No School

November 20 End of First Trimester

November 21 - 23 Thanksgiving Holiday – No School (3 days)

December 3 - 7 Parent/Teacher Conferences and Report Cards (modified days)

December 10-14 Holiday Gift Shop

Dec. 24 – Jan. 4 Winter Break – No School

January 7 School Resumes after Winter Break

January 21 Martin Luther King Jr.’s Day of Observance – No School

February 4 – 8 6th grade camp – Camp Cuyumaca

February 11 Lincoln’s Day of Observance – No School

February 18 Washington’s Day of Observance – No School

March 7 End of Second Trimester

March 17 -28 Spring Break – No School

March 31 School resumes after Spring Break

April 15 K-4 Picture Day

April 16 5-8 Picture Day

April 28 – May 16 CAT 6/CST TESTING (tentative dates)

May 26 Memorial Day Holiday – No School

June 11 8th Grade Promotion

June 12 Last Day of School – Modified Day


Supervision of students begins at 8:25 A.M. Students should not be on the school grounds before that time. Once they arrive, students may not leave campus without permission. All students need to wait in front of the school until the entrance bell rings at 8:35 A.M. We want to ensure the safety of all children before and after school.

Grade Begins Dismissal

Kindergarten 8:42 A.M. 1:45 P.M.

1,2,3 8:42 A.M. 2:45 P.M.

4,5,6 8:42 A.M. 3:15 P.M.

7-8 8:42 A.M. 3:20 P.M.

On modified days, all students are dismissed at 12:45 p.m. Monthly Newsletter Calendars are sent home the first of each month and list all activities.


Principal Ann Bray 956-4500

Vice Principal Leighangela Brady 956-4500

Secretary Kathy Stayner 956-4500

Student Records Secretary Sheila Mangels 956-4505

Health Clerk Dru Flynn 956-4504

Project SAFE Lead Melanie Daley 956-4510

Custodian Chris English 956-4500

Media Clerk Jeanne Abshire 956-4500

School Website:


Modified days will be every Friday beginning August 31st. Check Monthly Newsletter Calendars for reminders and further information.

On modified staff development days, K-6th grade students are dismissed at 12:45. 7th and 8th grade students are dismissed at 12:50.


The white curb is provided for student drop-off/pick-up only and cars should not be there more than a few minutes. Cars may never park at the white curb, or be left unattended. The west gate is access for Project Safe parents and students only. All other students are to wait in the front of the school. Students are not to cross traffic at any time except at the designated crosswalks.


Regular attendance and punctuality are necessary for high achievement and student success. The state of California will only excuse absences due to student illness, doctor/dental appointment, or to attend a funeral of an immediate family member. All other absences are unexcused. Any student coming into school 15 minutes late, or later, must be accompanied by an adult or have a note, or the student will be considered truant. An Independent Study Contract will be developed if a child is going to be out for 5 days or more. If your child needs to be on an Independent Study Contract, contact the student records secretary 1 or more weeks prior to your child’s absence.

Note: State policy requires students to be at school in order for schools to collect attendance funds each day. This means if your child is not here for any reason, even illness, we cannot collect funds from the state. Please help us protect your child’s instructional funds by arranging for vacations and appointments on non-school days or after school hours. We appreciate your support in this area.


Contact our office immediately to update changes on your student’s profile. State law requires us to have valid emergency numbers on file for every student. Each September we send home new student profile forms for you to complete and return to the school.


Students practice fire drills, earthquake, and/or lockdown drills once a month. All students evacuate to the upper playground where attendance is taken to account for every child. We have 2-way radio communication between our school and the district office. Staff is trained yearly for all kinds of disaster and emergency procedures. The PTA has purchased emergency backpacks, for each classroom, which contain items for a real emergency if it becomes necessary to keep students out of the classroom for an extended period of time. If we need to evacuate students from the school in a real emergency, they will be released near the bike rack gate. They will be released only to parents or emergency adults listed on the locator card. Every teacher has a phone in his/her classroom.


Telephone access is now available in all classrooms. Teachers may be contacted directly through voice mail. Student use of telephones is limited and any after school arrangements need to be made prior to coming to school. While cell phones help to ensure student safety before and after school, cell phones are not to be used on the school campus. If student is seen using their cell phone on campus, it will be confiscated. An adult will be required to pick it up from the office.

Your student’s teacher may be contacted at:

Lyn Alford 956-4525 Lori Meaux 956-4533

Sue Beard 956-4564 Debbie Medearis 956-4539

Marie Brennan 956-4549 Carol Ochoa 956-4577

Bruce Campbell 956-4507 Kim Olsen 956-4540

Jan Fisher 956-4528 Angela Panfili 956-4530

Keith Folks 956-4538 Denise Peters 956-4556

Penny Fox 956-4522 Sonia Fox/Ohlbaum 956-4561

Julie Powell 956-4536 Jill Schmitt 956-4548

Franklin, Terri 956-4526 Angie Shinsky 956-4550

Freedman, Andrea 956-4552 Pam Sickels 956-4565

Heath, Becky 956-4546 Sandy Simpson 956-4523

Holly Hody 956-4547 Elyse Starr 956-4508

Penny Hoogeveen 956-4521 Denise Stefanson 956-4553

Val Iverson 956-4551 Gary Stovall 956-4545

Jan Jensen 956-4544 Susanne Swartz 956-4529

Mindy Johnson 956-4558 Luke Towne 956-4555

Jeanette Keyes 956-4526 Sandy Wells 956-4559

Sue Krause 956-4542 Alisa Williams 956-4532

Jeanine LeBorgne 956-4543 Cameron Williams 956-4541

Laura Manning 956-4534

Ann Marchant 956-4537

Lyn McGrael 956-4535


In order to minimize interruptions to the instructional program, please remind students to make after school arrangements before arriving in the morning. Students should check the office when they have forgotten lunch, P.E. clothes, homework etc. to avoid the need for the office staff to call the classrooms. When it is necessary to sign your student out of school early, please have our office staff assist you when you arrive on campus. We ask that you not call in advance to request that your child wait in the office. This will minimize the amount of instructional time they are missing.


In the event that the health aide/nurse determines that a child is too ill to remain at school or is injured, parents or their designated emergency person(s) will be called to pick up the child at school. All adults picking up a student may be required to show identification. If an injury is severe and we cannot reach you or anyone at the emergency numbers, we will call paramedics and they will determine if transportation to a hospital is necessary.


Medication must be kept in the health clerk’s office and may not be taken to class. This includes over the counter medications. A Physician’s Statement must accompany all medication brought to school and submitted to the health clerk. Parents, not students, should deliver medications to school. Medication should be clearly labeled with the name of the student, doctor, pharmacy, date, number, name of the medication, amount of medication to be taken and the specified time. This includes all pills, injections, inhalers, eye and eardrops, cough medicine, cough drops and aspirin or similar products. All medicine not picked up at the end of the school year will be disposed of after one week.


We encourage all parents to provide insurance for their children. A low-cost policy is made available through the school district. Information is sent home during the first few weeks of school.


Visitors are welcome at Carlton Oaks. We require that all parents, volunteers, and guests sign in at the office and wear a visitor’s sticker. We ask that you please keep your dogs at home. We have children that are afraid of them when they see them on campus. Non-enrolled students are not allowed on the school grounds or in the parking area during school hours unless they are with a parent. Older students who walk younger students home and parents waiting for later dismissals should wait in the front of school, just outside the front gates, so as to avoid disruption of those classes that are still in session. Teachers will walk your students to the front entrance of school at dismissal.


Once a month we celebrate each classroom’s Student of the Month recipients. In order to make these awards a surprise to the students, parents are notified by mail.


Fourth through eighth grade students who receive a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher qualify for the Honor Roll. Students receive a special certificate and recognition at the Honor Roll Assembly during each reporting period. Parents are invited to join us at these assemblies to participate in the celebration.


Fourth through eighth grade students who earn all A’s on their report cards will qualify for the Principal’s Honor Roll. These students will receive a special certificate and recognition at the Honor Roll assemblies and will eat lunch on campus with the principal.


We invite you to visit and have lunch with your child, please have him/her order a lunch for you in the morning. Lunch prices are $2.00 (student) and $3.00 (adult).Adult lunches do not include a beverage. Menus are sent home each month. Once a year, we have a school-wide “Lunch on the Lawn” where families picnic together on the grass.

If students forget to bring their lunch or money, they need to see the campus aide at the front of the lunch line. Students will be given a peanut butter and jelly sandwich from the kitchen. A reminder will be sent home to let the parent know they borrowed.

Lunch loans will not be offered on modified days due to early dismissal.

Lunch times (Regular Days)

K - 1st grade 11:45 A.M.-12:20 P.M.

2nd-3rd grade 11:55 A.M.-12:30 P.M.

4th-6th grade 12:35 P.M.- 1:10 P.M.

7th-8th grade 1:04 P.M.- 1:40 P.M.

Lunch times (Modified Days)

K-3rd grade 11:15 A.M.-11:45 A.M.

4th-6th grade 11:45 A.M.-12:15 P.M.

7th-8th grade 12:15 A.M.-12:45 P.M.


An application must be submitted for each child, each year and approved by the Food Services Director for students to qualify for the free and reduced lunch program. If you have any questions about this program, please contact Child Nutrition Services at 258-2290.


The primary responsibility for students’ appearance at school rests with parents. Students are expected to be well groomed and dressed appropriately for school so as not to disrupt or interfere with the educational process. Appropriately dressed students tend to be more focused on schoolwork and display pride in themselves and their school.

In accordance with the Santee School District dress and grooming policy, the following guidelines shall apply to all regular school activities:

1. For safety purposes, appropriate shoes must be worn at all times. Sandals must have heel straps. Flip-flops and backless shoes or sandals are not acceptable. Heels must be of a reasonable height and not be unsafe in the school environment.

2. Clothing, jewelry and personal items (backpacks, fanny packs, gym bags, water bottles etc.) shall be free of writing, pictures or any other insignia which are crude, vulgar, profane or sexually suggestive, which bear drug, alcohol or tobacco company advertising, promotions and likenesses, or which advocate death, violence, racial, ethnic or religious prejudice.

3. Spiked jewelry and waist chains will not be allowed.

4. Pupils must be cleanly dressed so as not to promote unhealthy or unsanitary conditions.

5. Hats, caps bandanas, sweatbands, hoods, and other head coverings shall not be worn unless prior approval is granted by a site administrator due to health or physical education reasons.

6. Clothes shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all times. See-through or fish-net fabrics, halter tops, spaghetti straps, off-the-shoulder of low-cut tops, strapless or tube tops, backless shirts, bare midriffs and skirts or shorts shorter than mid-thigh are prohibited.

7. Overalls are considered pants and must have an appropriate shirt worn underneath.

8. Muscle shirts, tank shirts, or underwear shirts may not be worn.

9. Gym shorts may not be worn in classes other than physical education.

10. Hair shall be clean and neatly groomed and the color may not cause a distraction to the educational environment. Hair may not be sprayed by any coloring that would drip when wet.