Denver St. Patrick’s Day Parade Entry Form
Saturday, March 17, 2012, 10:00 a.m.
Parade Steps off at 10:00 a.m. from Coors Field in Lower Downtown Denver
2012 Parade Theme: The Denver St. Patrick’s Day Golden Jubilee Celebration
2012 Parade Entry Application Form deadline: Applications must be postmarked by January 31, 2012.
Instructions: Read the rules on page 1 and sign; Complete steps 2-4 on page 2. Return both and your payment to the address at the bottom of page 2
1. All participants must enter Coors Field parking lot through their pre-assigned entrances. This information will be mailed to you in early March. Check in as directed. All participants must know your group unit number, and staging street address.
2. Follow the directions and instructions given by the Parade Marshals at all times.
3. Do not park cars or other vehicles that are not part of your unit(s) in the staging area. The Parade Marshals will direct you to the participant parking area.
4. Parade units may perform only once for no more than 45 seconds in front of the judges/reviewing stand. Marshals’ instructions to resume movement must be promptly followed. Parade units are not allowed to stop and perform anywhere along the parade route if such performance in any way disrupts the flow of the parade. All units must insure they are keeping pace with the unit ahead of them and there are not unreasonable gaps which interrupt the flow of the parade.
5. Children under the age of 5 may ride, but are not allowed to march in the parade.
6. Drinking of alcohol by parade entrants is not permitted anywhere along the parade route.
7. As a safety precaution, no candy or other objects shall be thrown from a parade unit. Items may be handed to children and other parade spectators by persons walking at the sides of the parade unit.
8. Participants shall clean up any materials or debris left in the staging areal by your unit(s). This applies particularly (but not exclusively) to units with animals.
9. Parade units must continue moving until you have returned to the disband area inside Coors Field parking lot. No stopping or unloading will be allowed prior to that, since this will cause congestion and delays in the parade.
10. Owners of parade vehicles shall ensure that such vehicles are insured as required by Colorado law.
11. Drivers of motor vehicles must remain with the vehicle at all times.
12. Parade applicants shall clearly identify a person or persons in charge of their unit who may be contacted by Marshals or other parade officials regarding parade rule violations.
13. Parade units violating any of these rules may, at the discretion of the Board of Directors (BOD) of the Denver St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee, Inc. (DSPDPC) be disqualified from awards and denied entry in future parades.
14. All entrants may be subject to City & County of Denver fire and safety inspections and code enforcement and additional fees as necessary.
Entry & Advertising Release: In consideration of acceptance of this entry, the entrant agrees to permit the DSPDPC to use their names and/or photographs, films or tapes of the units for publicity, advertising and commercial promotion, before, during and after the event, and gives permission to publish or sell or otherwise dispose of said photographs, films or tapes.
Credentials: Entry confirmation will be made by return mail. All registration materials and entrant identification will be issued by the DSPDPC.
Liability: In consideration of the acceptance of the right to participate in the Denver St. Patrick’s Day Parade (“Parade”), by execution of this entry form, I, my organization, and any related entrants, participants, members, or guests thereof (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Entrant”), hereby release and discharge the Denver St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee Inc. (“DSPDPC”), its officers, directors, employees, representatives and anyone else connected with the Parade from any and all known or unknown damages, injuries, losses, judgments and or claims from any cause whatsoever that may be suffered by any Entrant to his/her person or property. Further, each Entrant expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the DSPDPC, its directors, employees, representatives, and anyone else connected with the Parade, from any and all liability, including attorneys’ fees and costs, occasioned or resulting from the actions or conduct of the entrant.
Printed name and title______
Signature ______
Proof of Insurance (read and sign): Each parade entrant will certify that all authorized vehicles are covered by liability insurance as provided by Colorado law and all DSPDPC insurance requirements.
I certify that such insurance will be in full force and effect on parade day.
Printed name and title______