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Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies
Post-Graduate Staff Student Liaison Committee
Thursday 19 October 2006, 3 – 4pm, Room H538
Meeting Minutes
Staff: Michael Hulse (part), Michael John Kooy, Jackie Labbe
Students: PhD – Jim Batty, MA English – Jane Boulton, Kam Kunar, Katy Robinson, MA in Writing – David Henne
Staff: Thomas Docherty
Students: MA English – Peter Kirwan
In addition to the above, Regina Akel (PhD), Cheryl Cave (Staff), Linda Claridge-Middup (PhD), Michelle DiMeo (PhD), Peter Larkin (Staff)
1. Election of New Chair and New Secretary· Chair – Jim Batty.
· Secretary – Kam Kunar.
· Appointed with immediate effect.
2. Review Minutes/Matters Arising
· Increased carrel space – MJK confirmed that the department has not been awarded extra carrels but there is now a better system for students who wish to secure a space; this can be done by submitting an application. Notices have been placed on boards communicating this. JL noted that the library re-furb should result in extra carrel spaces though this will probably come in to effect too late to benefit current MA students.
· E-learning advisor – It was agreed by all that this was a good idea which will be followed up later in the year, as part of a joint venture between Arts and Social Studies.
3. PhD Matters
· Study space for PhD students within the Department – MJK suggested that since there is not any office space available, both PhD and MA students make best use of Room 507 when it is not being used for seminars. A note will go to all post-graduates to communicate this and a timetable will be posted on the door. MH also advised that when construction work at Milburn House is complete, there will be a space for post-grad English students to use.
Action: MJK/CC. Date: ASAP.
· Availability of funding for research expenses – MJK confirmed that there is funding available (up to £150 per student). PhD students should approach TD about this.
· Induction – JB raised a concern about the University’s induction process which was felt to be more Science focussed and therefore less appropriate to Arts students. Feedback will be passed on to relevant parties.
Action: MJK. Date: 30/11/06.
4. MA in Writing Matters
· Induction – DH suggested that the induction process for International students could be improved by circulating contact details so that in Week 0, students can get in touch with their peers. This needs to be given more thought prior to next year.
Action: All. Date: 30/11/06.
· Module registration – MH informed attendees that there has been a problem with registering for the “Crossing Borders” module online. This is in the process of being resolved.
· Theatre/Playwriting module – DH suggested that a Theatre/Playwriting module would be an interesting/appropriate option for MA Writing students. JL confirmed that this could not be offered at the moment due to lack of staff expertise in this area, within the Department.
5. MA English Matters
· Availability of texts – KR and JB raised the point that some students have found it difficult to buy books from the bookshop as a result of out of stocks, or locate books in the library. To rectify these issues, JB to compile a list of “lost” books in the library and send to JL for further investigation. KR to compile a similar list of books not available in the bookshop and send directly to module leaders for their information. MJK and JL to request all lecturers check in advance with bookshop that texts have been ordered and delivered in good time.
Action: KR/JB/JL/MJK. Date: Ongoing.
6. A.O.B.
· Training for new student representatives – MJK to circulate details.
Action: MJK. Date: 20/10/06.
· Communication of PGSSLC members – This will be done via the website and the notice board. MJK will update website, and JB will organise material for the notice board. All student members of committee to email JB details (name, email address, modules and a couple of sentences about themselves). JB will also arrange a feedback form which students can use instead of emailing representatives.
Action: MJK and all student representatives. Date: 03/11/06.
7. Next Meeting
· Thursday 30th November, 2 – 3pm, Room t.b.c.
PGSSLC Minutes 19/10/06 Kam Kunar