California Community Colleges
Chancellor’s Office
1102 Q street, Suite 4400
Sacramento, Ca 95811-6549
(916) 322-4005

March 17, 2017REVISED

TO:EOPS Directors/Coordinators

FROM:Kelly Gornik, EOPS/CARE/CAFYES Specialist

SUBJECT:Notification of 2016-17 EOPS Reallocated Funds Awards

Synopsis: As noted on March 3, the Chancellor’s Office reallocated and subsequently awarded $21,585 to 10 eligible EOPS programs to assist low income, educationally disadvantaged students served by EOPS programs in the California Community College system this fiscal year. As agreed upon by the majority of EOPS programs statewide, the 10 programs were randomly chosen out of 33 eligible programs. One of the 10 declined its reallocated funds. As a result, the Chancellor’s Office randomly chose one more, Butte College, from the 23 remaining eligible EOPS programs to receive 2016-17 EOPS reallocated funds in place of the program that declined.

EOPS reallocated funds must be expended specifically for grants and direct assistance to eligible students and reported under Object Codes 4000B, 7000B and 7000C. Due to increased student financial need for assistance, $1.1 million in requests for EOPS reallocated funds were submitted to the Chancellor’s Office for funding consideration.

Reallocated funds are awarded as a one-time budget augmentation to the college EOPS program for the current fiscal year and do not affect the program’s base allocation to determine future funding. The augmentation will be reflected as an adjustment in the 2016-17 second principal apportionments report (P2) at the end of the fiscal year.

EOPS programs must expend 2016-17 funds, including reallocated funds, by June 30, 2017; expenditures and encumbrances are not permitted beyond this date. If awarded 2016-17 EOPS reallocated funds, EOPS programs offer grants and direct assistance to eligible students, including summer session 2017, if the college: 1) issues award letters to eligible students dated on or before June 30, 2017, and 2) disburses EOPS grants and assistance to eligible students on or before June 30, 2017.

Carryover of EOPS program funds from one fiscal year to the next is strictly prohibited.

Contact: Questions related to the EOPS program and reallocated funds awards may be directed to Kelly Gornik, EOPS/CARE/CAFYES Specialist, at and 916-323-4281.

Attachment (Revised list of EOPS Reallocated Funds Awards by College EOPS Program)

cc: Superintendents/Presidents

Chief Student Services Officers

Chief Business Officers

Pamela D. Walker

Sarah Tyson

2016-17EOPSRevised Reallocated Funds Awards

College / Purpose / Award
Butte / Textbooks / $2,159
Canada / Grants / $2,158
Desert / Textbooks / $2,158
Fullerton / Textbooks / $2,158
Hartnell / Textbooks / $2,158
MiraCosta / Textbooks / $2,159
Mt. San Antonio / Grants / $2,159
Palomar / Textbooks and grants / $2,159
Santiago Canyon / Textbooks / $2,158
Woodland / Textbooks, grants, work study / $2,159
Total / $21,585