Revelation Part 4
Lesson 11
Kay Arthur
Where will the church be at His coming?
Matt. 23:37 Jesus has just addressed Jerusalem and the Jews
Matt. 23:38-39 You shall not see me until you say, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.” Speaking to Jews
Matt. 23:39-24:3When will the temple be torn down and what will be the sign of your coming?
Matt. 24:4-13The coming of Jesus Christ and the end of the age go together.
Matt. 24:9 THEN, they will deliver you (Jews) to tribulation…
Matt. 24:6 This is not yet the end
Matt. 24:13 He who endures until the end shall be saved
Matt. 24:13-14
Matt. 24:7-8
Matt. 24:10-13
Matt. 24:14 The gospel will be preached to the whole world as a witness to the nations THEN the end shall come.
Matt. 24:15 WHEN you see the abomination…standing in the holy place
2 Thess. 2:2-4
2 Thess. 2:3-4
Matt. 24:4-14Overview of the things that lead to the end, the coming of Jesus Christ
Matt. 24:15-20 Remember, being on a Sabbath is only important to the Jews. There is no instruction to the church at this point
Matt. 24:16, 21
Time of Distress The Great Tribulation
Dan. 12:1
Joel 2:2
Mark 13:19
Matt. 24:22 The elect: the nation of Israel
Matt. 24:23-25
The New Testament is NOT just for the church, but also for the Jews.
Matt. 24:25-26 The Jews, when this persecution starts, the Jews have fled to the wilderness. True Jews, who are holding to their faith in a coming Messiah, take off, South, to Jordan, which is at peace with Israel at this point in time.
Jesus warns, “Don’t come out of hiding”
Matt. 24:27 You won’t have to sneak anywhere to see Him.
Matt. 24:28Who is the corpse going to be? Israel in the sense that the anti-Christ is going to gather the nations in the valley of Megiddo. So the nations are the vultures.
Matt. 24:28-30 Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light….
Matt. 24:31 Is that elect Christians? Or is that elect Jews?
If it is Christians, then they are on the earth at Christ’s coming.
If it is the Jews, then He is gathering, from the four corners of the earth, His elect who have been scattered.
Matt. 24:32-34 The fig tree does NOT represent Israel.
“This generation will not pass away until these things take place”. The generation that sees these things take place.
Matt. 24:34-37 NO ONE knows the day or the hour.
Matt. 24:38What were the days of Noah like?
Who was going to be left on the earth when Noah entered the ark? Only those in the ark were safe. All those outside, died.
Matt. 24:38-39 They did not understand until the flood came and took them away. Took the unbelievers away.
Matt. 24:40-41 The ones taken in the days of Noah were the unbelievers. So the ones that are taken away are unbelievers.
Those that are left on the earth when the Lord comes, are those the church? Or are those other people that have believed during the Tribulation? The last 3 ½ years?
Matt. 24:42-44 You be ready too! Is He speaking to the church or to Jews?
Matt. 25:31-34Is that the church or is that Jews?
Matt. 25:35-41 To the extent that you did it to these brothers of Mine: Jews
The sheep are the ones that live on, the goats are the ones that are cast into the Lake of Fire.
When does He sit in judgment? When does He sit in judgment?
Are the ones that are the sheep, is that the church?Or is the church separate from the sheep?
If, when He comes, and sits in the valley, and gathers those people, is this the church that has been kind to the Jews during that time so they get to stay on earth? Or is that simply Gentile nations that are not part of the church, but who have been righteous in that they have protected the Jews and therefore God is letting them go into the kingdom because what he did to the least of these His brethren, he did to them.
Rev. 19:1-3 Loud voice of a multitude in heaven
Rev. 16:10-12 The Euphrates goes right through Iraq
- Nations gathered in the Valley of Megiddo, against Jerusalem
- Babylon is being destroyed (7th bowl)
As the Jews come out, they go back to Jerusalem seeking their God.
- Then the nations come against Jerusalem Zech. 14
Rev. 16:17-19
Rev. 19:6-8 The marriage of the Lamb has come and the bride has made herself ready.
Eph. 5:27 The church is the bride, the bride is the church
2 Cor. 11
Rev. 19:9-12 This is Jesus, coming from heaven
Rev. 19:13-14 The armies (vs. 8) could be the bride
Rev. 17:14They are called, chosen and faithful
Eph. 1:3-5We were chosen in Christ, before the foundation of the world
John 15:16 You didn’t choose Me but I chose you!
Rev. 2 – 3The church is chosen and faithful
He who overcomes: Faithfulness is overcoming
I John 5:1 He who believes that Jesus is the Christ
Rev. 19: 14-15 Are we part of the nations that are judged? Those that are gathered from the 4 corners of the earth?
If the church comes with Him, when did the church get up there?????
There are those that are of the offspring of Israel that have believed because of Israel’s faithfulness and they have held to the testimony of Jesus.
Is. 34:1-8 Final battle The armies that are with Him are coming to the earth
This is a time of wrath. Is the church going to endure the wrath of God?
Is. 34:5-8
Dan. 11: The antichrist is not allowed to go against Edom because GOD will
Is. 35:4-5 Up until this time they have not believed that Jesus is the Messiah.
When He gets ready to come, a nation is going to have to repent in a day.
Is. 35:8-10 Highway of Holiness is opened up when He calls them from the four corners of the earth.
Is. 63:1-6 My year of redemption has come. Their lifeblood is poured out on the earth.
Hab. 3:3
Zech. 14
Where is the church when all of this comes?
They are with Jesus!! They can’t be here on the earth when Jesus Christ comes because they are with Him!!
Oh Bride are you ready for your Bridegroom?