Impartial careers education - survey for parents and carers of Year 11 pupils
This survey is to help you gather the views of parents and carers on the support you give them when they are helping their children decide what to do post-16.
The questions reflect national expectations of how schools will help parents and carers to ensure that they understand their children’s options and can support their decision making. These expectations are set out in the Statutory Guidance on Impartial Careers Education (TSO, October 2009) and the Parent Guarantee published in the White Paper, ‘Your child, your schools, our future: building a 21st century schools system’ (TSO, June 2009).
You can use the outcomes of the survey to improve what you do and to inform SEF judgements about the school’s engagement with parents and carers.
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Helping you to help your children with their post-16 options
Parents’ and carers’ survey
We want to make sure that we give our parents and carers the best possible support when they are helping their children to understand their post-16 options and decide which are the right ones for them. We will use this survey to improve what we do. We do not need your name – your answers are private. Please read each statement carefully and tick the answer that best fits what you think.
Thank you for taking the time to do the survey.
The support I got from school to help me help my child make the right choices for them: / strongly agree / agree / disagree / strongly disagree1 / gave me a good understanding of:
a) / Foundation Learning
b) / A/AS Levels
c) / Diplomas
d) / Apprenticeships
e) / other qualifications my child could do
f) / jobs with part-time learning/training
g) / changing opportunities in the job market
2 / showed me how and where my child could get help to explore different opportunities
3 / showed me how to help my child find information about local courses, apprenticeships and jobs with training
4 / showed me what financial support for learning my child may be able to get
5 / showed me how my child could get a place in learning after Year 11 and Year 12 using the September Guarantee
6 / gave me accurate information about how well my child was doing and how this might affect their future choices
7 / helped me to encourage my child to expand their career ideas and be more ambitious
8 / made it easier for me to motivate my child to learn
9 / made it easier for me to discuss possible options and give my child practical help with their decisionmaking
10 / made me feel confident about approaching the school with questions and concerns about my child’s future
Is there anything else that you would like to tell us?
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