PLS 101
Resources in Political Science
Class Meetings, Office Hours and Contact Information
Faculty / Dr. Sandra M. EmersonContact Information / Building 94-309,
Phone: 909 869-3879
Class / Monday & Wednesday 9 a.m. to 9:50 a.m.
Office Hours / Office Hours:
Monday and Tuesday 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Saturday either in a.m. or p.m. by appointment
Course Description:
This is a course for new political science majors (whether beginning college students or transfers to Cal Poly Pomona). It is designed to introduce students to the resources available for careers in, and the study of, political science. This course seeks to develop skills in research, reading, writing, oral presentations, etc. The goal is to provide a clear understanding of what is involved in being a successful political science major at Cal Poly Pomona and the scope of the discipline.
At the completion of the course, students should be able to:
- identify members of the political science faculty and their core areas of specialization,
- explain the areas of study in each of the disciplines subfields,
- complete course assignments
- make effective use of the library for academic research,
- write an academic paper using appropriate citation format and analysis
- demonstrate basic computer skills.
- explain the key elements of an effective oral presentation, and
- identify career possibilities for political science majors.
Grigsby, E. (2012) Analyzing Politics: An introduction to political science, 5th edition. Toronto, Canada: Cengage
Schmidt, D. (2010) Writing in Political Science: A practical guide, 4th edition. Boston, MA: Longman.
Articles (four on-line) are available via Blackboard for PLS 101
Blair, D. (2009)The child in the garden: An evaluative review of the benefits of school gardening. Journal of Environmental Education 40 (2), 15-38.
Bogard, C.J. and I. Sheinheit and R. Clarke (2008)Information they can trust: Increasing Youth Voter Turnout. PS Online 41 (3) 541-46.
Meyers, J. (2008) The aftermath of environmentalism. American Prospect 16 (10), 5-7.
Stolle, D., M. Hoog he and M. Micheleth (2005). Politics in the Supermarket: Political Consumerism as a Form of Political Participation. International Political Science Review 26(3), 245-269.
Course Activities:
This class meets weekly and there are assignments and/or exams in 8 of the 10 weeks. One objective of this course is for students to learn to manage time. Consequently promptness, completeness and quality are equally valued. Unless otherwise stated the assignments are due on the date specified and are submitted in hard copy during class time. Assignments should be TYPED. If assignments are not typed they will not be graded.
There will be 4 impromptu quizzes this quarter. The top 3 of 4 grades will be summarized to constitute your exam score. PLEASE bring the short 15 item Scantron to each class just in case it is needed.
Class Policies:
Academic Honesty: Students should review the University regulation concerning academic honesty. Those regulations will be enforced in this class. In particular students should avoid plagiarism. See the following site if you have questions about plagiarism. A student who engages in plagiarism will receive a failing grade. There are no exceptions to this rule.
Attendance: Students are expected to attend every class. They should arrive before the lecture begins and leave when the class is over. Perfect attendance earns the student 6 points.No makeup exams or supplemental assignments are available. Assignments are posted well in advance and may be submitted on the due date or earlier. Missing a class is not an excuse for submitting a late assignment. However, a student that has an extended illness, hospitalization or is incapacitated may contract with the faculty for alternative dates and times for completing assignments. Documentation of illness or incapacitation is required.
Disabilities: A student with a disability (physical, learning, etc.) that requires special consideration should notify the faculty in the first week. Appropriate accommodations will be made for the classroom portions of the course.
Civility: Permission to remain in the class is dependent on demonstrating respect for the faculty and students. This includes (but is not limited to) listening to others, treating persons with respect, and not disrupting class activities. Consistently arriving late and/or leaving early is disrespectful of students and faculty. Disagreements and arguments are expected but should not devolve into personal attacks or exchanges. Falling asleep, surfing the net, text messaging and related behaviors will be treated as an absence.
English Communication: All written and oral assignments should be prepared in Standard English. Misspellings, poor grammar, incorrect syntax will lower your grade by 10 points or more. Please write clearly, concisely and with care. A paper with more than 3 grammar, spelling, and related errors will not be graded. Student may resubmit a no-grade paper once. If you need assistance with writing consult the Writing Center in the CPP Library, building 15.
A = 95 and above / A- = 90 to 94B+ = 87 to 89 / B = 84 to 86 / B- = 80 to 83
C+ = 77 to 79 / C = 74 to 76 / C- = 70 to 73
D+ = 67 to 69 / D = 64 to 66 / D- = 60 to 63
Plagiarism or any summative grade of less than 60 is F. Plagiarized papers will be forwarded to Judicial Affairs Office for adjudication.
Course Schedule
Week / Date / Topic/ Discussion / Readings / AssignmentsBRING=download forms
DUE= Submit typed / Points
1 / 4/3 / Introduction, tents / Syllabus, Tents / Journalism vs. political science
4/8 / What is PLS? / Schmidt, Chapter 1
( pages 3-25)
Grigsby, Chapter 2
Meyers, J. The aftermath ... / **
Week / Date / Topic/ Discussion / Readings / Assignments
BRING=download forms
DUE= Submit typed / Points
2 / 4/10 / Thinking about politics / Schmidt, Chapter 2AND pages 247 to 255. / Select a topic for a lit review.
4/10 / Selecting a Topic / Schmidt, Chapter 3 / Topic …continued
Submit name & topic on 3X5 card / 0 to -5
3 / 4/15 / Analyzing scholarly work / Bodgard’s Information They Can Trust” PS On line / Bring article to class for discussion.
4/17 / PLS faculty
field research / Preparation for assignments 1 and 2 / Bring assign.1 and 2
4/21 / Interview PLS faculty / PLS faculty are located in building 94- 3 rd floor / Students interview PLS professors
4 / 4/22 / PLS discipline at CPP / Debrief Assignment 1 / Assignment 1 and
Assignment 2due / 10
4/24 / Citations and Library Resources / Schmidt, Chapters 7, 8
What reality is! / Check your understanding of plagarisma brief self quiz on BLACKBOARD.
Bring Assignment 3
Citing scholarly sources
5 / 4/29 / Library Sources with Don Page at CPP Library
Room 2907 / Schmidt, Chapter 4
What is wrong with this site? / Bring Assignment 3: Citing scholarly sources and begin working on identifying scholarly articles for lit. review
5/1 / Politics as normative / Schmidt, Chapter 10
Grigsby, 3 and 5 / Submit assignment 3 / 10
6 / 5/6 / Theory informs critical thinking of literature / Blair, 2008. The child in the Garden. On Blackboard / Bring Blair article. / **
5/8 / Discussion of qualitative analysis and evidence. / Schmidt, Chapter 5,
92 to 99.
Ideology of Independence
Blair, 2008. The child in the Garden. On Blackboard / Bring Assignment 4
Annotated bibliography. Schmidt 199 and template
7 / 5/13 / Non Traditional Politics / Grigsby Chapter 7
Geene Davis on gender in film
UK on environmental 10/10 / **
5/15 / Discussion of quantitative analysis and evidence / Stolle, D., M. Hooghe and M. Micheletti 2005, Politics in Supermarket. On line
Barking for Clean Air / Submit assignment4 scholarly articles annotated bibliography . / 10
8 / 5/20 / Finding Themes / Copy of Assignment 4 / Assignment 4 returned / **
5/22 / Fascism:
American Fascism
/ Grigsby Chapter 6
Fascism and Economics
9 / 5/29 / Critique and collaboration / DRAFT PARTNERS FOR 9:00 a.m.
- review and assess
- discuss and deliberate
Examplesof literaturereviews on Blackboard:
- Public policy and ENRON
- Campaign Reform
10 / 6/3 / Fascism continued
Australian Fascism
Can Be Fun / Submit 2 copies of Assign 5: 1 to Dr. E. and other to author / 10
6/5 / Career Center
D. Craig
Attendance / Submit Assign 6 in hard copy to Dr. E. via TURNITIN for full credit. / 20
SUM / 100+
Final / ---- / Literature review
Best on 3 of 4 quizzes / 70
This page is Copyright; 2010 by S.M. Emerson. Updated Winter 2013
Space for this page is provided by California State Polytechnic University Pomona. Although it is intended to further educational mission of the university, the opinions expressed here are those of Dr. S. M. Emerson and do not reflect official policy of the University. Send email to