MaryulianaSeptiani (12220336)
English Education Study Program
Language and Arts Department
SekolahTinggiKeguruan Dan IlmuPendidikan (STKIP) Siliwangi
The objectives of this research entitled “An Analysis of Moral Value Found Out in Movie Entitled “Dead Poets Society” Based On Its Intrinsic Value” is to find out the moral value and to know the beneficial inputs of analyzing intrinsic value of the movie. The research method is the descriptive qualitative method. The instrument of this research cover the list of questions designed based on the elements of the movie and the answers were written on pieces of paper. The population of the research is film script entitled “Dead Poets Society” and the sample of this research is the dialogues spoken by the all the characters in ‘Dead Poets Society’ movie. The data were collected by reading the movie script and the data were analyzed by identifying, analyzing, classifying and interpreting moral value based on Buzan’s theory of moral value and intrinsic value based on Abram’s theory.The result of the analysis showed that the theme of the movie was poetry class can inspired the students to have a positive character. The characters are Mr. John Keating as the protagonist, Mr. Perry as the antagonist and Neil Perry as the supporting character. The plot covers the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. The setting in this story was in United States. The dialogue found in the movie script written by Tom Schulman, and it uses English Language. It is concluded that the elements of the movie are clear and interesting, it could be described easily. The beneficial inputs of analyzing this movie is by learning the moral value found out in the movie the writer can give advice to her students to have positive characters, it is adjusted to what the Minister of Education and Culture said (Jakarta post 29 July 2015) that teacher should pay attention to ethical development (budipekerti) in school.
Keywords: Literature, Movie, Moral Value, Intrinsic Value
As a future teacher of English, we should study many kinds of subjects, those are general subjects, subjects of professional, and subjects of proficiency. Literature is one of the subjects of proficiency. According to Hornby in (Kimtafsirah 2011) “Literature is a piece of writing valued as work of art compared to technical language.” By studying literature we can improve our knowledge, vocabulary, pronunciation, improve our language skills, build the character for having positive character or good moral value. Literary works can be divided into three kinds: those are poetry, prose, and play or drama. And movie or film is one of the literary works which is included into play or drama.According to Kindem (2000:1) movies are both art and commerce, creative expressions of national / cultural interest and preoccupations and part of a global entertainment market. And according to Hornby (2003:496) “Movie is a series moving pictures recorded with sound that tells a story”. Studying movie for English learners is important since movie is derived from literary works. A movie might consist of moral values for education. Moral value is a guide to what is right and involves what we should do, right or wrong, good or bad, values, justice, and virtue (Fraenkel: 1977. By studying movie, we can learn more about moral values which plays an important role in our life. According to Abrams (1990:50), there are two steps in analyzing the literary works, first the analysis based on intrinsic value and the second step is the analysis based on extrinsic value. We can analyze the literary work based on the intrinsic value of the literary work, that means based on the elements of literary work.“Dead Poets Society” was a film written by Tom Schulman and distributed by Touchstone Pictures. It was released on June 2, 1989 and the duration was 128 minutes. ‘Dead Poets Society’ received critical acclaim and was a box office success. In this research, the writer would analyze the intrinsic value or the elements and moral values in a movie entitled “Dead Poets Society’. Therefore, the writer decides to entitle this research as ”An Analysis Of Moral Value Found Out In Movie Entitled “Dead Poets Society” Based On Its Intrinsic Value”. Being the future teacher of English, the writer would like to underline the importance of watching movie because by doing so, we can learn moral value and have positive character. This idea supported by the Minister of Education and Culture who writes (Jakarta post 29 July 2015) that teacher should pay attention to ethical development in school. In addition, by studying movie we can improve our knowledge, pronunciation, vocabulary, the four language skills and we can write the synopsis of the movie as well.
1. Definition of Literature
According to Hornby in (Kimtafsirah’s2011) literature is a piece of writing valued as work of art compared to technical language. Furthermore Quinn (2006:243) explains that literature is usually understood to refer to:”creative” works in the form of poetry, fiction and drama. Then based on Robert and Jacob (1993:1) “Literature means the compositions that tell stories, dramatize situation, express emotion, analyze and advocated ideas”.
2. The Importance of Studying Literary Works for Future Teacher
By studying literature the writer can improve her knowledge, improve her pronunciation, improve her vocabularies, improve her grammatical structure, learning the culture of the other nations, and learning to appreciate the literary works, included the movie. By appreciating literary work we can know what elements of literary work which is found on that.
3.The Definition of Moral Value
Moral value is a guide to what is right and involves what we should do, right or wrong, good or bad, values, justice, and virtue (Fraenkel: 1977). And based on Pojman (1990:2) “morality refers to the principle of conduct of both actual moralities, the best justified or true moral system”.
4. Kind of Moral Value
There are many kind of moral value accordance to Buzan (2003:29):
- Responsibility
Responsibility can be a form of trustworthiness, the trait of being answerable to someone for something or being responsible for one’s conduct.
- Steadfastness
Steadfastness means loyalty in the face of trouble and difficulty.
- Sympathetic to Other
Sympathetic is showing or motivated by sympathy, understanding and generosity.
- Cooperativeness
Cooperativeness is the trait of being cooperative.
- Thankfulness
Thankfulness is warm friendly feelings of gratitude.
f. Trustworthiness
Trustworthiness is the trait of deserving trust and confidence.
- Sincerity
Sincerity is an earnest and sincere feeling or it can be said as the quality of being open and trustful, not deceitful or hypocritical.
- Love and Affection
Love is a strong positive emotion of regard and affection.
- Diligence
Diligence is conscientiousness in paying proper attention to a task or giving the degree of care required in a given situation.
- Never Give up
No one is perfect. This phrase shows that everybody around the world certainly has their own problem.
- Bravery
Bravery is a feeling no fear or a quality of spirit that enables us to face danger or pain without showing fear.
- Humbleness
Humbleness is the state of being humble an unimportant.
- Honesty
Honesty is the quality of being honest. An honest person will not be dare to tell lies.
- Care
Care is an act of having attention. Care is not only for other people, but also for ourselves.
5.Definition of Movie
According to Kindem (2000:1) “Movies are both art and commerce, creative expressions of national/cultural interest and preoccupations and part of global entertainment market”. Furthermore, Hornby (2003:496) said that movie or film is a series of moving pictures recorded with sound that tells a story. Another definition of movie has been stated by Lawson (1998:2), he stated that movie is a narrative that is told through sound and image that builds to a climax and culminates in a resolution.
- The Relationship Between Movie and Literary Works
Movie cannot be separated from literature. It is the fact that movie is performed based on literary works, which is written in the form of scenario, then the scenario is re-written in the form of film script.
- The Importance Studying Movie for Future Teachers
As the future teachers, there are many ways to improve the knowledge, for example in our language skills. By studying movie we can improve our knowledge, find out our vocabularies, improving our pronunciation by listening the dialogue from the movie. We can learn how to appreciate the literary works, included movie. Movie is a part of literary work in modern prose. Being the future teacher of English, the writer interested in studying movie to learn about the story from the film. It can be applied in the writer’s strategy in teaching the student in discuss about a story, for example narrative text, the student can determine the generic structure of the story and it will improve their knowledge. So, in the future she can master the positive character and behaviour when teaching her students.
8. Intrinsic Value
Intrinsic value is the part of Abram’s theory which is used for analyzing the literary works (Kimtafsirah handout, 2009) there are some elements which consist to intrinsic value in the novel. They are theme, character, setting, stage director, audience, dialogue, actor and actress, plot, suspense and foreshadowing and property.
- Theme
M.H Abrams (1999 : 170) said that the theme is sometimes used interchangeable with “motif’ but the term is more, usefully applied on a general concept or doctrine, whether implicit or asserted, which an imaginative work is designed to involve and make persuasive to the reader.
b. Character and characterization
According to M.H Abram (1999:32) the characters are the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work. Who are interpreted by the reader as possessing particular moral, intellectual, and emotional, qualities by inferences from what the person’s say and their distinctive ways of saying it – the dialogue – and from what they do – the action. Peck and Coyle (1989:79) also state that the people in a play/drama/film are referred to as characters.
c. Setting
Abram (1999:284) states that the overall setting of a narrative or dramatic work is the general locate, historical time, and social circumstances in which its action occurs, the setting or a single episode or science within the work is the particular physical location in which it takes place. Diyanni (2004:60) also state that setting is a place or location of a story is action with the time in which it occurs. Setting is important for an additional research: it symbolizes the emotional state of the characters
- Plot
The plot in a dramatic or narrative
work is constituted by its events and actions, as these are rendered and ordered toward achieving particular artistic and emotional effects (Abrams, M. H. 1999:224)
Plot divided into five stages (Kimtafsirah2011). Those are:
1)Exposition or introduction where the directors usually introduces the main character
2)Rising Action where the problem encountered by the main character.
3)Climax, the most difficult problem encountered by the main character.
4)Falling action or pre- resolution.
5)Resolution where the problem is solved or it’s the end of story.
- Style
DiYanni (2004:79) states, ‘the way a writer chooses words and arrange them determines his or her face or voice. Writer styles convey or her style. Style is verbal identity of a writer, as unmistakable as their distinctive ways of seeing the world”.
- Point of View
According to Abrams and Harpam (2009:271) point of view is signifies the way a story gets told- the mode or modes established by an author by means of which the reader is presented with the character, dialogue, action, setting and events which constitute the narrative in a work of fiction.
1)First-person point of view, when the main character is in the story, and refers to “I”.
2)Second-person point of view, which the story gets told solely, or at least primarily, as an address by the narrator to someone he calls by the second person pronoun “you”.
3)Third-person point of view, someone outside the story proper who refers to all the characters in the story by name, or as “he”, ”she”, ”they”.
- Suspense and Foreshadowing
Suspense and foreshadowing is one of the elements story which is used for make a viewer curious to finish watching the film (Kimtafsirah 2011).
1. Research Method
Based on the data analysis, this research is qualitative research. Qualitative research described and analyzed people’s individual, and collective social actions, beliefs, thoughts, and perceptions (Mac Millan (2001:395). As the writer conducts her research about moral values in a movie, the data in this research are in the form of utterances, instead of numbers.
2. Population and Sample
Crowl (1996;15) defined population is an entire group of people,object or events which the writer wishes to apply the finding of study. The population of this resarch is the film script of film entitled “Dead Poets Society”.
Samples are subjects of people used to represent populations (Crowl, 1996:15). The sample of this research is the dialogues spoken by the all the characters in ‘Dead Poets Society’ movie.
After analyzing the movie, the writer concludes the intrinsic value and moral value found out in the movie entitled “Dead Poets Society”.
1.Intrinsic Value :
- The theme of the movie entitled “Dead Poets Society” is poetry class can inspired the students to have a positive character. Textual evidence: “Carpe. Carpe Diem. Seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary”
- The protagonist character is Mr. Keating, Textual evidences: “Boys, you must strive to find your own voice” “…you must trust that your beliefs are unique, your own, even though others may think them odd or unpopular…”
The supporting character is Neil Perry. The textual evidence: “I found it. What's really, really inside me. So, I'm gonna act. Yes, yes! I'm gonna be an actor!”
And the antagonist character is Mr. Perry.Textual evidences: “you've wasted your time with this, this absurd acting business”
- The setting in this story was in the United States. Textual evidence: “…This is why we are the best preparatory school in the United States”.
- Plot on ‘Dead Poets Society’ movie were; Exposition: “a teacher named John Keating who inspired his student with a unique way of teaching trough poetry”. Rising Action: “Charlie published a daring article signed by the ‘Dead Poets Society’ then, Mr. Keating was warned by Mr. Nolan to drop his unorthodox teaching methods”. Climax: “Neil committed suicide and Neil's father forced Headmaster Nolan to launch an investigation into Keating's teaching methods”. Falling action: “The boys were intimidated to sign the paper that blamed Mr. Keating to cause Neil to suicide”. Resolution : “Mr. Keating was fired from Welton. However, Todd and the other students showed their appreciation and loyalty to Mr. Keating”.
- After watching and reading the film script of the movie entitled the Dead Poets Society the writer concluded that the director’s style in this movie is easy to understanding.
- The suspense and fore shadowing of this movie: The writer found that this movie was very interesting. It is told about a teacher who inspired his student with a unique way of teaching trough poetry.
2.Moral Value
From 28 moral values, the writer found 12 from 14 moral values based on Buzan’s theory from “Dead Poets Society” movie, they were; responsibility (11%), bravery (14%), diligence (3%), sympathetic to others (21%), cooperativeness (11%), never give up (3%), honesty (7%), love (7%), care (11%), sincerity (4%), trustworthiness (4%), and humbleness (4%).
- Responsibility
Textual evidences : (Mr. Keating said) “Sure there's a time for daring and there's a time for caution, and a wise man understands which is called for”.The Mr. Keating’s utterance was an advice. As a teacher Mr. Keating has responsibility to educate his students to have positive character.
- Bravery
Textual evidence: (Todd climbed up onto the desk and called out) “O Captain! My Captain!”.(Mr. Nolan said) Sit down, Mr. Anderson! This is your final warning. How dare you? Do you hear me?”We can see that Todd decided to despite Nolan’s order and stand on the desk in respect for Keating, therefore he has bravery value.
- Diligence
Textual evidence: (Neil said) “I thought I'd surprise you. I've gotten all A's in every class”. Neil has got A’s in his classes. It showed that he is diligence person.
- Sympathetic to Others
Textual evidence: (Neil said to Todd) ”Is today your birthday? Happy birthday”.The underlined words shows Neil’s sympathetic for Todd.
- Cooperativeness
Textual evidence: (Meeks said) “Me and Pitts are working on a hi-fi system.It shouldn't be that hard to, uh, to put together“. The underlined words means the hi-fi system they made would be easy because they work it together. They were cooperative.
- Never Give Up
Textual evidence: (Knox said) “Then come with me. Come on, Chris. Just give me one chance”. The word ‘just give me one chance’ showed that Knox keep trying to reach something he wish. He was never give up.
- Honesty
Textual evidence: (Charlie said)”I'm to turn everybody in, apologize to the school and all will be forgiven”. The textual evidences showed that Charlie was honest to the school and he was forgiven by apologized
- Love
Textual evidence: (Knox said)” I brought you these and a poem I wrote for you. I love you, Chris”. From the textual evidence we can see that Knox brought a poem and showed that he loves Chris.
- Care
Textual evidence: (Keating said to Neil) ”I know this sounds impossible, but you have to talk to him. You have to show him who you are, what your heart is”. It shows that Mr. Keating was care about Neil and gives him advice.
- Sincerity
Textual evidence: (Mr.Keating said) “Cause I love teaching. I don't wanna be anywhere else”. It shows that Mr. Keating loves teach, he teaching with a sincere feeling.