Bosham Parish Council
Tel: 01243 576464 8th January 2015
Date and time of meeting: / Wednesday 14th January 2015 at 6.45pmVenue: / The Bosham Centre, Recreation Ground, Walton Lane
Members of the
Planning Committee: / Mr A Johnstone [Chairman], Mr A Chapman, Mrs J Copsey, Mr J Holloway, Mrs G Powell and Mr C Whitmore Jones
Members are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE
to transact the business detailed below:-
Members of the Public and Press are welcome and encouraged to attend
1. To receive apologies for absence.
2. To receive declarations of interest by Councillors on any of the agenda items below.
3. To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held 10th December 2014 (previously issued)
4. To consider matters arising from previous Minutes not covered elsewhere on the agenda
5. To consider responses to Planning Applications which have been submitted to Chichester District Council and to delegate to the Parish Clerk to respond to each application in accordance with the Parish Council’s resolution.
Note: Before the Committee considers individual applications; the Chairman of the Planning Committee may invite Members of the Public present at the meeting if they wish to address the Committee with their views on any of the applications listed on the agenda.
5.1 / 14/04224/ADV St Richards R.C Parish, Church Of Our Lady Of The Assumption Fairfield Road Bosham Chichester - The proposal is to fit a cross of Iroko hardwood to the wall facing Bosham Lane in the location marked A.5.2 / 14/04202/DOM Mrs Caroline Marriage, Inner Randells Bosham Hoe Bosham West Sussex - Remove existing shed and build a new larger one with open end for potting bench.
5.3 / 14/04258/TCA Mr Andrew Lanford, Plovers 3 Church Meadow Bosham Chichester - Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Monterey Pine tree.
5.4 / 14/04268/TPA Mr Andrew Lanford, Plovers 3 Church Meadow Bosham Chichester - Fell 1 no. Sycamore tree (T1) subject to BO/95/00077/TPO
5.5 / 14/04261/FUL Mr Mark Upton-Brow, The Oaks Main Road Bosham West Sussex - Replacement dwelling amendments to approved application 13/04030/FUL to include new integral garage and store following demolition of existing tractor shed and store, minor re-siting of dwelling and design changes at The Oaks, Main Road, Bosham
6. To note decisions confirmed by Chichester District Council
6.1 / 14/03482/DOM Mr & Mrs Martyn Chase, 2 Adelaide Terrace Bosham Lane Bosham Chichester West Sussex PO18 8HS - Demolition of existing asbestos and concrete garage and boat store and replacement with a garage and boat store with sail loft above.PERMIT
6.2 / 14/03842/TCA Mr Nail Cuthbertson, Barford Bosham Lane Bosham Chichester West Sussex PO18 8HL - Notification of intention to reduce height and widths back to previous reduction points on 1no. Norway Maple tree.
6.3 / 13/01648/FUL The Hyde Group, West Sussex Fire Brigade Site Critchfield Road Bosham Chichester West Sussex PO18 8HH - Demolition of fire station building and construction of 2 one-bed flats and 1 three-bed house with parking and landscaping.
6.4 / 14/03536/PLD Mr J Hale, 28 Brooks Lane Bosham Chichester West Sussex PO18 8LA - First floor side extension and alterations to roof.
6.5 / 14/03650/DOM Mr And Mrs William Mathers, 3 Adelaide Terrace Bosham Lane Bosham Chichester West Sussex PO18 8HS - Demolition of existing garages and boat store. Replacement with garage and boat store with sail loft.
6.6 / 14/03655/FUL Domusa (Bosham) Ltd, Eastfield Cottage Taylors Lane Bosham Chichester PO18 8QQ - Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission BO/14/00921/FUL. Alterations to rear fenestration to include the removal of 4 no. rooflights on the northern elevation.
6.7 / 14/03967/TPA Mrs S Dickens, Old Smugglers Smugglers Lane Bosham Chichester PO18 8QP - Crown lift by up to 4m (above ground level), reduce lower laterals by 2m and remove deadwood on 6 no. Oak trees within Area A3, subject to BO/81/00058/TPO.
7. Enforcement Action/Appeals
8. Affordable/Social housing Committee
9. Major Local Development
10. To note the date of the next planning meeting
Signed: Lisa Roberts
Lisa Roberts - Clerk to the Council
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Bosham Parish Council, The Bosham Centre, Recreation Ground, Walton Lane, Bosham, PO18 8QF
Tel: 01243 576464 E-mail: