Mrs. Amy Schayot
Mr. William Carol, Dean of Discipline
Ms. Sydmalise Beard, Counselor
Mrs. Tiffany Wallace-Jones, As. Principal
Mrs. McNutt, Dean of Academics
6th Grade World History
Welcome to the 2017- 2018 school year! Thank you for choosing Henry Ford Middle School. My name is Ms. Capak. I am so excited to be a part of this faculty. We are going to do great things together. I pledge to my best to teach World History to the best of my abilities. I pledge to be on time for class and greet you at the door with a smile. I will do my best to make the subject interesting and enjoyable. While realizing that not all parts of World History will make your heart skip a beat, I promise to do all I can to keep it interesting. I also pledge to keep abreast of new information regarding any state standards and to endeavor to attend any and all Professional Development permitted to remain a life long learner.
Parents, I will need you to help me to prepare your child to be a global learner by attending all parent conferences, report card conferences, checking homework, and ensuring your child had all supplies necessary to succeed. My planning period is 4th period Monday through Friday. You can call the school at 504-436-2474 for an appointment. Free tutoring will be held. The space is limited.
A textbook will be issued on the week of August 28, 2017.
Students, your NOTEBOOK and 3 PRONGED FOLDER will contain all of the work that you do in this class (and ONLY this class) over the course of the year.It is EXTREMELY important that you keep and orderly NOTEBOOOK and 3 PRONGED FOLDER for this class, as it will help your grade and will teach you invaluable organization skills. We will work hard everyday!
You are expected to bring the following to our class EVERY day:
- Notebook
- Black or Blue pen or sharpened pencil
- 12 pack of colored pencils
- Glue
- 3 prong folder
- Your Book
- A positive attitude towards learning and respect for the rules of our class and HFMS
If you are unable to get the required supplies, please see me privately and we will make sure that you get what you need to be successful.
Expect to have homework every night. I may also give you homework over the weekend
Each Assignment will be:
- Done to the best of your ability. I expect you to at the very least ATTEMPT EACH QUESTION.
- Inspected and date-stamped (if it is complete) while you are working on the Do Now.
For Middle School there is an Exam category for the 2nd and 4th 9 Weeks.
1st and 3rd 9 Weeks – Major Assessment (Tests/Projects) = 1/3 Minor (Quizzes/Homework) = 1/3
Participation (daily classwork) = 1/3
*2nd and 4th 9 Weeks – May change due to the exam schedule
Percent Correct / Letter Grade100 - 93 / A (Excellent)
92 - 85 / B (Good)
84 - 75 / C (Average)
74 - 67 / D (Below Average)
Below 66 / F (Failing)
Knowledge is too precious to steal. Make sure everything that you turn in to me is your own work. Please make sure that you understand even “group work” should be your own. Students caught cheating will receive no credit for that assignment.
Above all else, I value student learning. For that reason, I believe that students should have the opportunity to correct and/or revise work that they are unsatisfied with. All exams may be retaken with the possibility to make up half the points missed.
If you miss class, you must do following:
- Go to the class website, select your class, go to and copy the LEARNING OBJECTIVE and DO NOW that you missed.
- Turn in any homework that was collected in your absence.
- Do the assignments that you missed. Ask for help if needed.
If you miss class on a quiz/test day, you have until the FOLLOWING FRIDAY to make up the quiz / exam. You must schedule an appointment to make up your quiz / exam. Good time includes before school, after school, or at (study sessions) Make-ups will be more difficult.
If you miss class before an exam, you still must take the exam on the schedule day. In the event that you are absent for two or more days in the week of an exam, you have the option of postponing the exam for one week. Prolong the makeup for that full week is not encouraged, as you will find yourself behind with normal class work. You must make an appointment to reschedule your exam.
Each day, I will designate one person from each group as the team leader. The responsibilities of the team leader are as follows (if not completed, the team leader will lose daily work points):
- Put up and take down the group sign
- Get the team folder from the front of the class
- Collect any handouts, worksheets, etc. for any missing pod members, write their name and date on them, and place these in the missing person’s folder.
- Pick up any trash from the area around team area at the end of class.
The above are my expectations.