The purpose of the Westside JROTC program is to motivate students to be better citizens. Our Cadets become better citizens and students by learning discipline, leadership, and teamwork in a dynamic training environment. The “classroom” includes not just the traditional classroom, but also the parade ground, sports field and various other locations we use to provide confidence building and skills development. Some of the subjects included in the LET 1 curriculum are:
- The Spirit of American Citizenship and Army JROTC
- Communication and Behavior
- Leadership Fundamentals
- Leadership Lab.
- Cadet Challenge
- First Aid and Your Health
- Map Reading
- Overview of Citizenship through American History
- Your American Citizenship
- Community Service Projects
- Drug Abuse Prevention
Every Thursday, cadets are required to wear their uniform for grade. The uniform for the program comes at no cost to the students and must be turned in at the end of the year. Every Friday, the cadets will participate in Cadet Challenge which requires cadets to conduct seven physical fitness events. The successful completion of these events can earn the cadets medals and awards up to the President’s Physical Fitness Award.
Community Service
As a JROTC cadet you will take part in community service and learning activities such as: Toys for Tots, blood drives, Special Olympics, and service learning projects.
Some of the things that you will learn while being a LET1 will consist of:
- The Spirit of American Citizenship and Army JROTC
- Communication and Behavior
- Leadership Fundamentals
- Leadership Lab.
- Cadet Challenge
- First Aid and Your Health
- Map Reading
- Overview of Citizenship through American History
- Your American Citizenship
- Community Service Projects
- Drug Abuse Prevention
We also have extra-curricular activitieswhich are held after school. Every cadet may volunteer to participate. Theactivities consist of:
- Color Guard
-The Color Guard is a prestigious and highly visible team that competes along with the Drill Team. It performs at many community and school functions.
- Drill Team
-The Drill Team specializes in precision drill. As a member of the Drill Team you will improve your concentration, listening, and leadership skills
- Raider Team
-The Raider Team stresses physical fitness and is demanding of physical stamina. It is competitive and you will be pushed to get into the best shape possible.
There is NO military obligation for participation in the JROTC program. A $20 activity fee is required for insurance, T-shirts, refreshments, and entry fees for competitions.
If you have questions about joining the WestsideHigh School
U.S. Army Junior ROTC“Ram” Battalion, you can call us at
(864) 260-5828 or see your guidance counselor.