August 17, 2012

The messengers met for the Fifty-Fifth annual session at the 1st Missionary Baptist Church Bend, OR.

Bro. John Ogden, from Bend OR came forward and presented the opening seminar entitled “Should Creation be Taught in School”

The congregation was dismissed for a 10 minute break

Bro. Lawson Morey from Bend, OR came forward and presented the second seminar entitled “The Spiritual Aspects of Creation”

Bro. Rod Williams came forward and led the congregation in “Let Jesus Come into Your Heart”

The congregation was dismissed for a 10 minute break

Bro. Rod Williams led the congregation in singing “This is My Fathers World”.

Bro. Jimmy Hubbard led in prayer.

Bro. Tom Counts came forward and gave the welcome for the host church. Services were turned over to Bro. David Dever as Moderator.

Bro. Dever called for the reading of church letters. The names of each church and the names of the messengers were read from 18 letters. The messengers stood and Bro. Dever declared the messengers seated.

Motion, second, and carried to accept the agenda as presented by the 1St MBC, Bend, OR subject to change by messengers. Motion Carried.

Bro. Nick Lewis, Bro. AJ Collins and Bro. Jimmy Hubbard were introduced as a new pastor.

Bro. Houston Kelly from Live Oak, Ca was introduced as a visiting minister

There were no proposed changes to the Articles of Faith presented.

Bro. Chandler, Bro. Howard, Bro. Lewis were appointed to the Memorial Committee

Bro. Dever came forward and delivered the Moderator’s Address entitled “The Second is Better than the First”using Mark 10:28-30 as his text.

Bro. Williams led an invitational song “Is Thy Heart Right with God”

Bro. Counts gave a few announcements. A motion, second, and carried to dismiss the messengers until 3:30. Dismissed in prayer by Bro. Jim Renard.

Friday Afternoon - 3:30 P.M.

The Messenger body met back together at 3:30 following the individual Ladies, Men and Young People’s meetings. Bro Williams led the congregation in singing “To God be the Glory”

Following the congregational song the following specials were given:

Renard Family Peace Like a River

Bro Rod Williams A Pile of Crowns

Bro. Dever called for State Reports and other miscellaneous reports. The following reports were given:

Bro. Mike Chandler gave a report on the NWMCD Fund

Sis. Nina Renard gave a report on Church Camp

Bro. Mickey Huls gave a report of the Pastor’s & Wives retreat

Following the reading of the reports the following congregational song was sung: “Blessed Redeemer” And Bro. Dever and his family sang “I Want to Know More About My Lord”

Bro. Mike Chandler led in prayer.

Bro. Carl Kelly introduced Bro. Jim Pulse, Missionary to Florence, OR, to give the annual Missionary Message. Bro. Pulse’s sermon was titled “Lift Up Your Eyes” and he used as his text Ezekiel 37:1-14.

Bro. Hayes gave Bro. Pulse the right hand of appreciation for a wonderful sermon. Announcements were given, M/S/C to recess until the evening services and dismissal prayer by Bro. AJ Collins.

Friday Evening - 7:00 P.M.

Evening services were opened with singing “In my Heart There Rings a Melody” led by Bro Williams and in prayer by Bro. Nick Lewis.

Bro. Dever opened up nominations for the Saturday morning devotional and the Saturday morning sermon. Bro. Nick Lewis was elected to bring the morning devotion and Bro. Houston Kelly was elected to bring the morning sermon.

The following songs and specials were given:

Now I have Everything Bro. Collins &

Bro. Hawkins

That sounds like home to meBro. Mike Hawkins

Through it AllSis. Elisa Pole

Don’t take your eyes off the SaviorSis. Gale Chandler

When I reach my home up thereRenard Family

There will come a dayBro. Nick Lewis

At the Foot of the CrossSis. Michelle Hawkins &

Sis. Rena Hounts


Never Alone!, Saved by the Blood

Bro. Jimmy Hubbard led in prayer

Bro. Tom Dever introduced Bro. Mickey Huls, pastor of Nyssa MBC, Nyssa, OR to give the Annual Sermon. Bro. Huls’s sermon was entitled “Under Attack” using the text

2 Timothy 3:1.

Bro. Williams led in singing “Where He Leads Me”.

Bro. Harlan gave Bro. Huls the right hand of appreciation for a great sermon

M/S/C to dismiss the messengers until 9:00 AM. Announcements were given and Bro. Ernie Johnson dismissed in prayer.

August 18, 2012

Services were opened with singing “Praise Him, Praise Him” led by Bro. Williams and in prayer by Bro. David Williams

Bro. Chandler came forward and introduced Bro. Nick Lewis who brought the morning devotional titled “The Trinity in Creation” Bro. Lewis used Genesis 1:1 as his text.

Bro. Hubbard came forward and gave Bro. Lewis the right had of appreciation for a job well done.

There were no proposed permanent resolutions, missionary endorsements, nor recommendations for state missionaries. There was no need for a Northwest Development meeting.

The following reports were read and a motion to adopt as read was passed.

Men’s Meeting - Bro. David Dever

State Ladies Meeting - Sis. Renard

History & Archives - Bro. Harlan

Treasurers Report - Bro. Dever

Memorial Report – Bro. Lewis,

The Assembly stood for a moment of silence and were led in prayer by Bro. Chandler.

Officers were elected and meeting places selected for the upcoming year. The results are listed on page 3 of this book.

The messenger body selected the locations for the 2013 meetings. These locations are listed on page 3 of this book.

Miscellaneous Business

M/S/C to elect Bro. & Sis.Renard, Bro. & Sis.Lewis and Bro. & Sis. Williams as the Youth Advisory committee

M/S/C to send the Mission offering to Bro.And Sis Wright of Lakeview.

M/S/C to disperse $1,721.00 from the History and Archives account to the Association Account under the supervision of the clerk. Funds are to be held in reserve for possible No Host Meeting expenses and/or paying for adding pictures to the minute book.

M/S/C to dedicate the 2012 Minute book in the memory of Bro. Marshall Pole

At the conclusion of necessary business the following songs and specials were sung:

Congregation – “Heaven Came Down and Glory Filled My Soul, Where He Leads I’ll Follow”

Close your Eyes and See Sis Elisa Pole

How Great Thou Art Bro. Tom Sarratt

Keep on the Sunnyside Bro. Johnson, Bro. Hawkins

Where the nails have been Renard Family

I shall not be moved Sis. Renard and KayleeRenard

Thou are Worthy Bro. Rod Williams

It’s Still the Cross Bro. Nick Lewis

I Bowed on my Knees and Cried Holy Sis. Dever

All For Love Bro. Mike Hawkins

Victory in Jesus Preachers

Let your Fingers do the Walking Collin and Hawkins Family

Congregation: “When We all Get to Heaven”

Bro. Collins came forward and introduced the morning speaker: Bro. Houston Kelly. His title was “God’s Foundation” and he used Matthew 7:24-27 as his text verse.

Bro. Williams led “Once for All” as the invitation.

M/S/C to acknowledge the moderator for a fine job and to express our appreciation to the Bend Church for an outstanding job of hosting the meeting.

Bro Dever turned the moderator’s duties over to Bro. David Williams

Congregation sang “Bless Be the Tie”

M/S/C to dismiss the messenger body.

Announcements were made and we were dismissed in prayer by Bro. Counts