Grand Jury Subpoena
To: (Title and name)
You are commanded to appear before the Grand Jury of the County of Queens,
On (date):______as a witness in a criminal action
prosecuted by the People of the State of New York against,
Failure to attend will be deemed guilty of Criminal Contempt of Court, and liable to a fine of two hundred and fifty dollars and imprisonment for thirty days and to be prosecuted and punished for a misdemeanor.
This subpoena may be satisfied by submitting, providing, and/or consenting to the issuing investigator with the following:
Show cause(explain reason for request):______
Issuing Investigator (your rank/name):
------Do not write below this line ------
District Attorney: Date:
Approved or Disapproved: ______
Search and Seizure Warrant (Application)
To: Judge of the State Supreme Court, the honorable
The undersigned, being duly sworn under oath that they have probable cause to believe that (provide facts of your case and the probable cause you developed):
The suspect:
The location to be searched:
Criminal offense committed:
Property to be seized: ______
It is to my best belief that the facts written above are true and accurate based on my investigation and that I reasonable expect to find the property listed above.
Sworn in the State of New York on (date):______
Applicants/Investigator’s signature: ______
Judge’s signature: ______
(If disapproved explanation to follow):
Search and Seizure Warrant
New York State Supreme Court
The foregoing affidavit and application for a search and seizure warrant having been presented and reviewed by the undersigned, a Judge of the New York State Supreme Court, the undersigned is satisfied that sufficient grounds and probable cause has been established for issuing of this warrant. The warrant is issued for the property or person outlined below under the conditions and limitations specified below.
By the authority of the State of New York, I hereby command any Detective Investigator and/or Officer authorized by the State to present this warrant within ten days of its issuance and enter into or upon and search the location and seizure property described in this warrant. Upon finding and seizing the listed property it must be kept in the investigators custody until further court order, and with reasonable timeliness return this warrant with a written inventory(voucher) of all property seized.
Person to be executed on:
Place/Location of execution:
Property to be seized:
Dated: ______Signed: The Honorable______
New York State Supreme Court Justice
------Investigator’s use below ------
Was the warrant presented to the person during the execution yes or no
Was the warrant executed within the ten day expiration period yes or no
Was forced used to execute this warrant yes or no
Was property seized during the execution of this warrant yes or no
Was the property taken into custody vouchered Voucher # ______
NYCPD Inter-Department
Informational Request Form
To: ______
From: ______Period:_____
Regarding: ______
Requested Information (Specifics): ______
Police Administrative Aide (PAA):______
Case # ______Start Time: ______End Time: ______
Type of incident: ______Date: ______
Location: ______State: ______
Weather: ______
Team Leader: ______Photographer: ______
Evidence Custodian: ______Sketcher: ______
Others: ______
Purpose of the Operation:
Initial Observations:
Duties and Synopsis of actions:
Victim: ______DOB: ______
Address: ______
City/State: ______Zip: ______
Phone: (H) ______(W) ______
Vehicle or other information: ______
Witness: ______DOB: ______
Address: ______
City/State: ______Zip: ______
Phone: (H) ______(W) ______
Vehicle or other information: ______
Suspect: ______DOB: ______
Address: ______
City/State: ______Zip: ______
Phone: (H) ______(W) ______
Vehicle or other information: ______
Crime Scene Sign In Sheet
*You must identify all persons and personnel who enter or attempt to enter the crime scene.
**To be posted at the entrance of the perimeter of the crime scene. Remove it when crime scene investigation is completed.
Name Date Time Purpose in Crime Scene
Investigators name maintaining log: ______
Wound Chart
Photograph ID tags
PHOTOGRAPHIC LOGPage ___ of ____
Case Identifier:
Preparer/Assistants: / Camera:
Type of Film:
Weather Conditions:
Photo # / Description of Photographic Subject / Evidentiary Value / Distance / Tent #
Photo # / Description of Photographic Subject / Evidentiary Value / Distance / Tent #
Name of Object / Fixed Point 1 / Fixed Point 2 / Distance of Object From Point 1 / Distance of Object From Fixed Point 2 EVIDENCE LOG
Item description # of items Name of Collector
A Request for Laboratory Examination
Evidence Collector (Criminalist): ______
Property Clerk Invoice Number: ______
Date and time of Occurrence: ______
Crime being investigated: ______
Brief details of offense: ______
Evidence submitted: ______
Identification marks of the investigator: ______
Section of the lab receiving evidence: ______
Type of examination requested: ______
The following is to be completed by Forensic Scientist
Type(s) of examinations completed:
Results of examination: ______
Evidence returned to: ______title: ______
Time and date of return: ______
Property Clerk Invoice /Voucher
Invoice Number : A ______E Was invoice number put on Lab request form?
Type: ___ crime scene evidence ___arrest evidence ___ victim’s property
Evidence Collectors Name: ______
Property Persons Name: ______
Crime being investigated: ______Felony or Misdemeanor
Victim’s name: ______
Date, Time, and location of crime scene: ______
Property being vouchered:
Item No. Quantity Brief Description
*Draw a diagonal line through all the line above that are empty. Sign your name on the last empty line.
Remarks: Was a request for a lab analysis for completed? Yes or No
Is a chain of command form being maintained on these items? Yes or No
Property Person’s Signature: ______
Interrogation; Advice of Rights
Your Rights
Before we ask you any questions, you must understand your rights.
You have the right to remain silent Do you understand this? ______
Anything you say can be used against you in court. Do you understand this? ______
You have the right to talk to a lawyer for advice before
we ask you any questions and to have a lawyer with you
during questioning. Do you understand this? ______
If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed
for you before any questioning if you wish. Do you understand this? ______
If you decide to answer questions now without a lawyer
present, you will still have the right to stop answering at
any time. You also have the right to stop answering
at any time until you talk to a lawyer. Do you understand this? ______
Waiver of Rights
I have read this statement of my rights and I understand what my rights are. I am willing to make a statement and answer questions. I do not want a lawyer at this time. I understand and know what I am doing. No promises or threats have been made to me and no pressure or coercion of any kind has been used against me.
Signed: ______
Time: ______
Arrest Warrant(application)
To: Judge of the State Supreme Court, the honorable,
The undersigned, being duly sworn under oath that they have probable cause to believe that: (provide facts of your case as requested below).
The subject’s name: ______
The location of the subject: ______
Criminal offense committed (include NYS Penal Code number): ______
Probable Cause: ______
Means: ______
Motive: ______
Opportunity: ______
It is to my best belief that the facts written above are true and accurate based on a criminal investigation that the aforementioned subject committed the crime as identified above.
Sworn in the State of New York on (date): ______
Applicant’s/ Investigator’s signature: ______
Judge’s signature: ______