Jay School Corporation Instrumental Music Curriculum Guide / 2012-2018

Jay School Corporation

Middle School Music Curriculum Guide

Grades 6 – 8

2012 – 2018

Instrumental Music Curriculum Guide

Grades 6 – 8

Middle School

Instrumental Music

Grade Six

Standard 1
PERFORMING MUSIC: Singing alone and with others
Students sing with correct rhythm, appropriate tempo, and accurate pitch. Students will use note names, syllables, or numbers to denote pitch.
Music Academic Standard / Literacy Embedded Standard / Learning Activity / Assessment(s) / Knowledge/Skills / Materials/Notes
Standard 2
PERFORMING MUSIC: Playing an instrument alone and with others
Students will play independently and in ensembles demonstrating proper posture, tone quality, technique, accurate pitch, rhythm, articulation, and tempo. The student will perform or echo easy rhythmic, melodic and chordal patterns accurately following the directions of a conductor.
Music Academic Standard / Literacy Embedded Standard / Learning Activity / Assessment(s) / Knowledge/Skills / Materials/Notes
6.2.1 Play with correct posture, characteristic tone quality, accurate tuning and intonation, good breath support, proper bowing, and correct hand position.
6.2.2 Play one octave major scales in keys appropriate to each instrument.
6.2.3 Play musical selections with accurate pitch, articulation, rhythm, and appropriate tempo, dynamics, and balance.
6.2.4 Play an appropriate variety of repertoire, independently and in large and small ensembles.
6.2.5 Follow the directions of a conductor. / 6-8.RT.3 -- Follow precisely a multi-step procedure when performing technical music tasks.
6-8.RT.4 -- Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific technical music context relevant to grades 6-8 texts and topics.
6-8 RT.10 By the end of grade 8, read and comprehend technical music texts in the grades 6-8 text complexity band independently and proficiently. / Playing long tones scales - one octave
Work proper posture, hand position, instrument position, breathing technique for level of beginner student.
Read and write rhythmic patterns
Playing an individual instrument, playing a variety of music expressively, using dynamics and tempos indicated by the conductor or score / Formative assessment
Check for understanding by observation and anecdotal records
Student question and answers
Teacher question and prompts
Peer and Self-assessment
Playing tests
Performances / Student will show proper posture, hand position, and tone quality age appropriate
Length/duration to sustain pitch
Rhythmic accuracy
Tempo and dynamic accuracy
Fundamental Bb concert scale / Individual/personal instrument
Large ensemble facility
Small ensemble / sectional facilities
Instrumental book, materials and/or published compositions
Individual music folder
Suspended projector connected to computer with white board.
Computer software programs to compose music such as Sibelius
Individual instrumental ensemble music
Performance facilities at home
Travel performance opportunities
Standard 3
PERFORMING MUSIC: Improvising melodies, variations and accompaniments
Students will improvise rhythmic patterns and simple melodies using instruments.
Music Academic Standard / Literacy Embedded Standard / Learning Activity / Assessment(s) / Knowledge/Skills / Materials/Notes
6.3.1 Create improvised rhythmic solos on a single pitch.
6.3.2 Create improvised melodies within a limited note range. / 6-8.RT.3 -- Follow precisely a multi-step procedure when performing technical music tasks.
6-8.RT.4 -- Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific technical music context relevant to grades 6-8 texts and topics.
6-8.WT.4 -- Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. / Create rhythmic solos on a single pitch.
To create an answer melody to a question answer style melody.
To create melodies within a limited note range. / Check for understanding through teacher observation
Student demonstration
Teacher question and prompts
Student written sampling
Formative assessment / Rhythmic creative improve
To be able write the created rhythm
To be able to write the created melody / Individual/personal instrument
Large ensemble facility
Instrumental book, materials and/or published compositions
Individual music folder
Suspended projector connected to computer with white board.
Computer software programs to compose music such as Sibelius
Standard 4
PERFORMING MUSIC: Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines
Students will create practice exercises and melodic patterns for their instruments.
Music Academic Standard / Literacy Embedded Standard / Learning Activity / Assessment(s) / Knowledge/Skills / Materials/Notes
6.4.1 Independently create simple practice exercises to improve technique and tone production.
6.4.2 Compose and notate short melodic patterns for individual instruments within established guidelines. / 6-8.WT.4 -- Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. / Independently create simple practice exercises to improve playing
Compose and notate short melodic patterns for individual instruments within established guidelines. / Check for understanding through teacher observation
Student demonstration
Student written sampling
Formative assessment / To be able to create rhythmic and melodic pattern.
To have an understanding of rhythmic patterns and syllables of musical notation.
To be able to write musical notation appropriate for beginning level. / Large ensemble facility
Instrumental book, materials and/or published compositions
Individual music folder
Suspended projector connected to computer with white board.
Computer software programs to compose music such as Sibelius
Standard 5
PERFORMING MUSIC: Reading, notating, and interpreting music
Students will read and perform music in various meters and in appropriate clefs and keys, applying expressive markings indicated in the score.
Music Academic Standard / Literacy Embedded Standard / Learning Activity / Assessment(s) / Knowledge/Skills / Materials/Notes
6.5.1 Read and play repertoire in appropriate clefs for various instruments.
6.5.2 Sight-read music written in appropriate clefs and major keys and in duple and triple meter, using a consistent method.
6.5.3 Identify and apply musical symbols found in scores. / 6-8.RT.2 Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text, piece of music or song lyrics; provide an accurate summary of the text distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.
6-8.RT.3 -- Follow precisely a multi-step procedure when performing technical music tasks.
6-8.RT.4 -- Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific technical music context relevant to grades 6-8 texts and topics.
6-8 RT.10 -- By the end of grade 8, read and comprehend technical music texts in the grades 6-8 text complexity band independently and proficiently.
6-8 WT.3 -- Students must be able to write precise enough descriptions of the step-by-step procedures they use in their technical work that others can replicate them and reach the same result. / Rhythmic puzzles
Read and notate whole, half, dotted half, quarter, dotted quarter, eighth notes and rests in 4/4, 2/4 and ¾ time signatures
Sight-read music in appropriate clefs and major keys.
Identify and apply musical symbols found in scores. / Formative assessment
Check for understanding through teacher observation
Student demonstration
Teacher question and prompts
Student sampling
Playing tests
Written tests / Proper posture, hand position, and tone quality
Rhythmic accuracy
To be able to read and write the given rhythm
To be able to write the correct counting system/notation to indicate rhythmic pattern
Fundamental Bb concert scale
Beginning sight-reading skills / Individual/personal instrument
Large ensemble facility
Small ensemble / sectional facilities
Instrumental book, materials and/or published compositions
Individual music folder
Suspended projector connected to computer with white board.
Computer software programs to compose music such as Sibelius
Individual instrumental ensemble music
Standard 6
PERFORMING MUSIC: Listening to, analyzing, and describing music
Students will listen to recordings of instrumental repertoire and analyze the music. They describe the relationship of various parts in compositions being rehearsed.
Music Academic Standard / Literacy Embedded Standard / Learning Activity / Assessment(s) / Knowledge/Skills / Materials/Notes
6.6.1 Listen to recordings of instrumental ensembles playing appropriate repertoire. Identify and describe instrumentation, and basic musical form, style, and genre.
6.6.2 Listen to and describe the relationship of the instrumental parts in a work being rehearsed using appropriate terminology.
6.6.3 Identify musical elements in repertoire being studied that may convey a particular emotion or mood. / 6-8.RT.2 Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text, piece of music or song lyrics; provide an accurate summary of the text distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.
6-8.RT.4 -- Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific technical music context relevant to grades 6-8 texts and topics.
6-8.RT.5 -- Analyze the structure an author or composer uses to organize a text, including how the major sections contribute to the whole and to an understanding of the topic.
6-8.WT.4 -- Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
6-8.WT.9 -- Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research / Listen to recordings of instrumental music of various forms, styles and genre.
Listen to and describe the relationship of the instrumental parts in a work being rehearsed using appropriate terminology.
Identify musical elements in repertoire that may convey a particular emotion or mood. / Check for understanding through teacher observation
Student demonstration
Student written sampling
Formative assessment
Evaluation through public performance / To be able to describe given form and style in musical composition
To have an understanding of all markings and uses of repeats in music.
To be able to identify musical instruments and
voices. / Large ensemble facility
Instrumental book, materials and/or published compositions
Individual music folder
Suspended projector connected to computer with white board.
Computer software programs to compose music such as Sibelius
Variety of CDs and video recordings
Stereo system
DVD or VCR system
Standard 7
PERFORMING MUSIC: Evaluating music and music performances
Students will establish and apply criteria to evaluate instrumental performances. The students will demonstrate appropriate performance behaviors.
Music Academic Standard / Literacy Embedded Standard / Learning Activity / Assessment(s) / Knowledge/Skills / Materials/Notes
6.7.1 Use appropriate musical terminology in establishing criteria and creating a rubric to be used in evaluating the quality of instrumental performances.
6.7.2 Listen to recordings and live performances of instrumental ensembles playing appropriate repertoire. Apply established criteria to evaluate the performances.
6.7.3 Apply established criteria to evaluate performances of own ensemble.
6.7.4 Identify and demonstrate appropriate performance behaviors. / 6-8.WT.4 -- Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. / Through personal and classroom outline, evaluate the given performance.
Discuss constructively likes and dislikes of certain instrumental composers, styles, and pieces supporting with reason.
Establish criteria to evaluate performances and apply to own performances.
Discuss appropriate performance behavior and audience behavior for musical events. / Check for understanding through teacher questions and prompts
Student performance
Student demonstration
Student written sampling
Formative assessment / To be able to evaluate and support evaluation of a personal and given performance
To understand how styles are likes and dislikes to different people and the reasons why we have individual opinions.
To be able to discuss and demonstrate proper performance etiquette and expectations of the audience in their behavior. / Large ensemble facility
Instrumental book, materials and/or published compositions
Performance facilities at home and in travel opportunities.
Individual music folder
Suspended projector connected to computer with white board.
Computer software programs to compose music such as Sibelius
Extended supportive materials
Standard 8
RESPONDING TO MUSIC: Understanding relationships between music, other arts & disciplines outside the arts
Students will identify similarities and differences in the terms used in the arts and in other subject areas.
Music Academic Standard / Literacy Embedded Standard / Learning Activity / Assessment(s) / Knowledge/Skills / Materials/Notes
6.8.1 Apply mathematical concepts to the understanding of rhythms encountered in instrumental repertoire.
6.8.2 Keep a journal of written responses to musical examples heard in class.
6.8.3 Understand the physiological basis for good playing posture and technique.
6.8.4 Understand the physical properties of sound including frequency, amplitude, and wavelength as they relate to specific instrument families.
6.8.5 Identify life skills developed in music studies and activities such as cooperation, effort, perseverance, and respect that transfer to other disciplines and contexts. / 6-8.RT.4 -- Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific technical music context relevant to grades 6-8 texts and topics.
6-8.RT.5 -- Analyze the structure an author or composer uses to organize a text, including how the major sections contribute to the whole and to an understanding of the topic.
6-8 RT.10 -- By the end of grade 8, read and comprehend technical music texts in the grades 6-8 text complexity band independently and proficiently.
6-8.WT.9 -- Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research / Apply mathematical concepts to the understanding of rhythms encountered in instrumental repertoire.
Demonstrate how common terms used in music compare or contrast other subject areas.
Keep a music theory folder of various musical relationships and disciplines.
Relate science to musical sound. / Check for understanding through teacher questions and prompts
Student demonstration
Student written sampling
Student written tests
Formative assessment / To be able to describe comparisons and contrast of given terms
To demonstrate mathematical and musical relationships
To be able to relate science with their music and how music is made.
To be able to relate musical eras with visual art eras. / Large ensemble facility
Instrumental book , materials and/or published compositions
Individual music folder
Suspended projector connected to computer with white board.
Computer software programs to compose music such as Sibelius
Performance facilities at home and in travel opportunities
Variety of CDs and video recordings
Stereo system
DVD or VCR system
Related Arts and Core subject materials.
Standard 9
PERFORMING MUSIC: Understanding music in relationship to history and culture.
Students will develop an understanding of the relationship of music to the historical period in which it is composed, including elements of world cultures and uses in life.
Music Academic Standard / Literacy Embedded Standard / Learning Activity / Assessment(s) / Knowledge/Skills / Materials/Notes
6.9.1 Explore the genre, style, composer, and historical background of repertoire being studied.
6.9.2 Investigate the cultural origin and evolution of specific instruments.
6.9.3 Perform instrumental repertoire in an authentic style that reflects the origin of the music.
Discuss the roles of various instrumental ensembles in the community and opportunities for participation. / 6-8.RT.1 -- Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of technical music texts.
6-8 RT.10 -- By the end of grade 8, read and comprehend technical music texts in the grades 6-8 text complexity band independently and proficiently.
6-8.WT.4 -- Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
6-8.WT.9 -- Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research / Through illustrations and reading given information of the origins of musical styles and cultural relationships
Discuss and perform suitable music for various occasions.
Explore the origin of a specific instrument.
Compare and contrast the different roles of musicians in various instrumental ensembles in the community and opportunities. / Check for understanding through teacher questions and prompts
Student performance
Student demonstration
Student written sampling
Formative assessment / To be able to describe the origin of a given instrument.
To understand how styles are performed in various cultures.
To be able to discuss different roles of musicians in various settings and cultures. / Large ensemble facility
Instrumental book, materials and published compositions
Individual music folder
Suspended projector connected to computer with white board.
Computer software programs to compose music such as Sibelius
Performance facilities at home and in travel opportunities.
Variety of CDs and video recordings
Stereo system
DVD or VCR system
Additional material in to give history of instruments, composers and performers.

Middle School

Instrumental Music

Grade Seven

Standard 1
PERFORMING MUSIC: Singing alone and with others
Students sing with correct rhythm, appropriate tempo, and accurate pitch. Students will use note names, syllables, or numbers to denote pitch.
Music Academic Standard / Literacy Embedded Standard / Learning Activity / Assessment(s) / Knowledge/Skills / Materials/Notes
Standard 2
PERFORMING MUSIC: Playing an instrument alone and with others Students will play independently and in ensembles demonstrating proper posture, tone quality, technique, accurate pitch, rhythm, articulation, and tempo. The student will perform suitable repertoire with attention to dynamics and expression, following the directions of a conductor.
Music Academic Standard / Literacy Embedded Standard / Learning Activity / Assessment(s) / Knowledge/Skills / Materials/Notes
7.2.1 Play with correct posture, characteristic tone quality, accurate tuning and intonation, good breath support, proper bowing, and correct hand position.
7.2.2 Play one octave major, minor, and chromatic scales in keys appropriate to each instrument.
7.2.3 Play musical selections with accurate pitch, articulation, and rhythm, and appropriate tempo, dynamics, balance, style, and expression.
7.2.4 Play an appropriate variety of repertoire, independently and in large and small ensembles.
7.2.5 Follow the directions of a conductor. / 6-8.RT.3 Follow precisely a multi-step procedure when performing technical music tasks.
6-8.RT.4 Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific technical music context relevant to grades 6-8 texts and topics.