Allerton Bywater Parish Council Minutes No 155


Minutes of meeting held at St Mary’s Church Annexe, Vicars Terrace,

Allerton Bywater

Thursday 9 August 2012


Councillor S Murray / ( Chairman )
Councillor K Asprey
Councillor L Tomlinson
Councillor J A Coe
Councillor J Taylor
Councillor M Weaver
1. Apologies for Absence
Councillor S Bassett
Councillor R Fletcher
Councillor A M Jabin / Ill

2.  Minutes of meeting 12 July 2012 (154)

Minutes of meeting 12 July 2012 (154), these were accepted as being a true record. Proposed by Councillor Asprey, seconded Councillor Coe – accepted by council.

3.  Matters arising from these minutes

Safe Route to School – Councillor Asprey has made a further request for an update.

Banner on Station Road/Barnsdale Road – Councillor Weaver stated that he has removed the banner from the junction.

Cricket Club – Councillor Weaver stated that the cover for the wicket is to be discussed at the CISG.

New Tractor – Councillor Murray stated that the new tractor has been delivered and cost less than originally estimated.

Probation Service – Councillor Tomlinson asked whether the Probation Service attended on Sunday. Councillor Murray stated that they did not attend. Councillor Tomlinson agreed to contact the Probation Service to discuss why they did not attend.

Vicars Court, Tractor Garage – Councillor Asprey and Councillor Murray have visited the old school to look for a new location for the garage. They have two options which they wish to discuss with the school.

Murco Site – Councillor Asprey continues to attempt to contact the Environment Agency for an update.

Manor Park Pumping Station – Councillor Asprey stated that there were drains collapsed under the pavement. The local MP has been in contact with the CEO of Yorkshire Water who has given a contact for this work to be undertaken. Yorkshire Water are intending to put a camera into the drain but the drain is blocked. Councillor Asprey has been told he will receive an official response by the 31 August.

Spillway – Work has been completed. Councillor Taylor and Colleagues are arranging to meet Darren Starkey RSPB to view the spillway and receive updates on the site.


To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-18 of the Members' Code of Conduct. Also to declare any other significant interests which the Member wishes to declare in the public interest, in accordance with paragraphs 19-20 of the Members' Code of Conduct.

5.  Finance Report

i.  Balance to date / Petty Cash / £ / 97.92
Current account / £ / 0.08
Instant account / £ / 13,856.76
14 day account / £ / 12,051.65
Total / £ / 26,001.41
ii.  Reconciliation of accounts
Completed by Councillor Asprey
iii.  Audit of stamp book and petty cash
Completed by Councillor Asprey
iv.  Consider any requests for donations and approval.
Request for a donation has been received from the Rugby Club to pay for coaching certificates. Councillor Asprey stated that the request is for running costs, however this is not a capital expense. The Parish Councillors discussed the request and decided to refuse the request.
v.  Payments for approval
All payments for approval, list attached to these minutes.
vi.  Budget Update
Councillor Asprey stated that the Parish Council are overspending by £860 per month. Councillor Asprey is closely monitoring expenditure particularly of the village caretakers. It is however expected that expenditure will drop off when winter starts.

6.  To close meeting for 10 minute public involvement, then reopen meeting

Not Minuted

7.  Reports from:

Council Surgery
Councillor Asprey gave an update on the surgery.
One resident wished to discuss a resident’s grate which has collapsed on the entrance to Vicar’s Terrace Triangle; this is an issue for the resident.
An elderly resident attended as weeds from The Lines are growing into her garden. Councillor Asprey has contacted Leeds City Council in respect of who is responsible for maintenance for The Lines.
The cricket club attended the meeting to ask for assistance in paying their on-going costs.
A further resident attended in respect of Station Terrace about grates being stolen. The residents have received a letter from Leeds City Council stating that they are responsible for the grates and replacing these, as this is a private road. She is to give Councillor Murray a copy of the letter the residents have received.
Councillor Taylor stated that a Parish Councillor from Fairburn attended and used a considerable amount of time which residents required to raise their issues.
Councillor Taylor also stated that a resident asked about bins being emptied however he has been putting his bins out on the wrong day.
No update.
Planning Sub Group
All plans are up to date.
Electric Sub Station on Queens Street, Allerton Bywater – Councillor Lewis has asked that the Parish Council consider whether to send a complaint about mis-advertisement of the planning application. Residents state that they did not see the notice and as such did not have the option to complain. Leeds City Council have confirmed that the notice was been placed opposite houses 166/168 on 13 May 2011. Whilst the address on the application is incorrect there are no planning issues with the actual building. The Parish Council considered that it is open to Councillor Lewis to progress this issue as he sees fit.
Allerton in Bloom
The Judging for the competition is complete and now we have to wait until September for the results to be announced.

8.  Planning applications / planning matters


9.  Walkways, Recreation and small schemes within village

Councillor Taylor gave an update on the signs for the village. He has a design for the signs which the Parish Councillors approved. The location for the signs was discussed for each entrance of the village. The Parish Council agreed to place signs at Brigshaw Lane, Brigshaw Lane/Preston Lane, Lock Lane, Park Lane, Sheffield Beck and Hollinshurst.

Councillor Asprey gave an update on the path being created to the new housing estate through the graveyard. The developers are to put up a new fence next to the wall. This should resolve the problem.

Councillor Tomlinson asked about maintenance of the paths within the village.

10. Police Matters

No Update

11. Highway Matters

Councillor Asprey stated that there are maintenance issues on the land not being built on in the Millennium village. English Partnerships have asked their gardener to cut down the weeds.

Councillor Weaver stated that there is a missing sign for Leeds Road as one has gone missing and he is having problems with pizza deliveries. The Parish Council agreed to write to Leeds City Council to ask for a new sign.

Website – Councillor Asprey stated that pages are being deleted and that we require a facility to back up the site. He has received positive comments on the website.

12. Correspondence

Attached to these minutes.

13. Matters for Discussion only

No issues.

14. Date of Next Meeting – 13 September 2012 at 7pm

Signature…………………………………… Date……………………..