Agenda and Minutes
Regional Advisory Committee
Mental Health/Disability Services of the East Central Region
Jean Oxley Building
935 2nd St. SW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
January 4, 2018
- Welcome and Introductions
Meeting called to order at 11:30 a.m. by Vice Chair Corrina Todd.
Present: Corrina Todd, Jan Heidemann, Dr. Ann Bell, Jessica Peckover, Andrea Behrens, Jeanine Scandridge, Dean Spina, Julie Schwarting, Erica Borgerding, Jenn Day, Mike Tiernan, Ben Rogers, Deb Peddycoart, and Dennis Dozier.
Absent: Diane Brecht, Jessica Gulick, Theresa Phillips, Kathy Koerperich, David Thielen, Jim Norman, Sara Knox
- Julie Schwarting/Erica Borgerding moved for approval of minutes from December 7, 2017 meeting. MC
- Review Regional Governance Board Agenda
➢Jan Heidemann reviewed the Social Media Policy developed by the Operations committee.
➢RFP for fiscal agent. Current fiscal agent is resigning end of June.
➢RFP for community residential openings for people coming from hospitals. Mechelle Dhondt discussed the possible RFP for a pilot program for agencies to get people out of the hospital for next day service. She will be asking the board to approve the idea. We want people to leave the hospital and get right into services; for providers to have immediate space available for these folks. This would not be a 24-hour service.
Ben recommended the AC form a subgroup of providers to suggest ideas for this. Figure it out and then take it to the RGB. Discussion on the best way to determine the need. Mechelle said she is willing to do it that way.
Jessica asked that there be an attachment to the Advisory Committee with the agenda that has more detail on what the RGB will be discussing.
Mechelle added we would be looking at the need, not to develop the plan. We could put together a packet of relevant documents for the committee. Jan H. will put together a packet for Advisory Committee members.
Also discussed having packets for RGB. Onboarding packet for Advisory and RGB to include Bylaws, mgmt. plan, acronyms, etc.
Mechelle pointed out that the rules say an advisory committee is to be formed but not specify the details on how they operate.
➢Part time request for staff. Johnson County laid off three staff last year from region social work, due to low caseload. Need more RSW in Dubuque, need someone for walk-ins. Dubuque Co. has need for RSW there.
➢RCF ongoing report. Peggy Petlon – reviewed numbers at each RCF. Numbers were reported from the RCFs directly. Julie Davison's report is based on billable numbers.
➢Ben discussed the SF504 projects for Linn County. They looked at 11 projects that would impact Linn County for what Linn County BOS would approve. Made recommendation to Linn Co. Board of Supervisors (BOS). That board approved exploring the following opportunities:
Access Center co-located with detox center, up to eight crisis stabilization beds.
Identify training dollars for committal transport for the Sheriff’s department. Also requesting dollars for de-escalation training.
Linn County BOS has identified an area near the Cedar Rapids hospitals for space. Next step is to determine square footage needs and start looking at costs.
Erica Borgerding asked about ACT (Assertive Community Treatment) teams, and subacute. From a regional perspective, how will these services be utilized if counties are not using the fund balance if approved by the legislature (DHS report)? Mechelle responded we have money in our budget for some of it.
Ben said they will expand the SF504 committee now for the planning phase.
Ben spoke to the item about Hillcrest and Penn/Chatham request for funding for 12 and 15-bed facilities. Members of the RGB want a proportional reduction in RCF beds at Hillcrest, Penn Center, and Chatham Oaks before approving funding for those facilities.
Allison Wheaton asked where the number of 51 beds came from. Ben Rogers discussed the RCF subcommittee that met in early 2017. The region did assessments of people in RCFs, with input from their staff. Dr. Wheaton believes the acuity is higher and the need is greater for RCF. Mechelle added we have people stuck at RCF level whocannot move to a group home or apt. but could do well in 12 or 15 bed RCF. There is a need but they have to be higher LOC than RCF. Mechelle stated we need RCF beds. There are not a lack of openings in RCF
- Local Stakeholder feedback/comments/updates from your area - tabled due to lack of time
- Reports/updates:
- Todd Lange: Peer and Family Committee - tabled
- Ben Rogers: Regional Governance Board Meeting update
SF 504 Update- tabled
- Mechelle Dhondt: CEO Update – The FY19 budget discussion was tabled due to lack of time.
- Terms Expiring:
- Vacancies: Peer and Family: Jones, Delaware, Benton
- Dr. Ann Bell-Bremer County Peer/Family application was approved at the December RGB meeting.
- Public Comment
Theresa Mineart announced that IHHs are not going away, contrary to an email that went out about changes to IHH by the MCOs.
Meeting adjourned 1:00 p.m. Carly from Johnson County Crisis Center took photos of the Advisory Committee for posting to