March 5, 2016

The St. Charles Woman’s Club met on Saturday, March 5, 2016 at noon at Napoli’s in Murfreesboro, NC. The following members were present: Helen Gallagher, Mary De Mezza, Loretta Harris, Sr. Brigid, Lydia Nunes, Lynn Warren, Mary Larsen, Barbara Lies, Flo Chamblee, Sr. Teresa and Judy Northcott, President, presiding.

Father Bill stopped by to see if he could address any questions or concerns we might have. Fr. Bill was invited to stay for lunch and join us in our meeting.

Judy Northcott called the meeting to order and opened with a prayer offered by Sr. Brigid.

Minutes of February 2016 meeting were accepted as corrected.

Lydia Nunes reported that our bank balance is $1,193.55. Lydia also reported that she had met with Denise Martin at Southern Bank and advised that we will be listed as a non-profit organization and the $6 monthly fee will be waived.

Flo Chamblee (Sunshine) reported that Chester Askew (Eleanor Askew’s husband) had passed away on February 26, 2016 and a memorial service would be held at St John Baptist Church on March 20, 2016 at 1PM. Flo sent a card to Claudi , Chester and Eleanor’s daughter. Flo also sent a get well card to Carrie Hairston following her back surgery.

The Coffee and Cake Sunday list was once again brought up. Mary Larsen volunteered to head up the two months with no leaders. Mary will head up June and December and call on the St. Charles Woman’s group to help out. Fr. Bill pointed out that our Hispanic parishioners are attempting to prepare a whole meal (rather than just snacks, cake and coffee). We need to “better” explain what is expected on First Sunday since we seem to missing something in the translation.

Judy reported that second collections for Easter Flowers will take place on March 6th and 13th and Sr. Theresa reported that rice bowls will be collected on Palm Sunday.

After much discussion it was agreed that the Woman’s Club would pay for the cakes for 1st Communion and Confirmation. Sr. Teresa volunteered to take care of this matter and she will be reimbursed by the Woman’s Club.

Fr. Bill suggested sharing Liturgical Training during the mass, educating all of the parish so that we all have a better understanding of how and why things are

done. Fr. Bill also approved Barbara Lies endeavors to proceed with website for St. Charles. Fr. Bill also affirmed his interest in starting up the Parish Council and would like to meet (short meeting) on Palm Sunday after church.

There being no further business to come before the group the meeting was adjourned.

Next meeting to be held on Saturday, April 2, 2016 at 12:00 Noon at Kings Landing in Murfreesboro, NC.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary P. Larsen,
