Professional Communications

Teacher: Mrs. Reeves

Contact Information:

Phone: 281-357-3220


Conference Period: 6th period



Course Introduction:The student is expected to employ critical-thinking and interpersonal skills independently and in teams to solve problems. To develop leadership and employability characteristics, demonstrate knowledge of various communication processes in professional and social contexts, and understand and examine problem-solving methods.

Class Expectations: Students will sign and follow the classroom policies, and consequences will be given when policies are not followed.

Grading Guidelines: There will be a minimum of 9 daily grades and 3 major grades per 9 weeks. Daily grades will consist of quizzes, worksheets, bookwork, class participation activities, record books, and some labs. Major grades will consist of tests, projects, and some labs. Daily grades= 30% and major grades= 70%.

Late Work: Is graded as follows:

Major Assignments –

 1 day late = 15 pt. deduction

 2 days late = 30 pt. deduction

 3 days late = Grade of 0

Daily Assignments –

• 1 day late = 50 pt. deduction

• 2 days late = Grade of 0

Class Work – All daily class assignments (not homework) are due during a given class period, as assigned. Any incomplete class work will be graded accordingly.

Make Up Work:Make up assignments and/or tests will be available to students after an absence, BUT it is the student’s responsibility to get the work from the teacher. For every day the student is absent, that is the amount of time they have to complete the assignments. If it is not completed in the allotted time, it falls under the guidelines of late work.

Extra Credit - If extra credit is offered in a course, all students will be given the opportunity to participate. Participation is highly encouraged!


Students must bring in 2 poster boards.

Reeves’ Classroom Policies:

All agricultural science classrooms will follow the Tomball ISD teacher/student handbook. I would like to stress the following classroom policies:

1. Respect (toward yourself and others)

2. Use the parking lot for cell phones because this is how attendance will be kept daily. If cell phones are to be used in an activity, I will allow time for students to get them. (I am excited about what I teach and am selfish with my small amount of classroom time)

3. Warm ups should be written at the beginning of every class period (question and answers must be clearly written; this is a daily grade every other Friday-these will not be accepted late unless the student was absent the date they were due)

4. Students will write notes in their composition notebook and tape in all handouts. These notebooks should be left in the appropriate crates in my room unless students need them for studying purposes. Grades will be regularly taken on these notebooks.

5. 1 minute bell - students must wait until this bell rings to put of notes and get phones

6. All work should be kept in the appropriate file folder in my room (helps prevent lost work throughout the year)

7. Students may have water only (other drinks and food are NOT permitted)

8. Textbooks - must be put in cabinets if used and may be checked out for a day if permission is gained from me

9. All work needing to be graded should be turned in to the appropriately marked in box by my desk

10. TISD Laptops/Chrome books, when used for an in-class assignment, are assigned according to the student desk number. They should be put up appropriately and not damaged. Each computer should be inspected by the student BEFORE work has begun; any issues need to be given to me immediately.

Please detach, sign and return to class by Friday, September 2, 2016.

I have read Mrs. Reeves’ syllabus for Wildlife, Fisheries, and Ecology Management and agree to the terms written.

Printed Student Name______

Student Signature______

Parent/Guardian Signature______