Hawkhurst Parish CouncilMeeting:F&GP Committee

Date:27th April 2015


Parish OfficeTyped:28th April 2015


Mr P Dartnell (Chairman),Mr B Fitzpatrick, Mr P. Jones, Mrs J Newman, Mr C Williamson


All other Members, Mr R Weeden, Mrs. B Palmer, Mr. J Cunningham,

Mr. S Holden, K&SC, KM

/ Adjournment for public speaking.
No public were in attendance.
2. / Apologies for absence
2.1 / Apology received from Mrs M Brinsley
3. / Declaration of interests
3.1 / None
4. / Approval of minutes of previous meeting.
4.1 / It was agreed to approve of the minutes of the meeting held on 26th January 2015.
5. / Matters arising.
5.2 / The Clerk advised on the queries from point 6.2 of the 26th January Minutes to the Committtee’s satisfaction.
CW is to chase for the Colonnade traders’ hanging basket contributions.
6.4 / Matters for Further Discussion
The 4 changes in wording on the Risk Assessment of October 2014, suggested during audit by Peter Morgan were accepted by the Committee. A new draft 27.04.15 V1 is to be placed before Full Council in May to accept these changes.
The Draft Asset Register 27 04 15 V1 was reviewed and accepted subject to a revised value of £5K for the Lych Gate and insertion of land values for Cemetery extension Field and Ockley Allotments. No documentation was found by the Clerk to establish the purchase values of these two pieces of land. It was agreed that Lambert and Foster be instructed for a fee of £200 to make these two valuations.
The Annual Statement to the External Auditor PKF was considered. The statements were read and agreed by the Committee. Following scrutiny of the income and expenditure figures and variations, these were also agreed for the Annual Statement, using the Scribe report less neutral movements of £25K out and in, being a bank transfer to invest with the 60K bond with Cambridge & Counties.
The Members agreed and PD signed a revised Bank Rec for 31.03.15 in the light of £512 of write-offs identified during the audit.
7.1 / Councillors questions and comments
8. / Confidential:
8.1 / None
9. / Closure
9.1 / The meeting closed at 11.15
10. / Date and time of next meeting
10.1 / The next meeting will be held on 15th June 2015.


Mr P Dartnell, Chairman F&GP Committee

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\\microshadeapplications.co.uk\Hawkhurst$\Shared\COMMITTEES\FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSES\F&GP 14_15\F&GP Minutes 26th January 15.doc