22 JULY 2009
The Meeting commenced at 7pm and concluded at 8:45pm.
Councillor Gillard (Chairman)
Councillors Adams, Allen, Matthews, Mrs Moore, Rampton and Mrs Walton.
Also present:
Jo Mare – Poole Housing Partnership
Steve Dean – Transportation Services
Mike Gotobed – Leisure Services
Graham Prentice – Poole Housing Partnership
Pam Papani – Legal and Democratic Services
Members of the public present: 32
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs Butt, Burden and Curtis.
Councillor Allen declared a personal interest Minute CHE04.09, Whitehorse Drive, Oakdale – Play Area, as a Member of the Planning Obligations Sub-Group.
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Canford Heath East and West, Creekmoor and Oakdale Area Committee be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman, subject to (i) the deletion of the word ‘Fernside’ and addition of the word ‘Wimborne’ in paragraph four of Minute CHE41.09 (page 4); and (iii) the deletion of the words ‘Holiwell Road’ from the heading in paragraph (g) and the addition of Holywell Close in Minute CHE43.09 (page 6).
Jo Mare, Poole Housing Partnership (PHP), advised the Committee that the PHP had requested Ward-based Planning Obligations funding toward the cost of enhancing the existing open space at Whitehorse Drive to provide fixed play equipment and appropriate play surfacing. The need for improvements to the Area had previously been identified by PHP and Police Officers from the Oakdale Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT).
A full consultation exercise had been completed with all residents of Whitehorse Drive, SNT, partner agencies and Ward Councillors, by way of resident meetings, newsletters/flyers, questionnaires, surveys and a public presentation. Local children were taken to look at recently refurbished play areas in Poole in order to involve them in the consultation process. 80% of residents had agreed to the proposal.
The Poole Housing Partnership Re-investment Panel had already agreed to pay the £16,500 cost of fencing the grassed area to make it safer for local children and to prevent vehicles from being parked on the grass. The Investment Panel had also approved £2,000 to modify the footpath and junction adjacent to the grassed area. All this work was completed in April 2009.
Additionally, the Investment Panel had approved a further £16,500 towards the cost of the fixed play equipment and appropriate play surfacing, which represented 50% of the cost of the play facilities. The Scheme had been designed by the Poole Housing Partnership, together with local children. The play equipment suited a wide age group with a range of abilities, including those with physical disabilities. The PHP would cover the cost of daily and annual play inspections and of any maintenance and repairs of equipment as provided for by Leisure Services.
PHP’s bid for £16,500 to complete the funding would be from two sources:-
- The fund for Equipped Children’s Play (Oakdale Ward) which had a balance of £9,631)
- £6,869 from the fund for Equipped Children’s Play Fund (Poole Town) which had been agreed in principle between Poole Town and Oakdale Ward Councillors.
It was noted that feedback from this Area Committee Meeting would be reported to the next Planning Obligations Sub-Group.
The following comments were made by local residents:-
- Carol Veal said she had attended a Meeting about the Play Area and had been advised that money was in place. She was disappointed that the railings were waist height and bright blue and the gate was yellow and orange. Green or black had been the preferred colours. Children could climb over the railings straight onto the road because there was no footpath. She also expressed concern about the narrow access road and accessibility for fire engines.
- Carrie Derby said that the play area was great, her children played in it and she could get through with her car.
- Steve Drinkwater, Whitehorse Drive, said that local children used the play area regularly but did not venture onto one part of the green because dog mess was not cleared up. He felt that this issue needed addressing. The gates were meant to be locked at 9pm.
- Carol Jeffries said that her husband was meant to be locking the gates but had heard nothing from Continental Landscapes Limited.
- Mrs Boyd said that various people had spoken well of the play area and said it was an asset.
Graham Prentice, PHP, addressed these points, stating that:-
- Although the road was narrow there would be no problems with access if vehicles were parked on one side. Residents should park sensibly.
- The railings were of a standard height. The gates were of a standard colour, bright enough to allow easy access for the visually impaired. The gates had been located where they were for safety reasons. Jo Mare said she would take action to ensure that the gates were locked at night.
RESOLVED that the proposal by Poole Housing Partnership to seek £16,500 from the Planning Obligations Sub-Group to part-fund improvements to the Whitehorse Drive Play Area be supported.
5 For0 Against 1 Abstention
The Committee considered objections received as a result of the advertisement of Traffic Regulation Orders for the Area Committee’s Schemes. It was noted that there had been no objections to the waiting restrictions in Kelly Close. Accordingly, the Order had been made as advertised.
(a)Warburton Road – Parking Restrictions
Steve Dean, Transportation Services, stated that five letters of support and four letters of objection had been received in response to the proposal to impose No Waiting Restrictions along the northern side of Warburton Road and at the access to Downland Place.
Councillor Mrs Moore expressed concern that this was a controversial matter and no residents from Warburton Road were present. She proposed that a decision be deferred to the next Meeting. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Mrs Walton.
RESOLVED that the decision to impose Parking Restrictions in Warburton Road be deferred to the next Meeting on 23/9/09.
For: Unanimous
(b)Kingsbere Road/Hennings Park Road
Steve Dean, Transportation Services, stated that a petition signed by 25 residents of Kingsbere Road and Hennings Park Road had been received in support of the yellow lines at the junction but objecting to the single yellow lines in Kingsbere Road. Kingsbere Road was not unduly narrow and, if the junction was kept clear, there was no need to impose the single yellow lines.
RESOLVED that the Road Traffic Order for the double yellow lines at the junction of Kingsbere Road/Hennings Park Road be confirmed as advertised, excluding the proposed single yellow lines in Kingsbere Road.
(c)Palmer Road
The proposal was to relax the existing double yellow lines between Stanley Green Road and Connell Close to allow parking outside from Monday to Friday 8am-6pm.
A resident of Connell Close had objected on the grounds that allowing parking overnight and at weekends would cause difficulties for drivers wanting to use the Connell Close junction and pedestrians crossing at Stanley Green Road.
The relaxation had been requested by Residents of Palmer Road who wanted to be able to park near their homes when traffic volumes were lighter, outside the working day. The double yellow lines would still be retained for the standard distance at the junctions of Palmer Road with Stanley Green Road and Connell Close.
RESOLVED that the Traffic Order be made as advertised.
Mike Gotobed, Leisure Services, presented a Report advising the Meeting of the successful Playbuilder Bid to improve play areas over the next 2 years using Playbuider Funding from the Department for Children, Schools and Families.
He stated that in September 2008, Leisure Services with Children and Young People’s Integrated Services had submitted a bid to the Department for Children, Schools and Families for Wave 2 Playbuilder Funding which would provide the Borough of Poole with approximately £1.1 million over 2 years to significantly improve 22 play areas. The bid had been successful and the Funding would be received from April 2009 with the whole Project being completed by April 2011.
An Officer Working Group had been established to consider:
- Governance
- Criteria to be used to select the play areas to be developed.
Once the criteria had been agreed the Officer Working Group would use a matrix to choose the play areas to be developed based on the agreed criteria.
The details of how each site would be improved had not yet been determined and this would be developed in consultation with local children, parents, voluntary and residents’ groups and Ward Councillors. Details of the Programme for Year 1, 2009/10 and Year 2 2010/11 were included in the Report and it was identified that the sites to be developed In Year 1 were at Oakdale Community Park, Oakdale, Sherborn Crescent and Beamish Road, Canford Heath. Other sites within Creekmoor and Canford Heath had been identified for development in Year 2.
Mike Gotobed explained that Playbuilder funding was for improving existing sites and the Oakdale Community Park would be developed on land outside the Community Centre.
The following comments were made:-
Mr Barry Krawshaw said that the play system in Verity Park was now overgrown. Mike Gotobed agreed to look into this indicating that the timber was probably at the end of its life (10 years). He also advised residents on how they could comment on the proposal by using the website or completing a leaflet.
RESOLVED that the Report be noted.
Steve Dean, Transportation Services, made a short presentation to the Area Committee and explained the need for a Transport Study and what was involved. The issues, which had to be considered were:
- Rising congestion and increasing journey times.
- The main routes were at or approaching capacity in peaks.
- The peaks were spreading and diversions were being made.
- The A31 was at capacity for long periods.
Additionally, the Regional Spatial Strategy contained proposals on growth, which meant that an additional 48,000 homes would be built in Dorset (10,000 in Poole and 14,600 in Bournemouth) with 45,000 jobs being created. There would also be an increase of 15% in the population in the next 20 years and therefore something had to be done to solve the transport issues in the area and that was why it was essential to undertake a Study at this time.
The first part of the Study was now complete. This involved data collection of both Highway and Public Transport, which had included roadside interview surveys to create a Transport Model. The Transport Model would then be used to:
- Establish a current situation and future year “do minimum”.
- Undertake option testing.
- Undertake appraisals.
The Meeting was advised that the Transport Model would be used for:
- A future Major Scheme Business Case submission; and
- A long term Transport Strategy for South East Dorset.
The Meeting was advised that a Strategy Development and Consultation Process had been devised and during the Summer of 2009 a Newsletter with a Questionnaire would be distributed to Libraries, Council Offices and Tourist Information Offices, together with being placed on the Council’s website for responses to be made between 8 June and 7 August 2009. A copy of the leaflet and questionnaire was available at the Meeting.
RESOLVED that the Report be noted.
- Mr Galpin, of Kelly Close, said that he had expected the newly painted double yellow lines at the Kelly Close junction to join up with the existing yellow lines in Mitchell road. It looked like a short gap had been left and therefore the sightline problem had not been solved.
Steve Dean, Transportation Services, undertook to investigate and report back to Ward Councillors.
- Mr Phil Goodall stated that a 40ft transporter lorry had turned left into Stinsford Road and had blocked the carriageway for half an hour. There was no large sign to stop vehicles.
Councillor Matthews stated that he would be attending a meeting with the Head of Transportation Services to address the issue.
Steve Dean, Transportation Services, reminded the Committee that this year’s budget included provision for additional signs.
- Mr Galpin asked why another set of traffic lights had been installed at the end of Canford Heath Road close to the roundabout. There were no lane markings at the roundabout. This was dangerous to vehicles entering Canford Heath Road.
Councillor Mrs Moore indicated that she had complained about the lack of lane markings at Derbys Lane roundabout.
Steve Dean, Transportation Services, said that before work was carried out, the Safety Auditor gave a view and checked whether a proposal was safe. It was safer for pedestrians to use the crossings.
- Mr Goodall referred to the difficulty and safety of negotiating the dropped kerbs at Gravel Hill. He could not do this on his scooter. He expressed the view that crossing Gravel Hill was not safe.
The Chairman suggested Mr Goodall should write to Steve Dean and the Ward Councillors. Councillor Mrs Moore said that she would raise the matter with the Head of Transportation Services.
- Mrs Sylvia Krawshaw expressed concerns bout the new access that had been created in Yarrow Road between Tesco and Mannings Heath Road. Was it too close to the Toucan crossing? Was it too close to Tesco’s access? Was the visibility acceptable? Was it intended to be two-way? Was the gradient onto Yarrow Road safe?
Steve Dean, Transportation Services, undertook to investigate the points raised.
- Mr Corby stated that he was a regular user of the bus service. He was also disabled because of poor sight. He said the signboards at Poole Bus Station had now been placed too high for partially sighted people to read and were not user friendly. People were struggling. Being visually impaired was not an obvious disability and had been forgotten.
Councillor Mrs Walton thanked Mr Corby and said she would, in her capacity of Equalities Champion, take the matter up with Bus Station personnel.
- A resident raised issues about the Oakdale Community Centre, including the leaking roof and maintenance of the rotting window frames in the hall. Was anything going to be done this year?
Councillor Gillard indicated that he would discuss this with the resident after the Meeting.
- Mr Corby indicated that the car dumped in Calder Road had now been removed and crushed. He also complained about the weeds in the gutters in Canford Heath.
The Committee was reminded that it was no longer permissible for health and safety reasons to use full strength weed killer in public areas. Weed killer was now only one fifth as strong as previous.
- Mr Krawshaw complained about the weeds around the Community Centre.
- Mrs Krawshaw thanked Members of the Area Committee for all the work they did within the area. She also thanked Councillor Mrs Moore for organising the removal of a tree from Verity Crescent, which presented a danger.
The Chairman, in closing the Meeting, thanked all residents for attending. He said that the Council wanted to engage with residents from all three Wards.