Bibliography of Prof. Dr. Pertti Ahonen / 14 November 2015

Full Bibliography of Prof. Dr. Pertti AHONEN, 14November 2015

A. Peer-reviewed scientific articles

Journal article (refereed), original research; review article, literature review, systematic review; book section, chapters in research books; conference proceedings

A1. Complete texts, edited by a native expert of the language of publication, currently not in a referee process, to be revised and resubmitted to a journal or aneditedmonograph:

1. Ahonen, P. (2015) Understanding economic, social and political governance: an ideal type of New Zealand and its application in an examination of Finland. Under finalization; will be sent to Sage Open.

A2. In preparation

2. Ahonen, P. (2015; expected to appear in 2016) Comparative analysis of university strategies in Finland and in Estonia: Rhetorical examination. Accepted for publication Eugenie Samier, ed. Ideologies in Educational Administration and Leaderhip. Basingstoke: Routledge. Sent after revisions to the editor in October 2015.

A3. In journal referee process, feedback not arrived by the data of this bibliography:

  1. Ahonen, P. (2015) Drivers and impediments of municipal terminations, Finland, 1946-2013. Sent in September 2015to Public Management Review (Taylor & Francis).
  1. Ahonen, P. & Petri Uusikylä (2015) Rationality or legitimation in ex ante policy impact assessment: The European Union institutions, the member states, and the individual member state. Sent inSeptember 2015to Journal of Public Policy (Cambridge University Press).

A4. Under revision after a first round of referee and editor comments:

None at the date of this bibliography.

A5. Revised after editor and referee comments and resubmitted for continuation referee process:

  1. Ahonen, P. (2015) Rationality and legitimation in a semi-privatized national system of universities: examining the rhetoric of university strategies in the mid-2010s. Sent after revision back to the journal Critical Studies in Education (Taylor and Francis) in November 2015.

A6. Sent to the editors

  1. Ahonen, P. (2015; likely to appear in 2016) Finland’s territorial ‘prefects’ of the state. To appear in Gildas Tanguy and Jean-Michel Eymeri-Douzans, ed., Look at the State of Prefects!—Etudier les Préfets dans tous leurs Etats (working title). – The study was prepared in 2012–2014 in the context of a joint international project supported by a permanent study group of EGPA (European Group of Public Administration) and considered in three international meetings of the study group in 2012, 2013 and 2014. The latest manuscript version was sent to the editors by a deadline in August 2015.

A7. Accepted to appear, proofs not yet arrived to the author:

  1. Ahonen, P. (2015) Microfoundations of institutionalization: existential, semiotic and related perspectives. Accepted to appear in Forsell, P. & Littlefield, R. (ed.) Transcending signs. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. According to latest information, will be published in 2016.

A8. Accepted to appear, proofs corrected by the author:

  1. Ahonen, P. (2015) Holdings of national and local government in companies in Finland: Persistence and change in the longer term. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics (Wiley), accepted by the editors for publication in May 2015, proofs corrected by the author in August 2015.

A9. Published:

  1. Ahonen, P. (2015) Aspects of the institutionalization of evaluation in Finland: Basic, agency, process, and change. Evaluation(Sage Publishers), 21, 3, 308-324.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2015) Institutionalizing Big Data methods in social and political research. Big Data Society (Sage Publishers, an open access journal), 2, doi: 10.1177/2053951715591224
  1. Ahonen, P. (2015) Institutionalizing Big Data methods in social and political research: New article by Pertti Ahonen, blog in the Big Data & Society journal website at
  1. Ahonen, P. (2015)Diffusion, modification and sedimentation of institutional elements in government accounting change: Finland in a comparative perspective during three decades since 1980. International Journal of Critical Accounting (Inderscience Publishers), 7, 2, 123-141.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2015) Asiantuntijatiedon merkitys hallinnon ja politiikan kentillä: politiikan, virkamiesten ja tieteen vuorovaikutuksen tiedonpolitologiaa The significance of expert knowledge in fields of administration and politics: politology of knowledge of interaction between politics, civil servants, and science.. In Virtanen, P., Stenvall, J. & Rannisto, P.-H., ed. Tiedolla johtaminen, Tampere: Tampere University Press, 151-171.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2015). Beginning a fifth decade with Kari Palonen’s oeuvre: intersections with his path from critical rationalism to conceptual history and beyond. In final preparation to send to the editors to appear in C. Wiesner, E. Roshchin and M. Boilard, ed., In debate with Kari Palonen: Concepts, politics, histories. Baden-Baden: Nomos Publishers, 227-232.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2015) Artikkeli artikkelista: tutkimusartikkelituotannon puntarointia hallinnon ja politiikan tutkimuksen näkökulmasta An article on articles: Examining the generation of research articles from the viewpoint of political and administrative research.Hallinnon Tutkimus, 34, 1, 79-87.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2014) Kuntien lakkautuminen maassamme: kiihokkeiden ja pidäkkeiden sekä tulevaisuuden näköalojen tarkastelua Merging municipalities in Finland: examining inducements, obstacles and future prospects.Kunnallistieteellinen Aikakauskirja/Finnish Journal of Local Government Studies, 42, 2, 131-150.
  1. Ahonen,P. (2014) Kerro viimeinkin, mitä neo-institutionalismi oikein [Now, tell me finally what neo-institutionalism is]. V. Lowndes & M. Robert, Why institutions matter: the new institutionalism in political science (Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan 2013). Book review. Hallinnon tutkimus 33, 1, 78-9.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2014) Tuloksellisuuden arviointi valtion talousarviotaloudessa: perusinstitutionalisoituminen, institutionaalinen toimijuus, vakaa institutionalisoituneisuus ja radikaalit institutionaaliset muutokset [Performance evaluation within the fiscal sphere of Finland’s state: basic institutionalization, institutional agency, stable institutionalization, and radical institutional change]. In L. Oulasvirta, L.-A. Kihn, P. Mänttäri & J. Wacker, ed. Näkökulmia arviointiin ja valvontaan. Tampere: Tampere University Press, 54-83.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2013) The context of public administration from a neo-institutionalist point of view: an analysis with Finland as the case. In Pollitt, C. (ed.) Context in public policy and management: the missing link?Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 278-318.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2013) Arviointitoiminnan institutionalisoitumisen erityispiirteet Suomessa [Special characteristics of the institutionalization of public policy evaluation in Finland]. In Hyvinvointijärjestelmät muuttuvassa toimintaympäristössä. Ollila, S. & Raisio, H. (eds.). Vaasa: Vaasan yliopisto, p. 114-134, 21 p. (Acta Wasaensia. Sosiaali- ja terveyshallintotiede; 8).
  1. Ahonen, P., Korvela, P-E. & Palonen, K. (2013) Yliopistokeskustelu yliopistouudistuksen jälkeen. In Ahonen, P., Korvela, P.-E. and Palonen, K. (ed.) Uusi yliopisto - yritys, puolue vai oppineiden tasavalta? Kohti muuttuvien toimintatilanteiden poliittista luentaa.Jyväskylä: SoPhi, p. 5-15, 11 p.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2013) Yliopistopolitikointia yliopistoanalyysein: retorinen erittelynäkökulma yliopistomalleihin ja yliopistostrategioihin. In Ahonen, P., Korvela, P.-E. and Palonen, K. (ed.) Uusi yliopisto - yritys, puolue vai oppineiden tasavalta? Kohti muuttuvien toimintatilanteiden poliittista luentaa. Jyväskylä: SoPhi, p. 106-157, 51 p.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2012/2014) Administrative Research in a Neo-institutionalist Perspective: Finland, Calling for Globalization, and the Rehabilitation of Public Administration. First appeared in Administration & Society, 44, online preprint 4 November 2012, DOI:10.1177/0095399712461911. Appeared in paper in 2014 in Administration & Society, 46, 7, 747–774.
  1. Ahonen, P.(2012) A Historical Theory of Organization and Management of Europe’s Orthodox East: A Weberian Re-enchanting of Disenchanted Rationalization. Management & Organizational History, 7, 2, p. 95-111.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2012) Hallinnon tutkimus, valtio-oppi ja yliopistot: Markku Temmeksen kirjoituksen "Yliopistohallinto - mysteeri vai uudistumiskykyinen organisaatio?" johdosta [Administrative research, political science and the universities: comments to the text by Markku Temmes ”University administration—mystery or an organization capable of reform”]. Administrative Studies/Hallinnon tutkimus, 31, 1, p. 71-75, 5 p.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2012) Antihumanismista humanismiin: poliittinen diskurssiteoria semiotiikkana kulttuurisen institutionalistisen tutkimuksen kannalta [From antihumanism to humanism: political discourse theory as semiotic from the viewpoint of cultural institutionalist research]. Synteesi : taiteidenvälisen tutkimuksen aikakauslehti, 31, 1, p. 63-70, 8 p.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2012) Kyllin hyvä hallinto-, organisaatio- ja talouspsyyke [A good enough administrative, organizational and economic psyche]. In Inhimillinen kuntatalous: kunnallistalouden emeritaprofessori Tuija Rajalan juhlakirja. Lotta-Maria, S. & Jarmo, V. (eds.). Tampere: Tampereen yliopisto, Johtamiskorkeakoulu, p. 53-71, 22 p.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2012) Suomen julkisen hallinnon ja julkisen sektorin muutoksesta institutionalistisesta näkökulmasta [On the change of Finland’s public administration and public sector from the viewpoint of institutional research]. In Suomalaisen politiikan murroksia ja muutoksia. Paakkunainen, K. (ed.). Helsinki: Helsingin yliopisto, Politiikan ja talouden tutkimuksen laitos, p. 209-241, 32 p. (Politiikan ja talouden tutkimuksen laitoksen julkaisuja; 2012:1).
  1. Ahonen, P.(2012) Yliopistojen visiot, arvot ja missiot tulevaisuuden rakennusaineksina [The visions, values and missions of the universities as resources to build the future]. In Toiseksi paras? : tieteentekijät ja uusi yliopisto. Matti Vesa, V. (ed.). Helsinki: Tieteentekijöiden liitto - Forskarförbundet, p. 74-93, 21 p.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2011) Valtio-opin ja juridiikan tutkija toisillaan evaluaatio-opissa: Näkökohtia, kokemuksia, päätelmiä [A political scientist and legal scholar as students to each other in the field of public policy evaluation: perspectives, experiences, conclusions]. In Lainvalmistelu, tutkimus, yhteiskunta: Jyrki Talan juhlakirja. Pakarinen, A., Hyvärinen, A. & Ervasti, K. (eds.). Turku: Turun yliopisto, Oikeustieteellinen tiedekunta, p. 293-303, 11 p. (Turun yliopiston oikeustieteellisen tiedekunnan julkaisuja, A, Juhlajulkaisut N:o 23; 23).
  1. Ahonen, P. and Virtanen, T. (2011) Hallinnontutkimuksen elämänmuotoja toteutuneine, toteutumattomine ja tulevine kielipeleineen [Forms of life in administrative research with its realized, unrealized and future language games]. In Suomalainen hallinnon tutkimus: mistä, mistä, minne. Virtanen, T., Ahonen, P., Syväjärvi, A., Vartiainen, P., Vartola, J. & Vuori, J. (eds.). Tampere: Tampere University Press, p. 415-428, 15 p.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2011) Maamme hallinnontutkimuksen institutionalisoituminen: prosesseja, prosessien tuloksia ja tulevaisuuden mahdollisuuksia [The institutionalization of adminstrative research in Finland: processes, their results, and future opportunities]. In Suomalainen hallinnon tutkimus: mistä, minne, mitä? Virtanen, T., Ahonen, P., Syväjärvi, A., Vartiainen, P. & Vartola, J. (eds.). Tampere : Tampere University Press, p. 73-109. 27 p.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2011) Markkinaohjaus: kehkeytyminen, muodot, sudenkuopat ja kehittäminen [Market steering: evolution, forms, pitfalls and improvement]. In Julkinen hallinto ja julkinen johtaminen: juhlakirja professori Ari Salmisen 60-vuotispäivän kunniaksi . Hyyryläinen, E. & Viinamäki , O-P. (eds.). Vaasa: Vaasan yliopisto.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2011) Vastaväittäjän lausunto Anne Luomalan väitöskirjasta [The official opponent’s statement on Anne Luomala’s doctoral dissertation]. Kunnallistieteellinen aikakauskirja, 38, 2, p. 187-191.
  1. Ahonen, P., Hänninen, S. & Palonen, K. (2010) Introduction: Catching the occasion opened by fortune. InFortunæ Rota Volvitur: Studies on the writings and other work of Ilkka Heiskanen, Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of Helsinki, on the occasion of his 75th Birthday 23 December 2010.. Ahonen, P., Hänninen, S. & Palonen, K. (eds.). Tampere: Valtiotieteellinen yhdistys, p. 5-10 6 p. (Books from the Finnish Political Science Association). (In item 23 above.)
  1. Ahonen, P. (2010) What has become of Finnish administrative and organizational research since 1967. In Fortunæ Rota Volvitur: Studies on the writings and other work of Ilkka Heiskanen, Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of Helsinki, on the occasion of his 75th Birthday 23 December 2010.Ahonen, P., Hänninen, S. & Palonen, K. (eds.). Tampere: Valtiotieteellinen yhdistys, p. 36-53. 18 p. (Books from the Finnish Political Science Association).
  1. Ahonen, P.(2010) Bounded rationality in Finnish Education Policy-Making. In Education in Political Science. Discovering a Neglected Field, p. 104-119. Anja P. Jakobi, Kerstin Martens & Klaus Dieter Wolf (ed.)., London, New York: Routledge, Francis & Taylor Group.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2010) Rajoittunut rationaalisuus Helsingin kaupungin kouluverkon tarkistamispolitiikassa [Bounded rationality in the reform policy of the school network of the city of Helsinki]. In Vakkuri, Jarmo (ed.) Paras mahdollinen julkishallinto, 92-110. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2008) Evaluation and Development of Economic and Administrative Process Technologies for Health Care. Halduskultuur-Administrative Culture 09 (2008), 30-50.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2008) Psychoanalytic Aesthetics: Adaptation for Organization Research and an Application for a Study of Higher Education.EAF Journal a.k.a. Journal of Educational Theory and Foundations, 19, 1, 19-54, 11.
  1. Ahonen, P. and Virtanen, P. (2008) Understanding evaluation in the social sector: two reflexive metaevaluation case studies inspired by Pierre Bourdieu. International Journal of Public Administration, 31, 10-11, 1146–66.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2007) Ethnonationalism in European East–west borderlands: Weltanschauungen in the European Union and Central and Eastern Europe. Religion, State & Society, 35(1), 5-41.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2007) Unconscious Aesthetics in Financial Public Management: Political Science on a Ubiquitous, Deceivingly Uninteresting Topic. Halduskultuur-Administrative Culture, (08), 38-68
  1. Ahonen, P. (2007) Työelämä [The world of work]. In Allan Tiitta et al., ed. Maamme Suomi. Helsinki: WSOY 2007, 140-55.
  1. Ahonen, P., Hyyryläinen, E., & Salminen, A. (2006) Looking for governance configurations of European welfare states. Journal of European Social Policy, 16(2), 173-184.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2006) O biserica de stat minoritara intr-o democratie liberala: cazul Finlandei de interfata est-vest[A Minoritarian State Church in Liberal Democracy: The Case of Finland in the East-West Interface]. Altera 28 (2006), 149-175, 194-195. (In Romanian,.)
  1. Ahonen, P. (2006) Finnish Orientation in the History of Political Theory and History of Political Concepts: Analysis with Examples from Political Economy & Public Manag. Halduskultuur-Administrative Culture, (07), 24-48.
  1. Wiberg, M. & Ahonen, P. (2005) How the Finns Became Westerners: The Impact of EU on the Finnish Political System from Before 1990 until the end of 2002. In Ariane Landuyt, ed. Gli allargamenti della CEE/UE 1961-2004. Vol 1 of 2 volumes. Bologna: il Mulino 2005, 181-205.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2005). Poliittisen teoria-ja käsitehistorian suomalainen suuntaus: Askelia kohti analyysiä [The Finnish orientation of theoretical and conceptual history: steps towards analysis]. Politiikka: Valtiotieteellisen yhdistyksen julkaisu 47 (2005): 2.
  1. Ahonen, P. & Wiberg, M. (2004) “Il percorso della Finlandia in Europa: dalla periferia nord-orientale al centro continentale [Finland's road to Europe: from the north-eastern periphery to the Continental Centre]. In Ariane Landuyt, ed. Storia federalismo e dell'integrazione europea. Bologna: Il Mulino 2004, 451-504.
  1. Ahonen, P. Book review on Pietarinsuomalaiset [The Finns in St. Petersburg]. Politiikka 46(4), p. 9.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2003). EU-politiikan avoin koordinointi" pehmeänä" EU-hallintana: katsaus jatkotutkimusta ajatellen [The open method of coordination of EU policies as ”soft” EU governance: a review to enable further research]. Politiikka: Valtiotieteellisen yhdistyksen julkaisu 45 (2003): 3.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2003) Aikakausien totuus ilmaisee itsensä taiteessa: entä johtamisen, organisoinnin ja tieteenharjoituksen totuus?[The truth of ages expresses itself in art: what about the truth of leadership, organisation and science?]. In Heidi Keso & Hanna Lehtimäki & Tarja Pietiläinen, ed. Forte! Tarinoita taiteen merkityksestä liiketoiminnan kentässä. Tampere: Akatiimi & Life Works Consulting 2003, 49-55.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2002) Social Aspects in the Governance of a System of Education: A Thematic Parallel Evaluation” Administrative Studies/Hallninon tutkimus, 21 (2002) 4, 65-76.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2002) Learning cooperation from non-co-operation: two cases of public administration development in Central and Eastern Europe. In F. v. d. Bergh, G. Jenei & L. LeLoup (eds), East-West cooperation in public sector reform, 95–106. Amsterdam: IOS Press.
  1. Ahonen, P., Virtanen, P., & Uusikylä, P. (2002). Evaluation in Finland. International Atlas of Evaluation. Furubo, Jan-Eric; Ray C. and Sandahl, Rolf (eds). New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 47-61.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2002). Kaukana Euroopan sosiaalipolitiikan ‘Rooma’ja ‘Maastricht’: avoimen koordinaatiometodin näkökulma [Far away Rome and Maastricht of the European social policy: view point of the open method of coordination]. Janus, 10(1).
  1. Ahonen, P. (2002). Heidegger: hairahtanut, kirottu ja anteeksi saanut? [Heidegger: sinned, cursed and pardoned?] Kosmopolis: rauhan-, konfliktin-ja maailmanpolitiikan tutkimuksen aikakauslehti 32 (2002): 3.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2002). Economic and political aspects of ethics in public administration: perspectives from Finland in empirical and theoretical light. In EGPA (European Group of Public Administration) Conference ‘Public Law and the Modernising State’, Oeiras, Portugal (pp. 3-6).
  1. Ahonen, P. (2001) Soft governance, agile union? Analysis of the extensions of open coordination in 2000. EIPA Paper 18 April 2001. Archive of European Integration.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2001). Evaluointi–evaluaatio–arviointi. Oppia evaluaattoreille, evaluoittajille, evaluoituttajille ja evaluoitaville (“Evaluation–valuation–assessment. Instruction for evaluators, commissioners of evaluations and assessments, and the ones being evaluated”). Tulos, normi ja tilivelvollisuus (Result, Norm and Account), Book, Tampere: University of Tampere, 62-88.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2001). Evaluaatio-oppia edistyville [Evaluation to the advanced learner]. Hallinnon tutkimus, 20(3), 102-117.
  1. Ahonen, P. (2000). Partnerships in Policy and Evaluation: European, Development Country and Member State Experiences. EIPA Paper: 02PAH.
  1. Ahonen, P. and Meklin, P. (2000) New Public Financial Management in Church Parishes: Municipalities as a Model in Finland. In Budäus et al. (ed). Neues öffentliches Rechungswesen, pp. Wiesbaden: Gabler, 169-199.
  1. Ahonen, P. & Salminen, A. (2000) The Different and the Similar Nordic Country: Education and Training Related to Public Administration in Finland. Morton D. Davies, John Greenwood, Lynton Robbins and Nick Walkley, eds., Serving the State: Global Public Administration Education and Training, vol. II, Aldershot: Ashgate, 23-56.
  1. Ahonen, P. Voittoa tavoittelematta, kolmannella sektorilla [Without the profit motive, in the third sector, leading article in a scientific refereed journal]. Administrative Studies/Hallinnon tutkimus 18 (1999) 1, 105-106.
  1. Ahonen, P. (1999) General considerations and user experiences of project cycle management in a small donor-transitional country context. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 17, 2, 97–105.
  1. Ahonen, P. (1999). Arviointi kansanvaltaisena käytäntönä [Evaluation as a democratic practice]. Teoksessa Eräsaari, Risto, Lindqvist, Tuija, Mäntysaari, Mikko & Rajavaara, Marketta (toim.), Arviointi ja asiantuntijuus. Tampere: Gaudeamus, 119-142.
  1. Ahonen, P. “Wirtschaft” in Max Weber. In Ahonen, P. & Palonen, K. (ed.) (1999) Dis-embalming Max Weber. Jyväskylä: Sophi, University of Jyväskylä Press, 133-170.
  1. Ahonen, P. (1999). Evaluatiivinen toimintatutkimus poliittisena demokratiastrategiana [Evaluative action research as a strategy for political democracy]. In: Juha Kinnunen, ed. Terveystieteiden monialainen tutkimus ja yliopistokoulutus. Kuopio University Publications E, Social Sciences, 74, 377-409.
  1. Ahonen, P. (1999) Finanssihallinto kehityspolitiikan painopisteenä: erityisesti valtionapujärjestelmä [Financial Management as a Focus in Development Policy: With Special Reference to Government Grants.].Administrative Studies/Hallinnon Tutkimus 18 (1999) 3, 194-209.
  1. Ahonen, P. (1999) Public Administration Programmes in Finland. In Tony Verheijen & Bernadette Connaughton, ed., Higher Education Programmes in Public Administration: Ready for the Challenge of Europeanisation?" Centre for European Studies. College of Humanities. University of Limerck, Limerick, Ireland.Occasional Paper No. 3. Limerick: University of Limerick, 71-128
  1. Ahonen, P. (1998) Hallintotieteet: hyödyllisinä, kohden Eurooppa, tieteen kivijalalta ponnistaen [Administrative Sciences: Of Utility, Towards Europe, with a Scientific Foundation, leading article in a scientific refereed journal] Administrative Studies/Hallinnon Tutkiimus 17(1998)1, 1-5.
  1. Ahonen, P. (1998) Henkisen työs uusfordismi: haaste tieteen ytimelle [The neo-Fordism of white collar work: a challenge to the core of scientific research, leading article in a scientific refreed journal]. Administrative Studies/Hallinnon Tutkimus 17 (1998) 2, 75-79.
  1. Ahonen, P. (1998) Poliittinen tietoyhteiskunta: liberalistinen vai republikanistinen [The political knowledge society: political liberalism or political republicanism as the guideline, leading article in a scientific refereed journal, 17(1998)3, 155-159.
  1. Meklin, P. & Ahonen, P. (1998) Government-owned companies in Finland: pragmatic change and modernization. Public Administration and Development, 18, 3, 265–272.
  1. Ahonen, P. (1998). Jotta arviointi olisi jotakin, se ei voi olla kaikkea [For evaluation to be something, it cannot be everything]. Hallinnon tutkimus, 17(4), 257-261.
  1. Ahonen, P. (1998) Semiotiikan polvesta polveen: poliittista tulkintaa eksistentiaalisemiotiikasta [Semiotics from Generation to Generation: A Political Interpretation of Existential Semiotics].In Olavi Borg, Juha Holma, Jukka Paastela & Tarja Seppä, ed., Tieto, valta ja maailmanpolitiikka – Knowledge, Power and World Politics. Studia Politica Tamperensis. Tampere: University of Tampere 1998, 469-481
  1. Ahonen, P. (1998) Eksistentaalisemiotiikan eksistentiaalisemiotiikkaa: rakennuspuita tieteenharjoittajan maailmankatsomukselle [Existential Semiotics of Existential Semiotics: Constructing the Scholar’s Weltanschauung] Synteesi 17 (1998), 71-81, 122.
  1. Ahonen, P. (1998) Eksistentaalisemiotiikan eksistentiaalisemiotiikkaa: variaatioita Eero Tarastin teemoista [Existential Semiotics of Existential Semiotics: Variations on Themes by Eero Tarasti]. In the electronic publication Siltoja ja synteesejä/Bridges and Syntheses. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, Department of Musicology 1998, (A longer elaboration of the previous publication.)
  1. Ahonen, P. & Meklin, P. (1997) Privatization of public enterprises in Finland, In Privatisation in the world economy, pp. 115-138. Jaipur: RBSA Publications.
  1. Ahonen, P. (1997) Julkinen talous [Public finance]. In Heikki Mattila etc., ed., Encyclopedia Juridica Fennica (EIF), Helsinki: Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus 1997.
  1. Ahonen, P. (1997) Talouspolitiikka [Economic Policy]. In Heikki Mattila etc., ed., Encyclopedia Juridica Fennica (EIF), Helsinki: Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus 1997
  1. Ahonen, P. (1997) Valtion liiketoiminta [Public Enterprises]. In Heikki Mattila etc., ed., Encyclopedia Juridica Fennica (EIF), Helsinki: Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus 1997.
  1. Ahonen, P. (1997) Kunnallistalous [Local government finance]. In Heikki Mattila etc., ed., Encyclopedia Juridica Fennica (EIF), Helsinki: Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus 1997.
  1. Kalima, K. & Ahonen, P. (1997) Julkiset hankinnat [Public procurement]. In Heikki Mattila etc., ed., Encyclopedia Juridica Fennica (EIF), Helsinki: Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus 1997.
  1. Ahonen, P. (1997) Finanssipolitiikka [Fiscal policy].In Heikki Mattila etc., ed., Encyclopedia Juridica Fennica (EIF), Helsinki: Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus 1997.
  1. Ahonen, P. (1997) Julkiset suunnittelujärjestelmät [Public planning systems].