2010 Science Project Timeline
Daily homework grades will be given for most of the deadlines during 1st and 2nd quarters. These deadlines are important as feedback and assistance will be given to improve the final project. The final project will be worth 300 points (60%) for 3rd quarter. All final draft components of the science fair project will need to be typed, proofread, and spellchecked for errors. The final topic must be approved by the teacher before experimentation may begin!
Monday, August 16Topic Approvals Begin - Students must bring 5 ideas with them to class.
Friday, August 20Science Fair Topic Sheet Due (students explain how they plan on conducting their experiments)
Friday, August 27Final Problem (must be specific and measurable) & Purpose Paragraph (who will benefit from this project)
Friday, September 10Check for Sources (students must have copies of the sources they are using for hypothesis – a minimum of 3 sources)
Mon., Sept. 13- Tue., Sept 14Hypothesis Research Form completed during class
Friday, September 24Materials List due in log book (should be very detailed using chart format provided)
Mon., Sept. 27 – Fri., Oct.1Students should have all materials purchased/ gathered no later than Monday, October 4.
Mon., Oct. 11- Thurs., Nov. 11Conduct experiments, record data, write procedures, and take pictures. *If your project requires more time than this, you will need to begin in accordance with that once topic is approved.
Friday, November 12Students will exchange/ proofread the procedures of the numbered steps they followed while completing their experiment. These need to be extremely detailed and specific.
Monday, November 15Students should have experimental data & rough draft graphs in logbook. We will have a computer-graphing workshop during school for students to construct graphs during week.
Friday, November 19 Final graphs and results (paragraphs analyzing the data)
Monday, November 22Conclusion (compare to hypothesis, summary of results, possible improvements)
Tuesday, November 3020 Pictures must be developed or printed.
Wednesday, December 1Abstract (summary of project)
Mon., Nov.29 – Mon, Dec 6Students will need to type all components, decorate board and prepare presentation.