Present: Helen Oscroft (chair), Ady Dench, Jon Staniforth, Craig Haslingden, Andrew Kitchen, Charlotte Jenkinson
Apologies: Nancy Skinner, Phil Smales, Elly Blackwell, Jim Lafferty
Pre Meeting: Some discussion of Rother Valley while we waited for everyone to arrive. HO to circulate what we agreed and get those who weren’t present to offer their availability.
Minutes from previous meeting: Approved. HO to contact JL to check if he has completed his actions. A few questionnaires for Elly are still due in. Videos for the website are still an ongoing process. CJ to put on website
Matters Arising
Committee Roles: HO informed us that she had received an email from EB who is concerned about her role, as she can’t make many meetings and is very busy with work. We all agreed that EB has been brilliant and we don’t want to lose her! We discussed how we could perhaps help? We also felt it wasn’t a problem that EB can’t make committee meetings.
Junior Section: Welcome to the committee CH! CH brought up the issue of safe guarding and we all agreed this is the most important aspect to get organised. This will ensure the safety of junior members but also the coaches. A few issues regarding safety were noted:
-We need to ensure the DBS checks for all coaches are up to date. Any new coaches joining should be required to show a current Coaching License and therefore a current DBS. JS to check the dates on current coaches’ licenses.
-CH noted that there are lots of parents willing to offer their time to volunteer at training and events. What is the policy for DBS here? It was noted that it costs £50 for DBS check, but there are different price options. Who would pay for this? JS to ask BTF what the process is for volunteers, safe guarding and if a DBS is needed, who pays?
-The sign in system for training sessions needs to be improved. CH will formulate a better sign in sheet making sure that any medical conditions are noted and that an emergency phone number is provided. This will also make the sign in process quicker and more efficient. JS to give CH access to My Clubhouse to get an up to date member list.
-Social media. CH showed us a sample document from COS that has rules, code of conduct and how to safely use social media, particularly regarding photos of junior members. CH suggested a closed Facebook group for junior parents.
-When junior members renew next year, the process could be changed. More detail regarding safe guarding.
•The possibility of a Junior Sub Committee was discussed. It was agreed that this could work well, but we need to make sure the junior section is still included within the club. We need an effective way to run the juniors and seniors so they work together.
•The development of the junior section of the website will be discussed at a later date, but some updates are needed.
•CH has spoken to Forge Valley about the possibility of another cycle session for older juniors on Wednesday evenings before the adults. Road bike hire is very reasonable. But, what is the risk assessment procedure for putting on a session like this?
•CH requested a white board for Westfield to give up to date information each week with upcoming events etc. Agreed by committee to buy. CH to buy and give AK receipt.
•CH informed us about A website that is registered to certain businesses e.g. John Lewis who give money back on purchases. COS have raised £2000 with this method. We would need to be a registered charity or trust. What do we think about changing our status? HO to look into it.
•AK has the contact for Westfield and will pass on to CH. CH to meet and discuss bookings/facilities etc.
•25 juniors attended last week - a good turnout
•JS has sent the details of the Dobcroft talk to CH. CH is happy to do it.
•The need for a clubhouse was once again brought up - it’s hard to keep track of everything without one!
•CH to send CJ info about upcoming events while safeguarding is being addressed and sub committee being formed.
•It was felt the older juniors need to be encouraged. There are too old for junior sessions, but too young (or fast!) for adult sessions. We need to have a better avenue for them to follow. It was suggested that sometimes it’s better for them to pursue single sport coaching. BTF advice is to stay within the club and focus on swimming and running. But we’ve all heard of success stories of young adults joining single sport clubs.
•Juniors at Rother Valley on the last Saturday of the month. CJ to put on the website.
First week - 18, second week - 3 (! - but it was a busy race weekend), third week - 12. We need 12 to break even. There is a wide mixture of abilities so 2 coaches definitely needed. Ben Anderson is happy to set a session for the faster lanes and swim with them, in exchange for a free swim. Therefore costs are only £36 for pool hire and £20 for 1 coach. We decided to go through to the end of July and review at the end of the year.
Cycling Coaching
1st week - 5, second week - 1. We need 7 to break even.
We discussed ideas of how we could promote this session. A video and/or photos at the next session. We could put a race on? Though it was feared this would put off the less confident cyclists. It was agreed that a free session could be a good idea.
British Cycling Qualification. £100 for a Level 1 qualification, which means you can do a risk assessment and lead rides up to 50 miles. Some more discussion about how this could work for seniors. It was agreed there was more scope for this with junior sessions. CH noted the TPT near Westfield and the road out to Kings Tree at Fairholmes would be a good progression for juniors from Forge Valley to road.
We still need to register with the platform. JL is investigating
CH and AD discussed junior kit and agreed to use the same supplier for leisure wear.
CJ is still working on Ryan to maybe do a Go Pro video of the Hathersage Hilly for us. CH knows an ex-student of his now produces drone footage. CH will contact him.