Study Guide
Exceptional Lives: Special Education in Today’s Schools
Chapter One: Overview of Today’s Special Education
What are the prevalence statistics for disabilities among the general school-age population?What are the disability categories identified under the Individuals with Disabilities Act, parts B and C, and what are the prevalence statistics for each?
What are the issues surrounding labels? How does this relate to “person-first language”?
What do Turnbull, Turnbull, Shank and Smith consider to be the four key themes of the book?
What are some of the key issues or factors that are correlated to disability (e.g. how does the prevalence of disability vary by socio-economic status (SES), culture, geography, etc.)?
What is “special education” and why is it important (i.e. why do we provide special education for students with disabilities)?
What are the pros and cons of including students in the general curriculum?
What is the current state of special education services and service delivery (i.e. what issues face the profession, including staffing and instructional limitations)?
Who is involved in the process of identification, evaluation and placement of a child in special education?
What are the procedures for identification, evaluation and placement for a child into special education?
What are the basic elements of the “Zero Reject” rule, and how do they apply to behavior and discipline?
What are the key purposes of the non-discriminatory evaluation (NDE), and what must be considered in order for it to be “non-discriminatory”?
What are the similarities and differences among screening, pre-referral, referral and evaluation?
What is the legal foundation for special education? What court decisions and legislative actions led to the current state of special education?
What is the rationale behind the “Least Restrictive Environment” rule of the IDEA, and what types of placements exist along the continuum of services?
What does a due process hearing consist of, and why is one used?
How are the six provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act related in Figure 1-11? What are the principles, purposes and relationships among each?
What are the general reasons for, and components of, the individualized family service plan and the individualized education plan? For whom are they relevant (i.e. what ages)?
How is funding handled for special education?
What laws provide protection against discrimination for students with disabilities?
How do the IDEA, Section 504 and the ADA relate to one another? Where do they overlap and where are they distinct from one another?
What is the general purpose and policy of the No Child Left Behind Act?
What are the national goals for special education, and where do we stand with respect to reaching these goals?