

The Once and Future King

Study Guide Book 2

Directions: Please read the chapters and answer the questions that follow.

Chapter 1

  1. What mood does the setting create?
  2. Describe Gawaine?
  3. Describe Gareth.
  4. Describe Gaheris.
  5. Describe Agravaine.
  6. Summarize the feud between the Pendragons and the Orkneys.
  7. Describe Queen Morgause.

Chapter 2

  1. Summarize Arthur’s opinion of the battle?
  2. According to Merlyn, what is wrong with Arthur’s opinion?
  1. Describe Arthur’s opinion of being King.

Chapter 3

  1. Summarize the reasons for the Normans’ impending war with the Irish.

Chapter 4

  1. Summarize what Merlyn teaches Arthur about the reasons for war.
  2. Summarize what Merlyn teaches Arthur about the consequences of war.

Chapter 5

  1. What does St. Toirdealbhach’s story teach the boys about war?
  2. What does the boys’ treatment of the donkeys teach the reader about the boys?

Chapter 6

1.What does Arthur plan to do after the battle of Bedegraine?

Chapter 7

  1. Why do the boys want to hunt the unicorn?
  2. What are the most important characteristics of the unicorn?
  3. Describe the result of the gralloch.
  4. Describe the Queen’s reaction to the present she is given by her boys.
  5. What does the chapter teach you about good and evil?
  6. Make a prediction: what will boys who are raised like this become when they are adults?

Chapter 8

  1. Summarize the plans that Merlyn, Arthur, and Kay are making for the new order of knights.
  2. What is Kay’s idea about a justifiable reason for war?
  3. How does Merlyn react to this idea?
  4. What does Merlyn’s reaction teach you about the theme of the novel?

Chapter 9

  1. What do Sir Grummore and Sir Palomides make?
  2. Why do they create this?
  3. What do you learn about Gawaine?
  4. What kind of characterization is this?
  5. What is the result of Sir Grummore and Sir Palomides’ plan?

Chapter 10

  1. According to Merlyn, how will the battle go?
  2. What is the moral of the parable about the man in the market in Damascus?
  3. Why is Arthur known as the Once and Future King?
  4. Where will this miraculous event take place?

Chapter 11

  1. How do Sir Grummore and Sir Palomides escape the Questin’ Beast?
  2. What has happened to the Queen of Flanders’ daughter?
  3. Why won’t the Questin’ Beast leave the castle?

Chapter 12

  1. Summarize the battle plan of the Eleven Kings.
  2. Summarize King Arthur’s battle plan.
  3. How does the Battle of Bedegraine begin?
  4. What is Merlyn’s responsibility during the battle?
  5. What is Arthur’s “second atrocity”?
  6. How does Arthur fight in the battle?
  7. Please summarize the new plan that King Lot creates to defeat Arthur’s army.
  8. How does Arthur’s army react to this new strategy?
  9. Why couldn’t Lot’s army sleep well after the first day of battle?
  10. Summarize the conclusion of the battle.

Chapter 13

  1. What is Merlyn’s suggestion to Sir Grummore and Sir Palomides regarding the Questin’ Beast?
  2. Where is Queen Morgause going the next morning?
  3. Make an inference: how will the Queen use her magic?

Chapter 14

  1. What sin does Arthur commit at the end of the chapter?
  2. According to the narrator, what will be the consequence for Arthur’s sin?