Chrysler LLCConstruction Standards

AAME Building Group




  1. This Section specifies concrete floor slab work, which includes, but not limited to:
  2. Steel fiber reinforcing.
  3. Cast-in-place concrete.
  4. .
  5. Polishing of slab surface.
  6. Related Work Specified In Other Sections:
  7. Division 3 Section "Cast-In-Place Concrete" for basic concrete work.
  8. Alternates:
  9. Base Bid is use of Bekaert “Dramix RC65/60BN” steel fibers. Alternate is to use Bekaert “Dramix RC80/60BN” steel fiber with dosage of not less than 50 lb/cu yd.
  10. Base Bid is use of Bekaert “Dramix RC65/60BN” steel fibers. Alternate is to use Novacon “Twincone” steel fiber with dosage of not less than 50 lb/cu yd.


  1. Engineering Responsibility: Engage a qualified professional engineer to prepare or supervise the preparation of mix designs data for steel fiber reinforced concrete.
  2. Professional Engineer Qualifications: A professional engineer who is legally qualified to practice in the jurisdiction where Project is located and who has not less than five years experience in providing engineering services for steel fiber reinforced concrete floor slabs, and who is normally engaged in this type of work. Engineering services are defined as those performed for design of industrial floor slabs-on-grade that are similar to those indicated for this Project in material, design, and extent.
  3. Performance design of floor slabs shall be prepared by the Contractor's engineer in accordance with the following criteria. Provide dual design criteria; for the first design mix use stipulated fiber quantity and furnish allowable design loads; for the second design mix use stipulated design loads and furnish required fiber quantity for the most economical slab design.
  4. Minimum 28 Days Flexural Strength: 700 psi unless otherwise indicated.
  5. Minimum 28 Days Compressive Strength: 4000 psi unless otherwise indicated.
  6. Minimum Slab Thickness: 8 inches
  7. Minimum 28 Days Compressive Strength: 4000 psi unless otherwise indicated.
  8. Minimum Modulus Of Subgrade Reaction: K= 100 pci
  9. Either Minimum R10,50 Toughness Ratio of 65 percent; or Minimum Re,3 Value of 55 percent
  10. Minimum Uniformly Distributed Loads: 1200 psf
  11. Minimum Concentrated Loads:
  12. Forklift Truck Loads:

Wheel SpacingAxle LoadsCapacity

Single wheel solid tire35”-37”25 kips12 kips

Single pneumatic tire35”-37”25 kips12 kips

Dual wheel pneumatic tire41”/10”28 kips13 kips

  1. Post Loads:

Base Plate 8”x8”Base Plate 12”x12”Spacing

Max point loads-2 loads25 kips25 kips24”

Max point loads-3 loads25 kips 25 kips36”- 36”

Max point loads-4 loads28 kips28 kips36”-24”-36”


  1. Definition: Concrete polishing is a process of grinding the concrete surface and application of a sealer/hardener/densifier that will result in a concrete floor finish that will not dust, is resistant to penetration from oils and is aesthetically pleasing.
  2. Process may be either a proprietary system from specialty contractor or use of specified products with acceptable grinding methods.
  3. Acceptable Grinding Methods: Equipment and techniques that produce documented results of concrete finishes.
  4. Finish Sheen: Visual expectation being at a distance of 30 to 50 feet the floor shall clearly reflect side and overhead lighting. No aggregate exposure or excessive removal of light reflective mineral dry-shake. As by a 400 dry grit grind/polish.
  5. Polishing shall be dry diamond method, not wet, utilizing direct connect HEPA filtration system, metal bonded diamond /resin bonded multi orbital planetary action opposing rotational diamond headed machines produced in Sweden or the Netherlands acceptable to the Owner’s Representative.
  6. Coordination: Contractor shall coordinate the following:
  7. Concrete placement, floating, trowelling and curing shall be coordinated with the polisher so surface is acceptable for polishing.
  8. Scheduling of joint sealant installation is not detrimental to the polishing process.
  9. Cleaning of concrete surface prior to and after performing polishing.
  10. Slip Resistance: Static coefficient of friction shall be 0.6 for level floors and 0.8 for ramped surfaces as defined by the ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG).
  11. Testing shall be in accordance with ASTM C1028 or use of similar devices recognized by ADAAG.


  1. Source of ready-mixed concrete for approval.
  2. Manufacturer's product data, performance criteria and other documentation for each material specified in this Section that is proposed for use, including:
  3. Admixtures.
  4. Liquid curing/sealing compound.
  5. If products have not been reviewed and accepted by Chrysler Health or Environmental groups, include MSDS information as a separate submittal directed to the Owner for review.
  6. Premolded joint filler.
  7. Reinforcing fibers.
  8. Bonding agent.
  9. Joint sealants.
  10. Shop drawings including the following:
  11. Locations of drains, trenches, manholes, and other items.
  12. Floor joint layout indicating:
  13. Number and sequence of placements.
  14. Sizes and shapes of placements (shapes shall be square or rectangular only).
  15. Types (construction or control) and spacing of joints.
  16. Include the following:
  17. Proposed method for bulkheads and formwork.
  18. Proposed placement equipment.
  19. Schedule of events and casting plan regarding placement operations, and records of concrete casts.
  20. Mill test certification for steel fiber reinforcement in accordance with ASTM A820.
  21. Identity Chart standardization test for the steel fiber(s) used.
  22. Certification of chloride ion content from admixture suppliers.
  23. Concrete Mix Design: Submit concrete supplier's concrete mix design information based on requirements specified in "Concrete Mix Proportions".
  24. Submit a concrete mix design prepared by either the “laboratory trial batch” or the field experience” method as specified in CSA A 23.1 for approval. Provide proportions of cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and water.
  25. Submit SFRC design proposal for the floor slab indicating the dosage, type, size and the shape of the steel fiber. Verify the number of fibers per unit volume and provide information on mechanical characteristics of the chosen fiber and its identity chart.
  26. Mix design shall be sealed by an professional engineered registered in the State of Michigan.
  27. Samples of aggregates shall be furnished by the Contractor as required, together with tests for hardness, durability, density, absorption, etc., referenced in ASTM C33.
  28. Certificates: Each load of ready mixed concrete shall be accompanied by triplicate certificates (batch tickets) submitted for approval for each batch discharged indicating project identification name and number, mix type, and listing ingredients, including quantities and types of admixtures, total water, time when water was introduced into the mix, place and date of delivery, amount of concrete in cubic meters, mix time, reading of revolution counter at first addition of water, etc. Identify separately amounts of water added at batch plant and water added on site.
  29. Completed pre-pour sign-off cards.
  30. Qualification Data: For those performing concrete polishing.


  1. Comply with applicable provisions of Division 3 Section "Cast-In-Place Concrete".
  2. Institute a "Concrete Pour Sign-Off Card" for the placement of concrete floor slabs on grade.
  3. Sign-Off Card shall, at a minimum, consist of a checklist for verification of the following items:
  4. Compaction of subgrade and subbase materials and subgrade elevation.
  5. Installation of underground utilities.
  6. Installation of required reinforcing steel.
  7. Installation of miscellaneous steel embeds.
  8. Locations of shallow utilities have been reviewed by firm placing concrete.
  9. Floor drains, cleanouts, handholes, etc. have been set to required top elevations.
  10. Concrete forms have been set to specified elevation and level tolerances, and have received form release agent application.
  11. Saw cutting equipment, additional lighting (if necessary) and wiring materials are present on site.
  12. Assign a superintendent who is designated to supervise concrete slab-on-grade operations.
  13. Prior to placing each section of concrete slab-on-grade the Contractor's superintendent shall obtain signatures from the various trade subcontractors involved in the checklist items mentioned above. After signatures are obtained, the Contractor's superintendent shall sign the card as well.
  14. Submit the original card to the Owner's Representative with copies to the Architect/Engineer, concrete flooring installer, and other signatories to the cards.
  15. Ready Mix Plant Qualifications: Plant experienced in furnishing ready mixed concrete similar to that indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in-service performance as well as sufficient production capacity to produce required quantity without delaying the Work. Plant shall have adequate storage and handling facilities for material and shall be equipped for accurate weighing, measuring, and control of materials, quantities, mixing, and delivery of concrete meeting specified requirements.
  16. Preinstallation Conference: Prior to start of work, conduct conference at Project site with all parties associated with work of this Section. Notify participants at least 5 working days before conference.
  17. Meet with representatives of the Owner; Architect/Engineer; testing and inspecting agency; concrete producer; concrete slab installer/finisher; steel fiber manufacturer; admixture manufacturer; and others whose work interfaces with or directly affects floor slab placement.
  18. Review methods and procedures related to work of this Section.
  19. Examine subgrade conditions for compliance with requirements, including flatness and modulus of subgrade reaction.
  20. Discuss plans to execute the work, scheduling, equipment, assignments, and storage procedures.
  21. Discuss the following as a minimum:
  22. Concrete mix design and control of same.
  23. Trial batching.
  24. Subgrade and subbase preparation.
  25. Placement procedures for:

1)Form work


3)Concrete placement methods

4)Concrete finishing procedures

5)Sawcut methods and timing

6)Curing procedures

7)Joint sealing

8)Slab protection

  1. Document proceedings, including corrective measures or actions required, and furnish copy of record to each participant.
  1. Concrete Polisher Qualifications: An installer who has documented experience and proven techniques and/or processes of concrete polishing. When a system is used, installer shall be certified or licensed by the system manufacturer.
  2. Only the following are acceptable; others will not be considered.
  3. Titan Industrial Flooring, LLC. Contact: Steve Buchanan 248-433-8178
  4. Perfect Polish. Contact: Jeff Yates 865-494-7257 or 865-803-4917
  5. Concrete Arts Contact Tom Graf 715-386-8750 or 612-369-1074
  6. Concrete Polishing Technologies, Contact. Daniel Grady865-494-7202 or 865-803-5041.
  7. Submit the following for review and confirmation prior to contract award by the Construction Manager:
  8. Certificate of training from an Owner acceptable source.
  9. List of Projects completed including:

1)Company name, address, phone number, specific description of work as preformed, existing conditions of concrete polished, old or new, total sq ft polished, photos of finished surface from a distance and close up, to show aggregate exposure.

  1. Must prove 3 years minimum experience with 7 to 10 day wet cured concrete dry polishing system.
  2. Must have successfully completed at minimum 100,000 sq.ft of 7 to 10 day wet cured exposed aggregate dry polished concrete work completed to date.
  3. Must provide total number of grinding and polishing machines w/ manpower available to dry polish and clean polished areas in this project.
  1. Polished Concrete Sample Areas: Build a sample slab of minimum 500 square feet by full thickness, in the area directed by the Construction Manager.
  2. Acceptable sample area may be incorporated into the Work. However, if the finish is not acceptable, the sample shall be removed or if incorporated, covered with floor coverings as directed by the Owner.
  3. Sample area will be used to demonstrate aesthetic effects, set quality standards for execution, and document anticipated level of polish (workmanship) of the phased work.


  1. Protection.
  2. Forms and steel shall be entirely free of frost, snow or ice before placing concrete.
  3. Protect concrete work from damage by frost or freezing or from any other cause. Aggregate and mixing water shall be heated before mixing concrete when the outside temperature is 40 degF or lower and falling and shall have a temperature at placing of 60 degF minimum and 80 degF maximum.
  4. Placed concrete shall be fully protected from frost and freezing by approved means in accordance with the applicable requirements of ACI 306. The use of "anti-freeze" additives or admixtures is prohibited. Concrete shall be provided with curing protection for a period of seven days against outside temperatures of 50 degF and lower.
  5. In hot weather concrete shall be placed in accordance with the applicable requirements of ACI305.
  6. Remove protection when directed or no longer required. Damaged concrete shall be removed and replaced at no additional cost to the Owner.
  7. Size, extent, and details of concrete pours shall be reviewed with the Owner’s Representative before concrete is placed.



  1. Forms shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of ACI347.
  2. Form coating shall be an approved nonstaining type.
  3. Reinforcement
  4. Fibers: Steel fibers conforming to ASTM A820, Type I, deformed, cold drawn steel wire with a minimum tensile strength of 130,000 psi; minimum aspect ratio of 65; minimum length 2 inches, nominal diameter 0.0351 inches.
  5. Basis-of-Design Product: The design is based on Bekaert; Dramix RC65/60BN. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide either the named product or a comparable substitute acceptable to the Owner.
  6. Reinforcing steel and dowels shall be new billet steel conforming to ASTM A615 grade60.
  7. The details of reinforcing steel shall conform to ACI315. Furnish required metal accessories, including spacers, chairs, ties, etc. Cut and bend reinforcement in accordance with the approved shop drawings and bar lists.
  8. Steel Dowels: ASTM A615, Grade 60. Furnish smooth dowels at floor slab construction joints.
  9. Column Isolators: 20 gage sheet metal with Z275 galvanized coating to ASTM A525.
  10. Chairs and Spacers: Rigid type, of sufficient strength to rigidly support weight of reinforcement and construction loads. Use non-corrosive type over metal deck. Use precast concrete chairs with embedded tie wires for support of bottom and top reinforcing steel bar in slabs on grade.
  11. Drummond and Reeves Ltd.
  12. Acrow Richmond
  13. Superior Concrete Accessories Ltd.
  14. Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type I.
  15. Slag Cement: ASTM C989, Grade 120.
  16. Aggregates shall conform to ASTM C33 and having a petrographic number no greater than 125.
  17. Fine aggregate shall be natural sand, sharp and clean.
  18. Coarse aggregate shall be crushed, hard, dense, durable natural stone or crushed and processed air cooled blast furnace slag, free of any mud, clay, loam, silt or organic matter graded to a balanced mix of 50 percent passing a 1-1/2 inches size sieve and 50% passing 3/4 inches size sieve (50/50 blend).
  19. Water shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of oil, alkali, acids, organic matter and other deleterious substances.
  20. Use admixtures where necessary to achieve acceptable final product regarding Concrete workability; entrained air content; handling; and design strength criteria. Admixtures shall conform to ASTM C494. Admixtures which may cause increased concrete shrinkage shall not be permitted. Additional criteria is as follows:
  21. Superplasticizer: Unless otherwise directed by the Owner, provide one of the following:
  22. Eucon 37; Euclid Chemical Co.
  23. Rheobuild 1000; Master Builders
  24. Sikament; Sika Chemical Corp.
  25. Water Reducing Agents: The type of water reducing agent shall be dependent upon the conditions encountered and shall be in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Mid-range water reducers shall not be used. Unless otherwise directed by the Owner, provide one of the following:
  26. Plastocrete; Sika Corp.
  27. Eucon WR or Eucon WR 75; Euclid Chemical Co.
  28. Owner approved substitute.
  29. Admixtures shall be liquid-type premixed by the manufacturer and used directly from containers bearing the label of the Manufacturer. The quantity shall be only that amount required to conform to the approved requirements as shown by the final approved design mix. The addition of admixture shall be made by accurate dispenser for positive control of the quantity as approved.
  30. Fly ash admixtures, chloride-based admixtures, and calcium chloride thiocyanates shall not be used. Admixtures containing more than 0.05 percent chloride ions shall not be used. Products which individually or collectively contribute more than 5 ppm by weight of chloride ions to concrete shall not be used.
  31. Premolded expansion joint fillers at interior joints. Unless otherwise directed by the Owner, provide one of the following:
  32. Ceramar, W.R. Meadows Sealtight.
  33. Approved substitute.
  34. Isolation joint fillers. Material specifically designed and manufactured to provide isolation from ambient and induced shock and vibration. Unless otherwise directed by the Owner, provide one of the following:
  35. FABSORB Foundation Isolation Material, Fabreeka International
  36. Approved substitute.
  37. Floor Sealer/Hardener/Densifier: Clear penetrating water-based siliconate or silicate solution specifically designed to penetrate, harden, and densify concrete to protect concrete floors against abrasion, dusting, and absorption of liquids. Unless otherwise directed by the Owner, provide one of the following:
  38. Intraseal; Conspec (NPM code: 65-060-0690).
  39. Diamond Hard; Euclid Chemical.
  40. Epoxy bonding agent for bonding freshly mixed concrete to hardened or existing concrete. Unless otherwise directed by the Owner, provide one of the following:
  41. Armatec 110; Sika Chemical Corp.
  42. Powerprep AC; Sto Powercrete
  43. Corr-Bond; Euclid Chemical Co.
  44. Epoxy Floor Fill: Trowel applied epoxy mortar system designed to surface and fill floor slabs up to 2 inches thickness.
  45. Products: Unless otherwise directed by the Owner, provide Euco #456 Mortar, Euclid Chemical Co , or similar product by one of the following:
  46. Euclid Chemical Co.
  47. Master Builders, Inc.
  48. Sika Corp.
  49. Joint Sealants: Multicomponent Flexible epoxy joint sealant or polyurea having durometer not less than 70, Shore A. Unless otherwise directed by the Owner, provide one of the following:
  50. Flexible joints at column isolation joints and wall Intersections:
  51. Euco 700 or Euco 700 Special; Euclid Chemical Co.
  52. For all areas not otherwise specified, provide the following in a gray color.
  53. Sonneborn, Division of ChemRex Inc.; Sonolastic TF-100.
  54. Light Reflective Mineral Dry-Shake Floor Hardener: Factory-packaged, dry combination of portland cement, graded natural mineral aggregate, and surface hardener.
  55. Color: White, as selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range.
  56. Basis-of-Design Product: The design is based on MBT Protection and Repair, Div. of ChemRex; Mastercron. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide either the named product or one of the following:
  57. Conspec Marketing & Manufacturing Co., Inc., a Dayton Superior Company; Conshake700.
  58. Euclid Chemical Company; Surflex Light Reflective.
  59. MBT Protection and Repair, Div. of ChemRex; Mastercron.