Semester: Spring 2014

Instructor: Daniel K. Yom, Ed. D.

Phone: (714)996-4393(home), (714)612-4435(cellular)



An introductory course in Christian education program of the local church with special emphasis on the

theological and biblical foundations of educational ministry in the church, philosophy of ministry, and the Bible as curriculum. The course also examines how educational ministries(Childhood, Youth and Adult

Education) are to be practiced in the Church.


As a result of this course, the student will demonstrate an understanding of and skills associated with:


  1. Having an essential base in the clear understanding of what Christian education with its

distinctiveness really is.

  1. Discoveringbiblical and theological foundations of educational ministry in the church.
  2. Analyzing biblical passages to identify biblical patterns of education for shaping his philosophy of educational ministry.
  3. Discovering Christ as the Master Teacher.
  4. Understanding the role of the Holy Spirit in Christian education.
  5. Showing an understanding of the integration of the developmental perspectives with the

educational ministries in the local church.


  1. Realizing and appreciating the importance of understanding biblical foundations of Christian


  1. Having the joy of being called to the Chrisian education ministry as it is one of the most exciting

forms of service in the kingdom of God.


  1. Developing a philosophy of Christian education that will be applicable to a

variety of educational ministry contexts.

  1. Analyzing and evaluating theories of human development for use in the educational ministry of

the local church.


Pazmino, Robert W. Foundational Issues in Christian Education.

Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 1997(Translated into Korean)


정, 일웅. 교회교육학. 범지 출판사, 2008

Anthony, Michael J., ed. Introducing Christian Education: Foundations for the Twenty-First Century.

Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2001

Richards, Lawrence O. A Theology of Christian Education. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1975

Zuck, Roy B. Teaching as Jesus Taught. Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2002.(translated into Korean:

예수님의 티칭 스타일, 디모데)


1. Reading assignment(15%)

The student is expected to begin reading two texts as soon as possible in advance of lectures.

The instructor will ask how much the student read.

2. Critical chapter reviews (교회교육학 3부, 6부, 7부)(15%)

3-5 pages for each chapter (Due date will be announced for your reading).

3. Philosophy of Educational Ministry Paper(After reading the chapters of FICE (5and 6), choose one of

the age groups: Children, Youth, Young Adults and Older Adults) (25%): 6-8pages. Due date: June 12, 2014.

4. Final Exam(35%)

Expected questions will be given one week before the final day of the lecture.

5. Class Attendance and Participation(10%)

=> All late papers will be penalized.

=> Assignments are only received in class.


All work is graded with letters as follows:

A 95-100% B- 80-82% D+ 67-69%

A- 90-94% C+77-79% D 63-66%

B+ 87-89% C 73-76% D 60-62%

B 83-86% C- 70-72% F 59%/less





1. Procedure

Two and half hours per week for lecture and discussion.

2. Preparation

Students are expected to complete all assigned reading prior to the class. Usually student time for

preparation is 2 -3 times of class time.


Incompletes will only be awarded to a student who cannot physically finish his or her course work.

Incompletes will not be awarded merely because of poor time management. Incompletes must first be

approved by the Academic Dean’s office. To apply, fill out an incomplete request form from the office. After

receiving approval from the Academic Dean’s office, the student then must obtain approval from the



Students are expected to attend the class faithfully. Students who miss over 20% of the class sessions will

be penalized.


Week 1(2/27), Week 2(3/6)

---Roll, Syllabus / Introduction & Theological Foundations

---A Theology of Christian Education

---God as Teacher

---Covenant and Christian Education

=>Reading: Chapter 2(FICE), 제3부(교회교육학), Chapter 4(FCE), Part I-B(ATOCE)

Week 3(3/13), Week 4(3/20), Week 5(3/27), Week 6(4/03)

---OT Patterns of Education

---NT Patterns of Education

---Jesus, the Master Teacher

=>Reading: Chapter 1(FICE), Chapter 11(ICE), Chapter 12(TAJT)

Week 7(4/10), Week 8(4/17), Week 9(5/01)

---The Holy Spirit as Teacher

---The Bible as Curriculum / How to Study the Bible

---Theology and Educational(Pastoral) Ministry

=>Reading: Chapter 4(KS), Chapter 13(ICE), 제5부(교회 교육학)

Week 10(5/08), Week 11(5/15)

---The Goal of Christian Education

---Pastor as Teacher / Equipping Teachers

=>Reading: Part I-B(ATOCE), 제6부(교회교육학)

Week 12(5/22), Week 13(5/29), Week 14(6/05)

---Developmental Perspectives in Educational Ministry(1)

---Developmental Perspectives in Educational Ministry(2)

---Adult Education

=>Reading: Chapter 6(FICE), 제7부(교회교육학)

Week 15(6/12) – Final Exam.


Anthony, Michael J., ed. Introducing Christian Education: Foundations for

the Twenty-First Century. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2001

Berkhof, Louis and Van Til, Cornelius. Foundationss of Christian Education. Nutley, N.J.: Presbyterian &

Reformed, 1990.

Beversluis, N. H. Christian Philosophy of Education. Grand Rapids: National Unions of

Christian Schools, 1971.

Downs, Perry G. Teaching for Spiritual Growth: An Introduction to Christian Education.

Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994.

Galvin, James C., and David R. Veerman. “Curriculum for Adult Education.” In

The Christian Educator’s Handbook on Adult Education, eds. Kenneth O. Gangel,

And James C. Wilhoit, 178-189. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1993.

Gangel, Kenneth O., and Warren S. Benson. Christian Education: Its History and

Philosophy. Chicago, IL: Moody Press, 1983.

Graendorf, Werner C. Introduction to Biblical Christian Education. Chicago, IL:

Moody Press, 1981

Horne, Herman. Jesus the Teacher. Revised by Angus M. Gunn. Grand Rapids, MI:

Kregel Publications, 1998. Originally published as Jesus: The Master Teacher,

Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 1920.

Knight, George R. Philosophy and Education: An Introduction in Christian Perspective.

Berrien Springs, MI: Andrew University Press, 2006.

LeBar, Lois E. Education That Is Christian. Revised by James E. Plueddermann.

Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1989.

LeFever, Marlene D. Creative Teaching Methods: Be an Effective Christian Teacher,

Colorado Springs, CO: Cook Ministry Resources, 1996.

______. Learning Styles: Reaching Everyone God Gave You to Teach.

Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook Ministry Resources, 1995.

Pazmino, Robert W. Basics of Teaching for Christians: Preparation, Instruction,

Evaluation.Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1998.

______. By What Authority Do We Teach? Sources for Empowering Christian

Educators, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1994.

______. Foundational Issues in Christian Education: An Introductioin

in Evangelical Perspective. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books. 1995

______. God Our Teacher. Baker Academic, 2001.

______. Principles and Practices of Christian Education: An Evangelical

Perspective. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1992.

Richards, Lawrence O., and Gary J. Bredfeldt. Creative Bible Teaching. Chicago,

IL.: Moody Press, 1998.

Richards, Lawrence O. A Theology of Christian Education. Grand Rapids:

Zondervan, 1975

Sproul, R.C. Knowing Scripture. Downers Grove: IVP, 2009

Van Til, Cornelius. Essays on Christian Education. Nutley, N.J.: Presbyterian &

Reformed, 1977.

Wilhoit, James C., and John M. Dettoni, eds. Nurture That Is Christian. Grand

Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1998.

Zuck, Roy B. Spiritual Power in Your Teaching. Kregel Publications, 1993.

______. Teaching As Jesus Taught. Eugene, O.R.: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 1995.