Old Salopian Day

Saturday 1st October 2016

Dear Old Salopian,

This insert contains a booking form for Old Salopian Day onSaturday 1st October. If you would like to attend Old Salopian Day, please return your form by Wednesday 14th September and indicate the events in which you wish to participate.

All generations of Salopians are most welcome at Old Salopian Day which this year will centre around the opening of the new Chatri Design Centre, next to the Moser Library. In a change from previous years, there will be drinks and substantial canapés prior to the opening, but no formal lunch. In the afternoon a series of exhibitions are planned, including a Science Exhibition and an Old Salopian Art Exhibition. There will be an opportunity to watch a number of Old Salopian football teams play the School and Houses will also be open for a time to allow you to visit. In the evening we plan to hold a black tie dinner in Kingsland Hall (for which there will be no charge) for those Old Salopians, together with wives/partners, who fall into the following categories:

  • Those who left in 1956, 1966, 1976, 1986 and 1996.
  • Those who would normally have left in one of the years above but may have left early.
  • All Old Salopians who left before 1956.
  • Any former member of staff who taught at Shrewsbury during the above years.

Individuals are asked to arrange their own accommodation and also to indicate whether they would like to attend School Chapel on the following day (Sunday 2nd October) at 10am.

We trust you will enjoy reading about the exploits of Old Salopians in this edition of the magazine. The editorial team is always delighted to receive news from Old Salopians, whether it is about family, career, hobbies or adventures, so please continue to send this. News items are published either in the Salopian magazine or on the Salopian Club website or both. High resolution photographs linked to your story are welcome. Please also consider joiningour Facebook groupif you have not already done so.

We very much hope to see you at a Salopian event in the near future.

Yours sincerely,

Nick Jenkins, Director, Salopian Club

Old Salopian Day 1st October 2016 – Booking Form

Time / Event / Venue / Please
Indicate numbers
1.00 – 1.45 pm / Reception, drinks and canapés / Quod
1.45 pm / Opening of the Chatri Design Centre / Chatri Centre
2.15 pm / OS Football vs The School
Science Exhibition and Old Salopian Art Exhibition / Various
4.00 pm / Tea / Quod
4.30 – 5.30 pm / House Visits / Various
6.30 pm / Pre-dinner drinks for invited groups. / Kingsland Hall
7.30 pm / Anniversary Dinner for invited groups. / Kingsland Hall
10 am on 2nd October / School Chapel Service / Chapel
Name: / House: / Date Left Shrewsbury:
Name(s) of guest(s): / I would like to sit with/near (people, House or group) at dinner:

Please indicate any special dietary requirements

(e.g. vegetarian/gluten-free etc.):

Return address: Please return this form either by post to: The Salopian Club, The Schools, Shrewsbury, SY3 7BA

or electronically to:

(An electronic copy is available to download at: