River Bluff High School Improvement Council

Minutes from the January 21, 2014 Meeting

6:00-7:00 pm

RBHS Learning Commons

The meeting was called to order at 6:07 pm by Pam Cope.

Attendees:Mary Molusky, Dawn Wetherly, Troy Fite, Kathryn Cherup, Bruce Mallick, David Doyle, Betsy Burn, CeCe Taylor, Sarah Lynn Deese, Matthew Hodge, Chuck Lange, Jeff Collins, Christy Modzelewski, Luke Clamp, Tara Black and Pam Cope.

Principal’s Report-

  • RBHS hosted over 165 guests for a state wide meeting. The guests included Deans from USC, local attorneys, school district superintendents, and other educators. They were most impressed by our school culture. They were amazed with our students’ use of time and how they move class to class without a bell.
  • RBHScurrently has 1486 students. The projected enrollment for 2014-2015 is 1800 students. The school was built with a capacity of 2500 students. Dr. Clamp is meeting with the district’s HR office in the coming weeks to begin preparing for next year’s staffing plan using projections for teachers, administrators, and support staff.
  • The National Honor Society induction will be on January 26 and the Junior-Senior Prom will be on April 26. The district has approved for the prom to be held at an off campus location.
  • The 2014-2015 schedule will still have 15-thirty minute mods with a total of 210 minutes for a class per week. CREW will be in the middle of the day to allow flexibility for students who travel to other schools. CREW will be an elective bearing credit (pass/fail) in 2014-2015. During students’ Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) meetings, recommendations for courses are made to students including the option to choose seven classes for 2014-2015 with two alternates. Students may still register for 8 classes. Based on feedback and data from this year, students will be recommended to register for seven classes and CREW. This will provide students with a more balanced schedule and open up opportunities for virtual, on-line, or blended classes. Dr. Clamp would like to see our students exposed to blended, on-line, and virtual classes. A student needs 24 credits to earn a SC diploma.
  • The Senior Experience is changing for River Bluff students. It will become a CREW experience.
  • Currently, River Bluff has 50 students taking classes at Lexington Technology Center, 1 student at Pelion Agri-Business Center, 2 students at Lexington High School’s IB program, and 10-15 students at White Knoll’s Medical Center.
  • Our student SIC representatives asked about seniorprivileges. Dr. Clamp said that seniors can chose to exempt an exam if the student is passing the class at the end of the course.


  • December Minutes were reviewed and approved. The minutes from the November meeting were discussed. Cheryl DeMarre was sick and a copy of the minutes was not available for review so this was postponed until the February 2014 meeting.

Gators Giving Groceries

  • Christy Modzelewski reported on the G3- Gators Giving Groceries backpack program. Tremendous progress that has been made and several handouts about the program were shared with us. Bruce Mallick, with Bojangles offered to host a night at Bojangles to give 20% of proceeds toG3. The first night will be February 20 and will continue on the 3rd Thursday of each month. Christy asked for volunteers to assist her in contacting local businesses for doG3nations. All SIC members and any parents or community leaders are asked to contact Christy if they are interested in volunteering in this program.


  • The Bylaws report was tabled to the February meeting due to the absence of the chairperson, Cheryl DeMarre.

Expedtionary Learning(EL) Focus Group

  • Everyone was encouraged to consider signing up for the EL committee by contacting Mrs. Painter.

Next meeting is February 18, 2014, at 6:00 pm in the Learning Commons.

Respectfully submitted,

Pam Cope