Mr. Matt Comer
Room: 1209
1-317-867-6800 ext 6884
Course Description:
Career Information and Exploration is designed to address the knowledge, skills, and behaviors all students need to live, plan, and work successfully in today’s society. The focus of the course is the impact of today’s choices on tomorrow’s possibilities. The course includes: exploration of personal interests and goals; discussion of study skills and techniques to reach academic goals; study of career clusters; development of four-year career plans; and beginning the employment process through job searching, applications, resumes, interviews, employee evaluations, and job-survival skills. Emphasis will be placed on: decision making, problem solving, communication, leadership, and organizational skills.
The class format will include discussion, teamwork, lecture, demonstration, and guest speakers. All students are encouraged to participate in class and group discussions. Students will develop organizational skills by keeping a binder of course information. Students will keep a journal throughout the course to record impressions of personal interests and possibilities in the career search. Students will have the opportunity to identify and research particular careers in which they are interested. Topics discussed and skills learned in Career Information and Exploration will be helpful throughout each student’s educational and professional career.
The class environment will be professional, with opportunities to experience authentic job activities, such as interviews and evaluations. Students will be expected to act responsibly in conduct and quality of work. Since this class learns about professions and discusses professional behavior, points will be deducted from project for inappropriate behaviors.
Resources used in class will include: textbooks, job search handbooks, handouts, and the Internet.
Supplies needed for this class:
· 1-inch or larger three-ring binder
· Loose-leaf paper for journal.
· Pen or pencil
Classroom Expectations:
1. Be On Time. Be IN your assigned seat when the bell begins to ring.
2. Please have ALL materials (binder, pencil, books, etc.) and restroom breaks taken care of before coming to class.
3. Students are expected to keep their area clean.
4. Students are expected to abide by the Westfield High School student handbook rules.
5. Students are expected to follow the classroom policies and procedures.
6. Students are expected to sign a computer use contract.
7. Food and beverage are not allowed in the classroom.
1. Warning 4. Phone call to parents
2. Conference with student 5. Conference with parent
3. Detention 6. Visit to Dean
Class Procedures
Grading Scale:
B+ 87-89% C+ 77-79%
A 93-100% B 83-86% C 73-76% D 65-69%
A- 90-92% B- 80-82% C- 70-72% F 0-64%
The course grade will be based on the following:
1. Homework – Homework will be assigned periodically and collected.
2. Binder – Each student will be required to keep a binder – neatly organized – as an exercise in preparing for success. Students will also keep a journal recording what they learn about themselves and their career possibilities.
3. Presentations/Reports – Students will prepare and present reports to the class on various careers and the requirements for success in these careers.
4. Quizzes – Quizzes will be given that deal with the material covered in the previous days’ lessons, class activities, and reading assignments. These will be announced quizzes. Occasionally there will be unannounced quizzes.
5. Tests –A comprehensive final exam will be given at the end of the trimester. The grade on this exam will represent 20% of the final course grade.
6. Participation – All students should be prepared for class daily and ready to contribute by answering and asking questions.
Make-up Work:
All students will be able to make up any missed work during bonus periods and after/before school. It is the student’s responsibility to get missed assignments, notes, and handouts during an absence. A file will be available and updated with these materials each day. If a student is absent the day an assignment is due, he or she MUST turn it in the day he or she returns to class. It is also the student’s responsibility to make arrangements to make up missed quizzes and tests. Tests missed will be made up during one of the first three bonus periods following the student’s return to class; otherwise it will result in “0”---this is THE STUDENT’S responsibility. Any work not made up by specified deadlines will receive a zero.