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The Healing Place
Therapy & Counseling Services for Children, Adolescents, & Adults
Adult Intake Form
I.GENERAL INFORMATION Today’s Date: ______
Client Name: ______Gender: ☐M ☐F Date of Birth: ______
Ethnic/cultural background ______PrimaryLanguage: ______
Address: ______
Street City StateZip
Contact Phone: ______Contact Email: ______
Currently Employed? ☐Yes ☐No Current/Last Occupation: ______
Current Martial Status: ☐Married(for______) ☐Single ☐Separated ☐Divorced ☐Widowed
Married before?☐Yes ☐No # biological/adopted children ____ # step-children ____
What is the main reason you are requesting therapy services:III.FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS (Please identify all the people living in your home below)
Name /Sex
/ Age / Relationship to You(i.e. person is my son, partner, etc.) /
Please list any concerns or conflicts you have with this person
How would you describe your relationship with your children?How do you and the child(ren)’s other parent(s) get along?
What would you say are your strengths as a parent (what you do well)?
Weaknesses or areas you would like to improve?
Family of Origin
Your Mother’s Name: / Your Father’s Name:Her Date of Birth /Age: / His Date of Birth /Age:
Where does she live: / Where does he live:
Describe your relationship with her: / Describe your relationship with him:
Significant Others-Please identify major people NOT in your home that are significant in your life:
Name /Sex
/ Age / Relationship to You(i.e. person is my son, partner, etc.) /
Please list any concerns or conflicts you have with this person
Did you have any significant childhood illnesses?
If yes, explain: ______
Did you ever experience:
high fever severe fall head trauma loss of consciousness surgery If yes, # ____
Do you have any physical disabilities? Y N If yes, explain ______
Are you currently having any medical problems? Y N
If yes, explain: ______
Are you currently taking any medication(s)? Y N
If yes, names, dosage, purpose: ______
Highest grade completed _____ Did you like school? Y N
Why/Why not?______
What subjects were you good at? ______
Which subjects were difficult?______
Did you have any learning difficulties? Y N
If yes, explain ______
Did you fail any grades? Y N If yes, which ones? ______
What grade(s) did you get most often? A B C D F
Did you ever skip school? Y N If yes, explain______
Were you ever suspended or expelled from school? Y N
Were you ever involved in extracurricular activities? Y N If yes, what?______
How many friends did you have in childhood? Many Few None
Current # of friends? Many Few None
Did you ever run away from home? Y N
If yes, when and why? ______
What is your religious affiliation? ______
Is spirituality important to you? Y N
Do you attend religious services? regularlyonce in a while never
Do you consider yourself:HeterosexualHomosexualBisexual
How did you learn about sex? FriendsSchoolParents Other ______
Compared to kids your age, did you enter puberty:EarlyOn timeLate
How old were you when you first became sexually active? ______
Are you in a sexual relationship(s) now? Y N If yes, with whom? ______
Have you had any sexual problems in the past? Y N Are you having any now? Y N
Have you ever experienced what you would consider “abuse”? Y N
sexual physical emotional neglect
If yes, when and by whom? (Please share as much as your are comfortable disclosing at this time)Did any of the abuse involve animals? / Yes / No
Have you ever seen a psychiatrist before / Yes / No
If yes, please describe who, when, for what, and whether you are still seeing this person for services:
Have you ever seen a therapist/counselor before? / Yes / No
If yes, please describe who, when, for what, and whether you are still seeing this person for services:
Have you ever hurt yourself or attempted suicide? / Yes / No
If yes, please share the number of times, the circumstances of the attempt, and what medical/psychological treatment was received afterwards (if any):
Have you ever purposely hurt your body in any way? / Yes / No
If yes, please share the number of times, the circumstances of the self-harm, and what medical/psychological treatment was received afterwards (if any)
Are you currently having any thoughts of hurting yourself? / Yes / No
If yes, please describe:
Are you having any problems or concerns with sleep? / Yes / No
If yes, please describe:
Are you having any problems or concerns with eating? / Yes / No
If yes, please describe:
Have you ever intentionally hurt or abused animals? / Yes / No
If yes, please describe:
Have you ever witnessed animals being abused by anyone? / Yes / No
If yes, please describe:
Has anyone in your family ever been diagnosed with an emotional or psychological disorder? If yes, please explain: / Yes / No
On the scale below, please circle/bold how you have been feeling most days for the past two weeks:
Horrible OK Good Fantastic
Have you EVER used any of the following legal or illegal drugs?Substance / Yes / No / How old were you when you first used the substance? / Are you currently using this substance? / How often do you use this substance? / On average, how much do you use each time?
Have any of the above drugs ever been a problem for you? / Yes / No
If yes, please describe:
Have you ever tried to quit using any of the above? / Yes / No
If yes, please describe:
Have you ever participated in a drug or alcohol rehabilitation program? / Yes / No
If yes, please describe:
Have you ever participated in a drug or alcohol rehabilitation program? / Yes / No
If yes, please describe:
Does anyone in your family have a drug or alcohol problem? / Yes / No
If yes, please describe:
As an adolescent, did you ever have any trouble with the law? / Yes / NoIf yes, please describe:
Have you ever been arrested? / Yes / No
If yes, please describe:
Have you ever been to jail or prison? / Yes / No
If yes, please describe:
Are you currently on any kind of probation or parole? / Yes / No
If yes, please describe:
Have you experienced any of the following life events in the past few years?
/If yes, please explain when & how you feel about the event:
MarriageDeath of a Loved One
Car Accident
Move (#___)
Domestic Violence
Birth of a New Baby
Legal Problems
Is there anything else that was not asked that is important for me to know about you or that you would like me to be aware?
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. You may email the form back to me at or bring a completed copy with you to our next appointment.
This information is important for me to ensure that I provide the best services to you. I assure you that all your information will remain confidential as part of your record. As an adult only you or a legal guardian have access to the record upon request. Please note, that this record along with other documentation about services rendered may be subpoenaed by a court of law. If the record is subpoenaed you will be notified and informed of your rights. If you have any questions or concerns you may contact