Peace Lutheran Church Council Meeting--March 16, 2017
Call to order, 7 pm by President Pete Peterson.
Present: Diane Lechman, Linda Ferris, Norma Lundgren, Brandon Whittaker, Laureen Williams, Steve Swenson, Jen Demulling, Drew Ekstrom, Maria Gjovig, Michele Merritt, Pete Peterson, Pastor Alan Buresh (PAB), Pastor Melissa Carmack (PMC), Michelle Ward
Opening prayer
Presentation on Bold Generosity Campaign by Northwest Synod of WI
ID/Mission Statement read aloud
Treasurer’s Report--Question about Mission Outreach expenditure (line 208). Also question about Income & Expense Report line “Income - Unassigned.” MMSP to approve with questions.
Secretary’s Report--MMSP to approve as written.
Pastors’ Reports
PAB--Synod assembly registration coming up--1 male, 1 female. April 29 in Eau Claire.Need to do installation service for ministry teams. Selected March 26, both services. MMSP
PMC--busy season for youth!
Ministry Reports
Outreach--written report submitted. Jan Museus got Thrivent $$--yay! 20 spots reserved for youth @ FMSC event. PMC should talk to Diane Moser.
Parish Relations--did not meet. Bruce & Mary Swenson sent letter to Amery Regional Medical Center and referenced our parish nurse. Kudos to Karen!
Property--Painting done.Playground fundraiser ready to go.Will wait on fundraiser request for siding. Water issue will be proposed for budget next year. $20,000 has been given for video project. $6,200 received from memorial to use for sound. No further fundraising will be needed for that project! Light strips will need to be replaced little by little. Outside lights fixed. Lower bell chain snapped, needs to be fixed. Suggestion proposed for “thank you” to property committee members sharing their special talents. Agenda item for council retreat: some sort of finance committee with regards to certain people getting hit continuously for bigger campaigns. MMSP to approve campaign to raise funds for playground equipment.
Worship--3-4 responses on request for special music.Silent auction basket coming from Trollhaugen.Discussing church picnic. “Fair” (games, food, treats, etc.) might be fun. Lots of great ideas.More discussion to come.Wondering about how to get video of services to live stream and/or record for elderly/snowbirds/etc. Could have YouTube page? New sound system will have capability to video record or stream. For right now, it would be possible to just capture sermons on a phone, post to YouTube, and show videos on a laptop or something. Welcome Center moved! Someone practicing organ, possibly do duets/special music occasionally.
Life & Growth--will be meeting on Sunday re: spring upcoming events
Education--printed minutes submitted. Family Lent event went well. Good turnout, especially dads! 3 year olds will join pre-K class after Easter with parent help. Children’s Sunday will be April 30. No Good Friday event this year. Pastor Alan joining Wed. morning Bible study.Women’s retreat a success.Looking into men’s retreat. Confirmation Sunday is May 7, reception hosted by 7th grade families.
Stewardship--lots of work on capital campaign (see new business)
Youth--RiverBucks update, Palm Sunday Breakfast & Spaghetti Dinner plans gearing up. Basket donations can be placed in empty office (Sonja’s old). Possibility of partnering with First Lutheran Taylors Falls’ maple syrup ministry discussed. Parent’s Night Out this Friday. Color Run fundraiser to be planned for rally day in Sept. Hoping Rally Day will be moved a week later than Wheels & Wings again next year. Summer Stretch plans in the works. Discussed possibility of having students start a fundraising “account” earlier (6th grade?) to work fundraisers and stash away money for high school trips OR camps, church outings, etc. This would provide more opportunities to have the more expensive trips covered over more time.
- Capital Campaign--goal of $250,000, encouraged by end of 2017. Will send letter of explanation and commitment card to congregation members. Mid-May serivceto submit commitment cards. Results can be budgeted to show reduction in either mortgage payment amount or term of loan. May have strong opinions from either side, agreeing or disagreeing with efforts to raise these funds. Would be helpful to offer visual picture of what raising goal $$ would do for payments or term. Ok to ask people directly if they are interested in giving for this purpose *Pastor feels that this campaign should be tended to before Synod request (presentation at beginning of meeting). Council would like to preview letter that will go out before sending. Will be ready for next meeting, at which time we can move and approve/disapprove.
- Ministry members--need to be official members of congregation? Council does not see issue with this,
with understanding that non-members would not chair ministry teams, to be a part of council.
- Council retreat time changed to May 6, 1-8 pm
- Big box TV--try to get rid of through posting in April Tidings, then try Polk County Garage Sale FB page.
- Transportation committee--no meeting yet. Question about whether to use “transportation” funds to
cover cost of vans being rented for summer youth trip. Consensus agreed no--that $$ was given for
the purpose of a new bus.
Adjourned at 9:30
Lord’s Prayer
April communion helpers: 8:30 Maria Gjovig, 10:45 Michelle Ward
Maundy Thursday--Drew Ekstrom & Norma Lundgren
Easter Sunday: **need 2 each for 8:30--Maria & Pete
10:45 services--Michele M.
Next meeting: April 20, 7:00 pm.