Article I - Name, Function, and Aims
Section 1. The organization described herein shall be known as the Freshmen Executive Board.
Section 2. The purpose of this organization shall be to function as governing body of the Freshman Class at Bixby High School.
Section 3. The organization will seek to:
a. create enthusiasm and encourage participation in Freshman Class activities.
b. promote a sense of pride among Freshman Class members.
c. provide the leadership necessary to carry out the traditional Freshman Class activities.
d. develop special activities involving students and faculty.
Article II - Election of General Membership
Section 1. The Freshman Executive Board shall be composed of thirty members elected at large by their fellow classmates.
Section 2. To be eligible for election candidates must:
a. have and maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 (honors credits may not be used in determining the G.P.A.)
b. complete the petition process by the deadlines announced
Section 3. Students under disciplinary action at the time of the election shall not be
eligible to campaign or hold a position on board.
Section 4. Election of general members shall be conducted during September of the candidates’ Freshman year.
Section 5. The 30 students receiving the most votes or the most natural break in the
count after 30 shall be announced as board members.
Article III - Election of Officers
Section 1. The Freshman Class Officers shall be the president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. And Student Council Representative
Section 2. To be eligible for election, officer candidates must:
a. be elected to the Freshman Executive Board.
b. have and maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (honors credits may not be used in determining the G.P.A.)
c. follow campaign rules announced at the candidacy meetings.
Section 3. Students under disciplinary action at the time of the election shall not be eligible to campaign or hole a position as the officer.
Section 4. Election of officers shall be conducted during September of the candidates’ Freshman Year.
Section 5 The student receiving the most votes for each office will be declared the
Article IV - Duty Descriptions
Section 1. The president sell preside at all board meetings except those delegated
to the vice-president subject to the sponsor’s approval in advance.
Section 2. The secretary shall maintain all written records of meetings, attendance,
and so forth and shall keep these records in the sponsor’s classroom at
all times.
Section 3. The treasurer shall assist the class sponsor in all financial receipts and expenditures and shall report these to the proper sources.
Section 4 The Student Council Representative shall be an active member in Student Council and serve as liaison between the freshman class and StuCo.
Section 4. All officers and members shall sell a designated number of items in the class fund raising project. If the quota is not met, an absence will be accrued and applied in accordance with Article VI, Section 1.
Article V - Meetings
Section 1. Meeting days/times will be set by the executive board and are subject to change.
Section 2. Special meetings, either for the board or the committees, shall be called upon approval of the sponsor. Such meetings are required meetings and will be announced in the school bulletin. Officers and members are responsible for reading the school bulletin each day.
Section 3. All meetings shall be held under the supervision of the sponsor or principal.
Article VI - Attendance Regulations
Section 1. Members shall be allowed to miss no more than three meetings. This includes both general and special meetings.
Section 2. Missing more than 10 minutes of a meeting will constitute an absence.
Section 3. When a member is absent he or she is responsible for presenting an admit to the sponsor in the same way that he or she would to a classroom teacher. If the member’s name is on the call sheet, the sponsor will use that as notification.
Section 4. Upon the fourth absence members shall forfeit his or her position on the board. Members will receive written notification of removal.
Section 5. Vacated positions for general board members will be filled by the person receiving the next highest number of votes in the initial election.
Section 6. Should the need arise to replace an officer, the sponsor and principal shall appoint a replacement from among the general board members based upon board recommendation. Board members will ratify or reject the appointment at next meeting.
Article VII - Supervision and Bylaws
Section 1. The activities of the Freshman Executive Board shall be subject to the approval of the principal.
Section 2. Upon approval of the principal, bylaws may be added to this constitution to amplify or further enhance the information herein.